• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Forgive me for I have sinned

Lol,. Alison, sometimes I think we were seperated at birth!! :D

Went out for a meal with family and had steak and kidney pud with peas and carotts and for pud ice cream (vanilla)
Good educated guess then :cool: hehe.

So... It looks like we all sin every day. Good work guys :D
We all sin everyday do we?? Well if I don't today I'll make sure I make up for it tomorrow doubley so!!:p

Me ma popped round at the weekend and left a whole cake:eek::eek: hope wifey hasn't hidden it:p
Im so glad to see so much sinning! Makes me feel normal! Tonight is quick dinner night cos I get in from work, eat & run out the door to go climbing. So I will be having...

Half a large Pizza Express salami & caramalised onion pizza. MMMMMmmmmmmm
d'oh I was doing so well!:(

Went in bottom draw at work! Thats where the large box of jelly buggars is! Mouthfull about a dozen:eek: !! But at least this time I injected phew!!
would i be bad for melting cheese over a cottage pie
Forgive me for sinning tonight.....

Got in from walking home from W and felt like s..t BG 3.6 so guess who demolished a whole packet of butter shortbread biscuits...? :eek:

No din dins tonight.
lol a tiny amount goes a long way it was delish :p

Hope you don't think I'm being patronising, but do you know the ol trick of grating your cheese on the tiny holes on your grater? It looks like you've got MASSES, from just a small chunk and definitely goes further..........

This one should really be "forgive me for I'M ABOUT TO sin" ;

Off to the cinema tonight and going for Pizza Hut carb fest before hand. Going to try the 2 courses for ?4 deal (Mon-Fri, 2-6pm) thats being advertised on TV

Starter: Potato Wedges OR Garlic Bread
Main: Individual Pizza

And you can add a mini cheescake dessert for an extra ?1, but it's a tough choice between the mini cheescake or either ice cream or butterkist toffee popcorn at the cinema.

Hope I've got my best carb guessing head on ;)

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This one should really be "forgive me for I'M ABOUT TO sin" ;

Off to the cinema tonight and going for Pizza Hut carb fest before hand. Going to try the 2 courses for ?4 deal (Mon-Fri, 12-6pm) thats being advertised on TV

Starter: Potato Wedges OR Garlic Bread
Main: Any individual Pizza (I always have Meat Feast)

And you can add a mini cheescake dessert for an extra ?1, but it's a tough choice between the mini cheescake or either ice cream or butterkist toffee popcorn at the cinema.

Hope I've got my best carb guessing head on ;)



Mobile chippy pops into village tonight, do I go for small or large portions????
Big portions every time Rossi ;)

Quite pleased with my splurge last night.

BG before Pizza Hut was 7.1. Shared Potato Wedges and Garlic bread with my wife, then had my individual pizza (and one slice of my wife's). Guessed at 8 CP (80g carbs) for the lot.

Went to cinema and had a large bag of Butterkist Toffee popcorn and estimated 6 CP (60g) for the bag (couldn't see the nutrition info in the dark cinema).

Tested my BG before bed, 5 hours after eating and I was 8.7.

MMMM niVZ sounds delicious , hope you had a good night and didnt leave a single crumb lol
I'm having a chunk of apple pie and ice cream. Am I sorry?
Well, I caved and, following my HbA1c test on Wednesday I thought well, I've had the test now, I can be a bit naughty, so over the last couple of days I've had a couple of yummy things that have been taboo for the last 3 months (mostly as i've got a lot of weight to shift, as well as bringing down my BG levels). Result?? I've put on a pound this week. Ooops. :eek: Back to normal from today, then !!

Hope you all enjoy your sinning !! :D

Hope you enjoyed it Helen

Oooh yes today for lunch I had a cheese burger and chips from a fast food van that comes with the market on a friday!! Well as I missed the chip van on wednesday I thought I should!!:p