Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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nice view in avemore at dusk ...can we stop here for a while northe ...great the virtual weather is so nice ...25 dgrees at 8.30pm barmy ....:D
nice view in avemore at dusk ...can we stop here for a while northe ...great the virtual weather is so nice ...25 dgrees at 8.30pm barmy ....:D

Did you mean barmy or balmy? And I assume that's 25 degrees farenheit?:D
1 mile cycling and 4 miles running.🙂
2.3 miles cycling, and
4.6 walking since my last post.
Looking forward to getting to Fort William - if I haven't missed it! 🙂
I walked about 4.5 miles yesterday.
Dont think I will get any walking done today, lots of appointments so I got a day saver bus ticket - need to get my moneys worth out of it.
I did another half hour on my exercise bike last night.
Another 2.5 miles today.
My OH is walking 50+ miles of the West Highland Way this week - Crianlarich to Fort William (Wednesday to Saturday). Last leg tomorrow, about 10 miles, any of this count? It should as it's been hard work! If not congrats are in order anyway!
My OH is walking 50+ miles of the West Highland Way this week - Crianlarich to Fort William (Wednesday to Saturday). Last leg tomorrow, about 10 miles, any of this count? It should as it's been hard work! If not congrats are in order anyway!

I don't see why not Ron - partners, carers and parents are all part of this forum 🙂 Many congratulations! :D
We must be half way up the Drumochter Pass by now, or are we following the West Highland Way?
We must be half way up the Drumochter Pass by now, or are we following the West Highland Way?

I've been dreading the moment someone was going to question whether I actually had a clue where we were going... 😱 😉
4 mile walk and 6 mile row today.

I recommend taking a right at the next T-junction.

Andy 🙂
well done Aymes.

2 mile nordic ski machine, getting ready for that snow I saw on the tele.
5.36 mile run(more rain)
Northe Im lost .......were we going west or east from aberdeen ? or was that last week ???:confused: only a mile this weekend im being lazy and hubby walks the dogs ...i have been dashing around cleaning car 😱 because we have some nasty sh**e Hawk that has been eating too much !!! and depositing on my car 😡 soz too much information
2.5 miles cycled to work this morning.
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