Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Sir!, Sir!

Another 3 miles walking today plus 6 miles rowing.

Also had to wring out one very damp tee shirt! 😱

Andy 'Do I get a gold star?' HB

Andy, you're teacher's favourite! 🙂 But don't let the others know! 😱
2.5 miles today, may be more later if it ever stops raining.
BTW. When we get to Land's End I reckon we should keep going... It won't take long at the rate we're covering the ground so perhaps we should carry on right round the globe... Although, I really don't fancy traipsing across the poles, too cold.
I walked 3 miles yesterday and did half hour on my exercise bike too x
I have cycled another 7.5 miles since Monday.
Dog and I managed another mile and a half.
BTW. When we get to Land's End I reckon we should keep going... It won't take long at the rate we're covering the ground so perhaps we should carry on right round the globe... Although, I really don't fancy traipsing across the poles, too cold.

I was thinking that we could pick somewhere exotic or historic - but not too cold! Any suggestions? Will have to get caught up on the distances in the morning, but we (well, you lot, I'm still moping around nursing my knee :() are doing really well! 🙂
At least 4 miles on golf course yesterday, followed by 2 mile dog walk!
I did 5000 odd steps yesterday - to town, around town and back. That has to be a couple of miles right?

Today I'm not doing anything however, so a big fat zero from me today 🙂

Soon as I have some money coming in I think the excersise will start coming more. I want to start swimming again
5.2 miles run in the pouring rain: typical , it's a bank holiday here.
1 mile dog walking (better than yesterday only 1/2 mile as feeling really crap ....but better today !) ...where are we heading for now Northe ??
2 miles-walking into town and back and 1 mile round the park.
Running around the house last night trying to catch a mouse the cat kindly brought in 😱 - does that count???
(Mouse caught alive and safely removed to garden, cat rushed off to find another one, I had to sit down for 5 minutes to recover :D )
2 miles-walking into town and back and 1 mile round the park.
Running around the house last night trying to catch a mouse the cat kindly brought in 😱 - does that count???
(Mouse caught alive and safely removed to garden, cat rushed off to find another one, I had to sit down for 5 minutes to recover :D )

Those mice can be tricky to catch! I'll add on 0.2 miles! 🙂
Well, you've all been doing extremely well! We have reached Aberdeen, and left it behind to head west to Aviemore, and then all the way across Scotland to Fort William! We have completed 333.7 miles so far, with around 44 miles remaining to get to Fort William:

Aberdeen, Union Street:


River Spey at Aviemore:


Fort William at dusk:


Keep up the good work! 🙂
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