Forgive me for I have sinned

Sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit down - but I'm sure the promise of a large portion of CHIPS would perk me up too !! :D Sadly, THAT won't be happening, lol. Hope it does the trick for you.

I'm sitting here with two choices, a small slice of banoffee pie and a small punnet of brambles. Which one do you suppose I'm likely to tackle first?
I'm sitting here with two choices, a small slice of banoffee pie and a small punnet of brambles. Which one do you suppose I'm likely to tackle first?

well i doubt it ends in brambles
well i doubt it ends in brambles

Actually it does end in brambles, but it starts with the pie.:D Get thee behind me Santa.
I just ate half a double decker!! :eek:

I feel a bit sick now but it seemed a good idea at the time! I am so weak:eek:
I have just swigged my free sample miniature bottle of Baileys Coffee flavour. It's been staring at me all day, but as I was working this evening it had to wait til I got home; it was open practically before I had me coat off!!


That is NOT a sin Helen Ive had 3 wisky and cokes !! gonna have some carbs before bed aswell...Dawn P and all that!
I sinned with a rum and diet coke. And a full fat yoghurt.:D

Helen, I'm glad you enjoyed the baileys. I've got 2 bottles in the cupboard....:eek:
wot is it about baileys???? sloe gin for me
I've got the munchies, I'm off to see what's in the cupboards that I can sin with. Fortunately, this is Inverness, I can't just wander out at this time of night and buy chocolate.
oh ive been baaaaaaaaad today. I had a mars bar and a whispa...and wondered why my sugars were at 17 after lunch hahahaha. Nevermind. It'd friday and I think I deserved a treat!!!! I still have a mint aero left, gunna save that as a treat for when I hit 30k on nanowrimo...hopefully by sunday if i can get my backside in gear!
oh ive been baaaaaaaaad today. I had a mars bar and a whispa...and wondered why my sugars were at 17 after lunch hahahaha. Nevermind. It'd friday and I think I deserved a treat!!!! I still have a mint aero left, gunna save that as a treat for when I hit 30k on nanowrimo...hopefully by sunday if i can get my backside in gear!

Really shouldnt have read this thread . . . so hungry!!!!!!! You naughty lot! :D
im drinking sherry. think that must be really bad on the levels??
I think i will have some "cheer up" ice cream tonight as im off the booze.

Had some fish lasagne for tea (food parcel from the one-day-maybe-mum-in-law) and the old prawn allergy reared its ugly head again :(

Thought it had gone away . . my face hurts . . :(
eek prawn allergy, sounds bad!

how come you are off the booze? is this part of your plan to get your levels right?
eek prawn allergy, sounds bad!

how come you are off the booze? is this part of your plan to get your levels right?

Yep - gonna have 2 straight weeks and see what actually happens to my levels naturally over the weekend without the alcohol influence!

Bit of a wake up call last weekend as i "forgot" to bolus after dinner and spent the entire night at 18-19 :eek:. Apparently i also forgot how to walk down the road without singing loudly acoording to brad so all in all not a completely bad night!! :D

(prawns + me = mutant swollen face!!)
oopsie! ive been at the 20 mark a few times the morning alcohol - not good. In the past ive hardly checked my levels when drunk aswell. But recently ive started checking and giving a bit of insulin so havent been so bad by bedtime. Should probably just not get too drunk, but that isn't going to happen quite yet!

Hope you manage to sort your levels out. Mine have been really bad since I got a cold last week and havent done any exercise. Must get back on the wagon by monday!

Hope you face feels better soon too :D