Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Only a bit over a mile for me today. We got rained on and madam went on strike, I had to carry her home. She hates rain and I'm still fighting the cold.
You can add another 5 miles at the weekend delivering church magazines and then another 2.5 mils cycled to work this morning.
I walked 3 miles today
Goodness, can you believe it? We are nearly in Aberdeen, having gone from Alness to Banff via Inverness and Nairn! 🙂 Total covered so far is 214.7 miles and just under 20 miles to Aberdeen!

Nairn High Street:
Well I didn't see that view on my run today!
3.5 miles Saturday, 5miles this morning.... so we must be back out in the countryside.
1 mile walk to work

Gym session - im sorry i dint manage to look at the distances 🙄 but heres times maybe there is a place on the internet where u can convert it, tho i suppose it depends what speed, intensity but here goes anyway 🙂

20 mins uphill treadmill
10 mins bike
20 mins X trainer

1 mile walk back home 🙂
Come on guys? This isn't a "Test Northerner's computational skills" test?! 😛

Or is it?? :D

I'm going to be a 'teacher's pet' and give him my information in straight miles ......

3 miles walk
6 miles rowing

Andy 'Me sir! Me sir!' H-B 🙂
1 mile cycling and 3 miles running.
I thought about doing a lot more. Can you convert my brain waves into miles?🙂
only done 1/2 mile a day for last 3 days as feeling yuk still :( still thats 1 1/2 miles 🙂
Goodness, with all the activity today I've not had time to catch up on the Challenge! Will get everyone up to date before long - keep up the efforts! 🙂 My knee is improving marginally each day, so might actually be able to make it further than the shops before too long! 🙄
I walked the dog for about 5 miles yesterday. I was knackered- she still had energy!!
Note to self: Get a pedometer!
7560 steps today, though I swear it was more. That was up to the graveyard in the common, wandering around there for an hour and a half, then back home - and then into town, around asda and back again. Not sure how many miles that works out as...
Sir!, Sir!

Another 3 miles walking today plus 6 miles rowing.

Also had to wring out one very damp tee shirt! 😱

Andy 'Do I get a gold star?' HB
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