Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb ...after all these sixes I see, I have an embarrassing 8.7 this morning 😳 (I ate like a bird yesterday and still my levels went no lower than 9.6! I no unnerstan...:()
Morning all, a better number than yesterday, 8.6 for me today.
5.3 this morning
A better 6.6 for me this morning. Hope I'm on the downward trend now. I tried a good walk to bring it down and ended up with severe tachycardia due to the chest infection which the doc didn't think was a good idea :(
That's a good result Amigo though not a very good way of achieving it 😱
Sometimes it's hard to do right for doing wrong!
Oh the long walk was Saturday Linda but probably not a good idea with impaired lung capacity!
Note to self: sometimes high levels are inevitable when you're sick and dashing about like a mad woman won't help! 🙄

Glad your efforts are paying off. Well done! 🙂
Hi New-journey , I have made a gluten free sugar free crumble with rice flour and Stevia sugar non-sugar ! Hubby had custard but I had natural yoghurt , you can have crème fresh if you want it a bit sweeter . (Can't remember how to spell the "fresh" bit !) Don't forget to sweeten the fruit with stevia as well . Sorted ! 5.8 for me this morn 🙂
Delicious! Thanks and going to try that. I thought I could also add almond flour.
Happy Friday! 6 for me this morning.
Oh dear...afraid that champagne from last night has caught up with me...9.2 this morning...and a slight's off my approved list...😳😳😳
Good morning, a most unexpected 8.9 today
Morning. 6.3 this morning. Happy with that as went to bed on 11.9
Ooo almond flour , that's an idea New-journey I think I'll give that a try as well , thanks for that 🙂
I did a combo of almond flour & crushed nuts. Unfortunately l burnt it, but it would've nice l think.