Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Just a 2 mile run tonight, too hot out there tonight to do much more!
Right! Back to the rowing.

3 mile walk first to warm up and then .....
6 mile row

Andy 🙂
3 miles today.
ran 11 miles over last 2 nights - 9 miles was on treadmill though so a bit of a cop out but better then nothing.
Wow! We are certainly moving on our journey! We are now headed for Campbeltown in Argyll, after a tour of the Western Isles aboard the Oban ferry! 488 miles completed, with only 48 miles to go to Campbeltown :D

I managed to add a measly 3 miles today, which was about a mile further than I should have gone as my poorly knee is now screaming at me :(

Oban Ferry terminal:

Cambeltown, Argyll:
so far town and back. I reckon thats a mile or two. I'm doing it again later on
two site tours and one walk to clients offices - around 3 miles
Two more for me today. I turned my ankle tripping over a pothole so I'm staying off me pins for the rest of the day as it's a little swollen.
1 mile running and 3 miles cycling.
Walked back from train station instead of getting the bus, 3 miles.
I can add another 7 miles walked since Monday.
Another couple of miles hirpling today. Round to my volunteering thing, then to Tescos, then to the surgery. I took the tourist route, over the road bridge, down the riverside, across the shoogly bridge and round the lanes home. Pinched a bit of white Lilac out of someone's garden because it smells gorgeous and made it back just as the rains came down. My ankle is not pleased with me.
no idea of mileage...wait, aa!

town and back worked out as 2.4 miles

half an hour of tae bo that has totally knackered me!
30 minute work out on the Wii Fit. Burnt over 100 calories! :D
5.2 mile run (the rain has stopped and it was 27C today so from freezing to hot in a few days)
Hope I'll be swimming everyday from next week🙂
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