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Forgive me for I have sinned

Yes, forgive me because, I also...will be a sinner today!

Madras Curry, with Nanny bread and Bombay potatoes!...followed by Ice cream :)

God help my sugars but I am just feeling so down I need a pick me up, and, a cheer me up big time!!...Curry hits the spot every time!
forgive me for i have sinned hubby took me to kfc
for a boneless chicken family bucket {with the kids } i will not be saying hail marys as i know i will suffer later on lol
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forgive me for i have sinned hubby took me to kfc
for a boneless family bucket {with the kids } i will not be saying hail marys as i know i will suffer later on lol

They do special meals for boneless families? :eek:;)
Awww, I'm SOOOO jealous!!

Unfortunately I have a (big!!) weight problem as well as a blood sugar level problem, so I don't break out of my (tight fitting) halo nearly as often as I'd like!!

I hope you all enjoyed every last mouthful !! :p

Awww, I'm SOOOO jealous!!

Unfortunately I have a (big!!) weight problem as well as a blood sugar level problem, so I don't break out of my (tight fitting) halo nearly as often as I'd like!!

I hope you all enjoyed every last mouthful !! :p


its been ages since i have had fast food i have been keeping asda salad dep going over the last 7 months but on the plus side i have gone down from a size 18 to a size 12
Mea culpa, mea culpa maxima. Father forgive all my sins as today my diet on that wonderful thing the morning after has consisted solely of bacon sandwiches due to severe laziness. That said, one of my flat mates is cooking for the lot of us this evening so this should be good.

its been ages since i have had fast food i have been keeping asda salad dep going over the last 7 months but on the plus side i have gone down from a size 18 to a size 12

That's bl***y BRILLIANT !!! I bet you look amazing!! After months of salad you certainly deserve a KFC at the very least!!

Praps I'll be able to treat myself to one in about 4 years' time, lol.

I'm half sinning tonight but does it really count as i'm counteracting the sin? I'm having vegetable soup for dinner (on a saturday!!) and then having homemade waffles for pudding :)
Forgive me father for i have sinned (and will sin again)

today at work I had a chocolate digistive bar with my lunch and when i got home i had beer. Curry is for dinner followed by more beer.

*63271836218 hail mary's*
Chinese stir-fry tonight with lots of veg...

Followed by a bowl of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.

Mea maxima culpa.:eek:
I'm a recovering catholic, working my way through the 12 step programme.;)
I'm a recovering catholic, working my way through the 12 step programme.;)

Haha fair enough ;)

I'm Buddhist. Kinda.

Lucky you, at least you can drink. The damn quack gave me antibiotics which means that I can't drink. Bugger.

Oh you poor thing. Once I thought I'd try drinking on antibiotics to see what all the fuss was about. Yeah... don't try it! Got very drunk and then very hungover :D
Is everyone here catholic? :D

The expression appears to come from the Sound Of Music where the nuns disable the German's cars so the Von Trapps can escape to Switzerland. They hold up the bits of engine they stole to the mother superior and say... Forgive Me.....
The expression appears to come from the Sound Of Music where the nuns disable the German's cars so the Von Trapps can escape to Switzerland. They hold up the bits of engine they stole to the mother superior and say... Forgive Me.....

hehe, ive never seen the whole of that film ;)

It was more the use of the words "Mea maxima culpa". Which I hadn't heard before, but sound very catholic. And the hail marys!
Lol, mea culpa is a Latin phrase, meaning 'my own fault' or similar. It used to be part of a prayer in the Catholic mass, when it used to be all in Latin. These days the prayer, as is most of the rest of the mass, is in English.

So you're correct!

Back in the dark ages of the last century, catholics did their thing in Latin. When you confessed, you said 'mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa' which loosely translates as 'my fault, my fault, my great fault'.

You'd start out by saying 'pater, ignosce mihi, peccavi'*, 'forgive me father for I have sinned'.

*I think, it's been a long time.