Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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I went for a fast walk for an hour today and 2 hours Saturday - think it's great this post has been resurected - perhaps us newbies can help raise the anti !!
2.5me run in the snow tonight, do I get extra credit for the weather conditions....? 😉
Snow? Blimey! Are you still doing the half marathon on Sunday?

Assuming it goes ahead yes, but we have snow predicted for Saturday night and Sunday so they may cancel it...they're saying watch this space at the moment. My knee isn't too bad now, a slight ache but with a knee support I should get round ok, albeit maybe slower than I want.
Just done 10 minutes "jogging" on the wii - does that count ? (are we having fun yet ?)
3 miles on the treadmill yesterday. Though I prefer to run outdoors, days like that make me glad I have gym membership!

A total of 6.5 miles and 5 sessions with Gay Gasper for me since my last posting 🙂 Update on destinations coming soon! :D
Are you sure that you have the time? :D

I've worked out that if I get started at 7 am each day then I can get most of the stuff done by about midnight, although sometimes I have to use my quantum wormhole to bend the very fabric of space-time and get some of the stuff done transdimensionally (usually at weekends, when Kate is in the shed recording stuff)

I've worked out that if I get started at 7 am each day then I can get most of the stuff done by about midnight, although sometimes I have to use my quantum wormhole to bend the very fabric of space-time and get some of the stuff done transdimensionally (usually at weekends, when Kate is in the shed recording stuff)


Alternatively you could do it during dinnertime? In the words of the Great Douglas Adams ... "Time is an illusion. Dinnertime, doubly so".

Anyway, another 13 miles to record for me, walking and rowing.

The rowing went pretty well today. Still not perfect, because the muscles were still twitching a bit, but no cramps and the salty pepsi max 🙂cool🙂 at the end seems to have settled them down even more.

I've also changed to rowing before eating my evening meal rather than after it.

Andy 🙂
Another 10 miles walking and rowing.

'Ere, are we on our way to Southern Ireland now? 😉
Couldn't go for a run today (flipping snow!) so I did 19k on the exercise bike whilst watching Countdown 🙂
And another 15 miles, walking and rowing please.

Er, I don't want to start a panic here, but I'm sure I see water leaking in! We're not in the middle of the Atlantic are we? 😉
And 19 miles cycling and walking for me.

Glugug!! Glug, glug, glugluglug! 🙂
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