Forgive me for I have sinned

I've started nibbling on the Caramac bar I bought last week..........:D

I suppose I'll have to walk the longer way to W to burn it off....:eek:
ah well i am going to talk to the big guy upstairs later and repent all my sins for the week so far (not many but had a couple of drinks with the significant other last night and a couple of squars of chocolate to) lol
I've sinned again. Bacon, sausage, beans and toast for lunch.:eek:
As i had a real bad day yest i went and got myself a bar of dairy milk and never shared a bit
Fell off the wagon myself (again).

Trying to be good and lower my cholesterol but had Chipper supper on Firday and carb fest last night (deep pan pizza, half a garlic ciabatta and 2 Rolo Cookies for pudding mmm)

lol well my sunday started bad as i had a cooked breakfast (all grilled though) no black pudding but i did have grilledtomatoes as well :) it was a nice breakfast though lol
ah well i am going to talk to the big guy upstairs later and repent all my sins for the week so far (not many but had a couple of drinks with the significant other last night and a couple of squars of chocolate to) lol

its alright for you you got a direct line haven't you ???:D:D
lol well my sunday started bad as i had a cooked breakfast (all grilled though) no black pudding but i did have grilledtomatoes as well :) it was a nice breakfast though lol

That all sounds perfectly healthy to me!!

I've just had liver pate on two doorsteps of Tiger Bread (shouldn't have bought it, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist!!)

Must try harder - starting tomorrow :p

That all sounds perfectly healthy to me!!

I've just had liver pate on two doorsteps of Tiger Bread (shouldn't have bought it, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist!!)

Must try harder - starting tomorrow :p


may sound healthy but compared to my usual branflakes with skimmed milk it is possitivly the worst breakfast ever lol

its alright for you you got a direct line haven't you ???:D:D

lol well i kinda do, but for a long time i chose to ignore what the big guy was saying to me :)
I've started nibbling on the Caramac bar I bought last week
Tez every time I see you mention Carmacs I go all wobbly I want one now! I haven't had one for soooo long, do they still sell them?

lol well my sunday started bad as i had a cooked breakfast (all grilled though) no black pudding but i did have grilledtomatoes as well :) it was a nice breakfast though lol

Minster, next time make sure you have the black pudding thats the best part! well okay it's all good!

I want to sin right now in soo many ways!;)
Just had soup for dinner:confused:but fancy chinese takeaway and loads of beer and maybe some chocolate CAKE.
I've started nibbling on the Caramac bar I bought last week
Tez every time I see you mention Carmacs I go all wobbly I want one now! I haven't had one for soooo long, do they still sell them?

Minster, next time make sure you have the black pudding thats the best part! well okay it's all good!

I want to sin right now in soo many ways!;)
Just had soup for dinner:confused:but fancy chinese takeaway and loads of beer and maybe some chocolate CAKE.

lol i will do. and i did have a bit of as lapse at tea to. i had a big roast with lots of tatties and yorkshire puds mmmmmmmmm and i had some wine. now im having a couple of squares of galaxy cookies chocolate and a couple of beers lol

will defo have to repent to the big guy upstairs later hehehe
I'm having a ginormous hot chocolate... OK, it's Options, but's still hot choc.
Having a fed up day. I have eaten 1 croissant, apple blackberry crumble with custard & 2 cereal bars in addition to normal museli and roll.

I now feel a bit sick.

Why do I comfort eat, when I rationally know it makes me feel worse and v guilty too??
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ive just had 2 pieces of fruit and nut

I stupidly ate half a bag of pecans last night, and felt well rough this morning!! Won't be making that mistake again!!

Rossi, if you want a Caramac bar PM me an address (eg W) and I'll post you one...:D

Which reminds me I need to sniff the remains of the one in the fridge...:eek:
Oh dear. Little bother's just come back from the chippie with scampi and chips. But then I haven't ett much else today, so I'm gonna sin.