• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Forgive me for I have sinned

I had take-away for tea too .... I'm not sure if its classed as sinning though.... I had a Tuna Salad and Garlic Mushrooms as a side order (no coating)
After a whole month of being very good and not even looking at chocolates or anything remotely naughty. Tonight I sat and ate 3 chocolates, was bought them by a friend she didnt know I was diabetic now, they tasted so good, I did give the rest of the box to the kids so I ownt be tempted again!!!
After a whole month of being very good and not even looking at chocolates or anything remotely naughty. Tonight I sat and ate 3 chocolates, was bought them by a friend she didnt know I was diabetic now, they tasted so good, I did give the rest of the box to the kids so I ownt be tempted again!!!

Karen, you deserve a treat every now and then!:) Good idea to give the rest of the box away though, sometimes it can be hard to know when to stop!:D
i had my indian takeaway with a mate checked my bs i was 8.3 thats better then im :confused::confused:behaving
Karen T - I reckon that one of the bonuses of not telling everyone about having diabetes is the offers / gifts of the same food as everyone else eats - in moderation! I know it's easier for me as a type 1 to adjust my insulin to cover chocolate (not a whole box or large bar at once), flapjacks, cake etc, but random gifts of food between friends / colleagues is an important part of my life - our current issue is finding enough people to give garden-grown courgettes to, but pears from a colleague's garden gives an excellent swap opportunity, although I'm not sure if courgettes are part of Nigerian cuisine, so she may need some cooking suggestions.
Hehe, I love this thread! But I'm now going to blame Rossi for rekindling my KFC cravings... A good old sin once in a while is definitely needed!! Not sure on the prok pies though guys...
Hehe, I love this thread! But I'm now going to blame Rossi for rekindling my KFC cravings... A good old sin once in a while is definitely needed!! Not sure on the prok pies though guys...

Huh! Oh well you're probably right! KFC is good though!! sinning is good for the sole !!:D
Today I have been bad!

on drive up to midlands munched on two boost duo's!
Lunch a couple of sarnies okay there
on drive back south a mars duo and a cheese burger from BK
Dinner fish & chips from mobile van! AND a pickled egg!!

I haven't eaten so much rubbish for an age, feel bloated, and levels have been all over the shop!

I promise to be better the morrow:D
A bit of strawberry shortbread.

Everyone can either say three Hail Marys and a How's Your Father... Or go and stand in the corner for ten minutes.
Today I have been bad!

on drive up to midlands munched on two boost duo's!
Lunch a couple of sarnies okay there
on drive back south a mars duo and a cheese burger from BK
Dinner fish & chips from mobile van! AND a pickled egg!!

I haven't eaten so much rubbish for an age, feel bloated, and levels have been all over the shop!

I promise to be better the morrow:D

forgive me i have sinned on cider vodka and wine tonight...but had in laws over so i am excused....:eek:
Chicken roast dinner with...well, a few too many roast potatoes! It was my hubby's birthday :)

2 hours post dinner...11.5! (I'm on no med tho so could be worse)
Steak Diane, and only up to 7.6! Yippee.
shepards pie with green beans 8.4 yipppeeee
Haha!! And I thought I was being naughty eating a tiny packet of Iced Gems out of a multi-pack that I took down for my grandchildren yesterday!! Those, and some oatcakes.

In the good ol days before diagnosis, I'd pack my bag for the drive with chocolate fingers, crisps, sweets.................. :rolleyes: :eek:

Forgive me for I WILL sin today.

I'm heading for a McDonalds to stoke up on carbs for a non-stop 6 hour drive to North Yorkshire....