Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Staggering drunkenly around Brighton last night. Beer pedometer tells me I did a mile or three. Met a rather nice piece of pavement too.
Staggering drunkenly around Brighton last night. Beer pedometer tells me I did a mile or three. Met a rather nice piece of pavement too.

Oh dear, I've done that in my time - I once had to hide myself from society for a week because I had landed on my face and looked dreadful! Hope the levels are better today Tom.
Oh dear, I've done that in my time - I once had to hide myself from society for a week because I had landed on my face and looked dreadful! Hope the levels are better today Tom.

Highest BG I got last night was an 11. That's despite the bottle of wine and litre of cider. I managed to catch the 3am hypo by being in the middle of a series of three am tests.
Six miles today. Three to the latest interview and three back. I had a gorgeous day for it too, brilliant sun and a nice cool breeze but I'm kicking myself because I forgot the camera and there was a fantastic shot to be had of the view right across the city to the Cairngorms in the distance. Oh well, if I get the job, I'll be up there every day, I'll get that photo at some point.
3 hours gardening yesterday, mostly digging over the compost heap....

Not sure what it's worth, although very good for keeping the BG down!
3 hours gardening yesterday, mostly digging over the compost heap....

Not sure what it's worth, although very good for keeping the BG down!

Gardening sends me hypo - it's hard work! I'll add on a generous mileage for you Richard 🙂

p.s. I promise to catch up with everything soon people - keep up the good work! :D
This thread has gone quiet.....

5k run from me this morning. I've been a bit slack on the running front recently but now going to start stepping it up ready for the London 10k, going to be experimenting with 6am runs before work next week, eeeek!
Another 28.5 miles from me to and from work this week, as well as 10.8km at the gym. I also did 15 minutes on a crosstrainer and used 100 calories, but forgot to write the distance- sorry 😱
Feeling very guilty about not updating the thread for a week :(

Will update properly tomorrow (there I've said it, so hold me to it, I need some pressure to stop me procrastinating!). Well done to everyone for their efforts! 🙂
Thanks Northener - I am looking forward to seeing where we all are. (Hopefully somewhere nice and pretty :D )
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Hello -I think I have probably walked about 20miles this last week altogether.
Was that your 6 am run? Well done! I'd love to hear about how you prepared for it - food, insulin, levels etc. and how you were afterwards. 🙂
It was indeed.... Quite enjoyed going out that early, although my legs seemed quite shocked by the walk to work not long after!
Didn't have too much trouble with food etc surprisingly. Woke up with a bg of 8, higher than I'd normally like but perfect for today. Had a biscuit and a some fruit juice, injected insulin for the biscuit only so I had some active insulin on board then went out 15mins later. Was 8.3 when I got back and gave kept fairly steady since. Don't think I could go much further at 6am though as getting the levels right would be more tricky.
Wow! Well, since my last update ages ago, we have covered a total of 252 miles and gone from Cambelltown, Argyll to Newcastle Upon Tyne via Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Alnwick! 😱

Everyone round to Steff's new gaff for tea and crumpets! 🙂

Thanks Northener - I am looking forward to seeing where we all are. (Hopefully somewhere nice and pretty :D )

Thanks for taking us via Alnwick - it certainly covers the nice and pretty place I was talking about. 🙂

Did you know that the interior of the dining room of the White Swan there, is actually (if I remember correctly) from the ball room of the Olympia (sister ship to the Titanic)? If anyone hasn't seen it, it is well worth a look if you have time and are in the vicinity.
Thanks for taking us via Alnwick - it certainly covers the nice and pretty place I was talking about. 🙂

Did you know that the interior of the dining room of the White Swan there, is actually (if I remember correctly) from the ball room of the Olympia (sister ship to the Titanic)? If anyone hasn't seen it, it is well worth a look if you have time and are in the vicinity.

This website has a couple of pictures of it, certainly looks impressive!


This is the route we've just covered (if it works!)

Well, I managed 6.1k on the exercise bike today. Knee much better, but weather awful for a run outside so opted for the EB 🙂
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