Group 7-day waking average?

Oh dear...afraid that champagne from last night has caught up with me...9.2 this morning...and a slight's off my approved list...😳😳😳
I wouldn't have thought the champagne would raise your figures. Alcohol lowers mine.
Bore da pawb ...a not unexpected 12.3 this morning - I had a late 'chippy tea' last night (it was lovely :D) and, seeing as I get rubbish results when I eat like a bird, I thought I might as well have rubbish results when I eat what I'm not supposed to. Back to normality today - eat few carbs but watch my sugars rise anyway :(
Morning all, 8.4 for me today. Off to have blood removed soon, it's HbA1c time again.
I wouldn't have thought the champagne would raise your figures. Alcohol lowers mine.
Its off my approved list for now...may try the G & T when feeling braver...
Alcohol lowers mine overnight, but white wine or champagne raises it initially, because it's generally got more carb content than red.(unless you're drinking a very dry champers)
It was a very dry one...however...not sure the 3rd glass helped Robin🙄🙄🙄
A 6.6 for me. A tot of medicinal brandy before bed may have helped 🙂 Certainly didn't help the cramp though

Hope your Hb result is good Stitch.
Good morning, I'll join you on the 5.7 step please Northerner 🙂. That seems a nice place to be after my Himalayan blood sugar results for the past 2 weeks.
I've put a nice comfy cushion on the step for you 🙂 Let's hope it's a 'change of seasons' thing and you are now settled 🙂
Good morning 🙂 and 6.5 after a night shift. Pleased with that and now off to bed 🙂
Oh dear...afraid that champagne from last night has caught up with me...9.2 this morning...and a slight's off my approved list...😳😳😳

Isn't champagne full of sugar?
I did a combo of almond flour & crushed nuts. Unfortunately l burnt it, but it would've nice l think.
Sounds yummy for a crumble Mark , definitely going to try that . ( You may find a reply further on also ! When I wrote it the box was under yours but when I posted it it ended up quite a few boxes further on ! I'll get used to this soon )
Morning...a disappointing 8.9 this morning...
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.9 today.