Food ideas with photos

Not the best place for this post (I didn't cook anything) but proof that not all carbs are created equal....

skipped out on breakfast this morning because of an appointment where i needed to fast before being seen. popped in to asda on my way there and accidently picked up a gluten free sandwich (it wasnt very nice).

but 2 hours after these 27 g of carbs i had a reading of 5.5,
2 hours after 15g of carbs when i have 1 slice of normal bread (no added sugar) im closer to 7.

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Not the best place for this post (I didn't cook anything) but proof that not all carbs are created equal....

skipped out on breakfast this morning because of an appointment where i needed to fast before being seen. popped in to asda on my way there and accidently picked up a gluten free sandwich (it wasnt very nice).

but 2 hours after these 27 g of carbs i had a reading of 5.5,
2 hours after 15g of carbs when i have 1 slice of normal bread (no added sugar) im closer to 7.

View attachment 22066View attachment 22068
If you look at the ingredients there are a lot of things which are metabolised more slowly than wheat flour that is in normal bread. So glucose levels would be more even.
If you look at the ingredients there are a lot of things which are metabolised more slowly than wheat flour that is in normal bread. So glucose levels would be more even.
totally. just a shame it didnt taste as good what i thought i picked up. usually avoid pre-pack sandwiches but its good to know i have options on days i dont have a pack lunch when im working away from home.
Not the best place for this post (I didn't cook anything) but proof that not all carbs are created equal....

skipped out on breakfast this morning because of an appointment where i needed to fast before being seen. popped in to asda on my way there and accidently picked up a gluten free sandwich (it wasnt very nice).

but 2 hours after these 27 g of carbs i had a reading of 5.5,
2 hours after 15g of carbs when i have 1 slice of normal bread (no added sugar) im closer to 7.

View attachment 22066View attachment 22068

I bet you're happy with either number 🙂
Not so much home cooked tonight... fish steak in butter sauce with root vegetable fries and wilted spinach
Yet another Greek salad for me minus the olives and with celary ( homegrown tomatoes ) was delicious too
It is very rewarding when most of your meal ingredients are homegrown. Tonight tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, chilli, courgette, cabbage, onions, blackberries and raspberries all homegrown.
Can someone help me please, I am eating out on Thursday for my daughters graduation, she has chosen to eat at ASK and I have looked at the menu and cant see anything I can eat, any help appreciated as this is making me anxious looking at the menu and seeing a long list of pasta dishes or pizza. I dont like fish or prawns and everything else looks high calorie, high fat and full of carbs but i dont want to show my anxiety to my daughter on her special day. The menu below if you can help me make a sensible choice (location to see the menu is Chichester)


what is your actual dietary needs? are you low carb, or low fat, or low cal, or all / a mix?
apart from seafood is there anything else you dont eat?
how often do you have treats, takeaways or go out for a meal/special occasion - i bet it isnt very often

menus like this make me wish i did eat meat because the other options are all cheese and i'm low dairy being lactose intolerant.

my choices would be:
other things could have but wont because i'll get sick: BURRATA CAPRESE

** the mushrooms will have breadcrumbs in them but its unlikely it will be very heavy with carbs.

or skip the starters?

mains: pizza or pasta, ive been good for so long, havent eaten out in a couple of months, i dont have takeaway. id get a classic pizza or pasta i dont know which depends on when i get there.

from the speciality section:
(i cant eat this but POLLO PROSCIUTTO)
(i also cant eat this but POLLO MILANESE) -- ask for a side salad or more veg instead of the potatoes?

Salads: all 3 of them sound nice. the chicken one is probably lowest carbs but i dont eat chicken. the goats cheese one also sounds ok but too much cheese makes me sick.
what is your actual dietary needs? are you low carb, or low fat, or low cal, or all / a mix?
apart from seafood is there anything else you dont eat?
how often do you have treats, takeaways or go out for a meal/special occasion - i bet it isnt very often

menus like this make me wish i did eat meat because the other options are all cheese and i'm low dairy being lactose intolerant.

my choices would be:
other things could have but wont because i'll get sick: BURRATA CAPRESE

** the mushrooms will have breadcrumbs in them but its unlikely it will be very heavy with carbs.

or skip the starters?

mains: pizza or pasta, ive been good for so long, havent eaten out in a couple of months, i dont have takeaway. id get a classic pizza or pasta i dont know which depends on when i get there.

from the speciality section:
(i cant eat this but POLLO PROSCIUTTO)
(i also cant eat this but POLLO MILANESE) -- ask for a side salad or more veg instead of the potatoes?

Salads: all 3 of them sound nice. the chicken one is probably lowest carbs but i dont eat chicken. the goats cheese one also sounds ok but too much cheese makes me sick.
Ok so I am sticking to under 100g carbs and 1200 calories a day so depending on this meal I can eat any (if there are any) remaining carbs and calories in my other meals. They all look at least 500 cals and carb heavy with minimal veg which is the opposite to how I am trying to eat. I know it wont hurt for one day but I know how bad habits start with me, one day becomes another day and then before you know it I am having pizza and chips most evenings (actually I am exaggerating but I have my next blood test in a couple of weeks and dont want this meal to mess my hard work up) I also have high cholesterol, I was wondering if I take some Orlistat before eating that would help.
what is your actual dietary needs? are you low carb, or low fat, or low cal, or all / a mix?
apart from seafood is there anything else you dont eat?
how often do you have treats, takeaways or go out for a meal/special occasion - i bet it isnt very often

menus like this make me wish i did eat meat because the other options are all cheese and i'm low dairy being lactose intolerant.

my choices would be:
other things could have but wont because i'll get sick: BURRATA CAPRESE

** the mushrooms will have breadcrumbs in them but its unlikely it will be very heavy with carbs.

or skip the starters?

mains: pizza or pasta, ive been good for so long, havent eaten out in a couple of months, i dont have takeaway. id get a classic pizza or pasta i dont know which depends on when i get there.

from the speciality section:
(i cant eat this but POLLO PROSCIUTTO)
(i also cant eat this but POLLO MILANESE) -- ask for a side salad or more veg instead of the potatoes?

