Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Right, well, my poor little calculator has smoke coming out of it.

Add 170 miles since my last post on the 18th December please.

Andy 🙂
well done Alison and Andy........ I've just walked another 2.5 miles this afternoon .... not much but every little helps 😉
Well done Andy and Macast, 2.5 miles is still 2.5 miles, I couldn't walk that far :( Thats why I like my swimming 🙂
Mike and I went on a walk yesterday to our local bird nature reserve..... was very cold but I soon got warm with a good 5 mile walk😱 the most I've done in many years..... so there is an up-side to being diagnosed with diabetes 🙄 .... fitness:D
Another 11 milres running over the weekend, including my first 10k for a few months🙂

Another 11 milres running over the weekend, including my first 10k for a few months🙂


well done Richard 🙂

another 4 miles for me since my last post :D

have we crossed that channel tunnel yet???
Hi, can you add 315 miles cycled since 7th May, I was diagnosed type 2 in April. (some have been on my trainer in the garden & some out on the road).

I wasn't that much overweight, but have/had excess belly fat compared to the rest of me.

Years ago, I used to cycle around 400-500 miles a month, so I am tying to get back on that road, maybe not quite as much, but hopefully somewhere near.

Just enjoying some red wine now.

Thanks for now.
Hi, can you add 315 miles cycled since 7th May, I was diagnosed type 2 in April. (some have been on my trainer in the garden & some out on the road).

I wasn't that much overweight, but have/had excess belly fat compared to the rest of me.

Years ago, I used to cycle around 400-500 miles a month, so I am tying to get back on that road, maybe not quite as much, but hopefully somewhere near.

Just enjoying some red wine now.

Thanks for now.
Sounds like you are doing pretty well Derek, that's good going! 🙂 This thread is over 6 years old though - I'd completely forgotten about it! 🙂 Will have to think about starting a new one, or perhaps you'd like to start one of your own in the Exercise section and post updates when you hit your goals 🙂 Keep up the good work! 🙂
Blast from a past thread, there, Derek! Good to be reminded, though.
ha ha , I didn't realise how old this thread was.

I have done lands end jog for real, in about 60 hours (spread over about 11 days) back in 2006, I find it a bit harder these days though.
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