• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Forgive me for I have sinned

Yes I did, thanks!! Doughnuts taste EVEN better when you've not had one for 3 months, lol. :p


Doughnuts!! I haven't had one for ages, mind you i never used to eat just 1!! Well maybe 1 dozen! I'd often leave a couple in the box for the following morning to have stale with a cuppa tea:D:D
I made a plum and peach pie today, had a slice with some Franks diabetic ice cream, it was really nice....I have a cartridge of Novorapid on standbye for when I check my BG later :D
I made a plum and peach pie today, had a slice with some Franks diabetic ice cream, it was really nice....I have a cartridge of Novorapid on standbye for when I check my BG later :D

Sounds lovely John! Hey, I just noticed that you've become a senior member - well done!:) Don#t normally comment on that, but you're probably our most senior member in terms of length of membership!
Thanks Northerner, yes, I think I am the longest serving member having joined at the opening in October 2008. Its taken me a long time to reach senior member status, but I've made it now :) I could say that I go for quality rather than quantity, but I wont because we both know thats not true..:D

One thing I will say is, that I am gratefull for this forum, I may be 70 years of age, but even I can still learn, and over the past 12 months I have learned so much from the fantastic member here including yourself with something as simple as injecting into the hip, never thought of it until you mentioned it, now use it every day.

I sinned tonight. 3 bits of KFC without the skin or chips. Stoopid person gave me regular Pepsi so I had to launch that in the bin. There was a huge queue and I didn't want to wait 20 minutes to complain.
I've sinned again.....

Large Baileys with ice.....

Think I'll borrow my friends dog and take him for a drag when I've sobered up to burn it off....
I sinned tonight. 3 bits of KFC without the skin or chips. Stoopid person gave me regular Pepsi so I had to launch that in the bin. There was a huge queue and I didn't want to wait 20 minutes to complain.

you should have skipped the queue and gone straight up to the counter with something like that :mad: GAH that company makes me so frikken mad! HOW HARD IS IT TO GET THE DRINKS RIGHT??? But saying that, the tubes may have been mixed up...it happens...trust me on that one :mad:
you should have skipped the queue and gone straight up to the counter with something like that :mad: GAH that company makes me so frikken mad! HOW HARD IS IT TO GET THE DRINKS RIGHT??? But saying that, the tubes may have been mixed up...it happens...trust me on that one :mad:

I'm lucky I had my diastix with me to prove it.

Regarding tubes why can't someone tie a label to the bottom of the tube so you can make sure it's the right stuff.

Anyway, I could tell the girl on the counter was new and there was a huge queue. I hate queue jumpers so wouldn't do it myself Sam.
I'm lucky I had my diastix with me to prove it.

Regarding tubes why can't someone tie a label to the bottom of the tube so you can make sure it's the right stuff.

Anyway, I could tell the girl on the counter was new and there was a huge queue. I hate queue jumpers so wouldn't do it myself Sam.

was there no manager about?

Unfortunately KFC are just crap with everything. When I had a young girl come to the counter and tell me her drink wasn't diet and she was diabetic, I was told by my manager to 'not worry about other people and just get on with the job' :eek:

Queue jumpers are annoying, but personally in such a situation I so would have done it :D but thats just me, give em a piece of me miiiiiiiiiiiind mwahahahaha
Urine testing stick. Great for confirming post mix syrup drinks are sugar free.

Dip one into some regular coke and they go dark, diet stuff the colour won't change.

oooooooh like ketostix??
Urine testing stick. Great for confirming post mix syrup drinks are sugar free.

Dip one into some regular coke and they go dark, diet stuff the colour won't change.

Oooh that's interesting......... Mind you, I can't STAND 'fat' coke, so I'd be able to tell from the first mouthful !!

Sam, what a great attitude your manager had, not giving a toss about a customer's health!! (although, tbh, we ARE talking KFC, lol, does health really come into it!! But why does it TASTE so damn good!! :p )

Sam, what a great attitude your manager had, not giving a toss about a customer's health!! (although, tbh, we ARE talking KFC, lol, does health really come into it!! But why does it TASTE so damn good!! :p )


i knooooooow. I was so angry with him. Though, this was idiot manager not nice manager. Ha, most employees at KFC don't give two hoots. But trust me...if you ever worked there you'd never ever want to eat the stuff again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the smell makes me wanna throw up!!!!!!!!!

And as for full fat coke. BLECH. Can taste the difference straight away. Vile stuff. I hate it at work if I'm low and thats the only thing on hand - well its always on hand being KFC. But still. I got laughed at when I almost threw the bloody stuff back up after having a hypo :(
I have sinned again...

Nutella on toast for breakfast. It was either that or sugar puffs.

oooooooh like ketostix??

Yep. I always carry them when out and about.

And as for full fat coke. BLECH. Can taste the difference straight away. Vile stuff. I hate it at work if I'm low and thats the only thing on hand - well its always on hand being KFC. But still. I got laughed at when I almost threw the bloody stuff back up after having a hypo :(

I had Pepsi Max as I prefer it to diet. Harder to spot the difference.
lol tez you serial sinner

I now actually cant stomach anything sugary how weird i had a mini donut from tesco took a bite and gave it to son was to sweet , oh well suppose thats good thing
Been feeling a little low this last quarter of today, Wifey just perked me right up (I'll keep it clean;)) She says we can have chips from the mobile chippy tomorrow!! Woooop Wooooo!:D:D Large portions it will be and maybe pie and sausage! I'll see what I fancy tomorrow.
Been feeling a little low this last quarter of today, Wifey just perked me right up (I'll keep it clean;)) She says we can have chips from the mobile chippy tomorrow!! Woooop Wooooo!:D:D Large portions it will be and maybe pie and sausage! I'll see what I fancy tomorrow.

I had fish and chips on the beach in aldeburgh last thursday and they were wonderful XXX no more tho till next time in suffolkXX