Salads: all 3 of them sound nice. the chicken one is probably lowest carbs but i dont eat chicken. the goats cheese one also sounds ok but too much cheese makes me sick.
Its funny but your comments mirror mine as I went through the menu. I am not really a fan of pizza as even before the diabetes I didnt really opt for it as a treat. My favourite on the menu is lasagne, I am not a fan of anything from the sea, so calamari is out too. I think I will go for chicken salad to be honest.
Its funny but your comments mirror mine as I went through the menu. I am not really a fan of pizza as even before the diabetes I didnt really opt for it as a treat. My favourite on the menu is lasagne, I am not a fan of anything from the sea, so calamari is out too. I think I will go for chicken salad to be honest.
If you look at the gluten free section of the menu, they say the pasta dishes can be made with gluten free pasta which is likely to be very low carb as I use edamame bean or black bean pasta which is gluten free and low carb.
Its funny but your comments mirror mine as I went through the menu. I am not really a fan of pizza as even before the diabetes I didnt really opt for it as a treat. My favourite on the menu is lasagne, I am not a fan of anything from the sea, so calamari is out too. I think I will go for chicken salad to be honest.

I'd take any of the salads.
They're a good main, will be more sociable, but I would ask them to leave off the sweet mustard dressing, less carbs, and less calories, if I had anything when I was dieting I'd just have a plain vinaigrette, or just plain.
If you look at the gluten free section of the menu, they say the pasta dishes can be made with gluten free pasta which is likely to be very low carb as I use edamame bean or black bean pasta which is gluten free and low carb.

Most commericial gluten free is rice flour. Sometimes pea, maize, or potato flour, or a mix.
Much the same carbs and cal's as wheat pasta unfortunately.
Its funny but your comments mirror mine as I went through the menu. I am not really a fan of pizza as even before the diabetes I didnt really opt for it as a treat. My favourite on the menu is lasagne, I am not a fan of anything from the sea, so calamari is out too. I think I will go for chicken salad to be honest.
i was just thinking maybe also take another look at the POLLO PROSCIUTTO instead of the salad. no potatoes so less carbs than the chicken salad, its also less cals than the chicken salad and its got loads of kale and mushrooms.

it actually looks quite nice in the picture. lots of kale.
I am not really a fan of pizza as even before the diabetes
o_O pizza is the BEST food group. the lack pizza and pasta is one the saddest things about the last couple of months. im thinking of getting a massive veg pizza from the takeaway and freezing it that way i can have only one slice at a time over a few months instead of 3 or 4 or 8 slices.
If you go onto the ASK website you can access the full nutritional information for their entire menu.
Can someone help me please, I am eating out on Thursday for my daughters graduation, she has chosen to eat at ASK and I have looked at the menu and cant see anything I can eat, any help appreciated as this is making me anxious looking at the menu and seeing a long list of pasta dishes or pizza. I dont like fish or prawns and everything else looks high calorie, high fat and full of carbs but i dont want to show my anxiety to my daughter on her special day. The menu below if you can help me make a sensible choice (location to see the menu is Chichester)

Full nutritional information is at the bottom of the long allergens document - I looked through and wrote down the cals and carbs for the foods under 50g carbs as I wasn't sure what you were willing to go up to for a one off meal:

Italian Olives 272 cal 6.1g carb

Butterfly King Prawns 461 cal 14g carb

Insalata Di Pollo E Pancetta 586 cal 37g carb

Classic Pasta:
Spinach & Ricotta Girasole 716 cal 42g carb
Linguine con Fruitti Di Mare 475 cal 47g carb

Al Forno:
Lasagne 630 cal 44g carb

Speciality Mains:
Sea Bass Al Forno 544 cal 30g carb
Pollo Prosciutto 443 cal 4.7g carb

Rosemary Roast Potatoes 258 cal 27g carb
Zucchini Fritti with Garlic Mayo 365 cal 28g carb
Baby Gem Side Salad 52 cal 4.4g carb

Dips & Condiments all under 5g carbs (except tomato ketchup. Oils carb free)

Desserts - 1 scoop sorbet or gelato 52-91cal 11-14g carb - portion size on menu says 3 scoops so not sure if you can ask for just one or maybe share with someone if you want a dessert but not 3 scoops?
Oops just re-read nothing from sea, so wipe prawns and sea bass off the options

But if you wanted to have a dessert and have a second meal that day, the Pollo Prosciutto plus a Baby Gem Salad is only 9.1g carbs and 495 cals
Can someone help me please, I am eating out on Thursday for my daughters graduation, she has chosen to eat at ASK and I have looked at the menu and cant see anything I can eat, any help appreciated as this is making me anxious looking at the menu and seeing a long list of pasta dishes or pizza. I dont like fish or prawns and everything else looks high calorie, high fat and full of carbs but i dont want to show my anxiety to my daughter on her special day. The menu below if you can help me make a sensible choice (location to see the menu is Chichester)

Tricky one. I have to agree that Pollo Prosciutto with salad is your best bet for a main course. If it was me, I'd miss the pudding and go for Burrata Caprese (cheese, tomato, basil, rocket) as a starter at 386 cal. Or you can say that one meal in the overall plan is not going to make much difference and just enjoy the special occasion.