Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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another 20mins on excercise bike, so another 6.00k and if ive converted it right thats 3.6 miles from me today 🙂
10,626 steps today - no idea how many miles that was but it was to town and back, then down to my work meeting, up to the common and around it 1.5 times. Last time was less than 10k steps and worked out as 5 miles so maybe 5.5-6 miles today?
Wow! We have really made a lot of progress! We've gone from Newcastle to Ripon by the roundabout route of Carlisle, Penrith, Keswick, Windemere and Bedale! 185 miles in total!

Derwentwater, Keswick:

Bedale, Yorkshire Dales:


Since the Google map thing doesn't save the route in its link, here's a picture of it instead, so you can see where we've been:
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walked to town today, walked around town an walked back again. wore my pedometer an did 4.149 k so i worked that out at 2.5 miles. no excercise bike today.
I'm Knackered just been watching the World Cup 1st game... Feels like I have run the full length of the pitch 5 times 🙂🙂🙂..... Only joking Not much Exercise for me today feet hurtin to much to walk long distance let alone run....

Good Luck everyone :D
Heading down my way soon! :D

We'll be there before you know it!

I'm Knackered just been watching the World Cup 1st game... Feels like I have run the full length of the pitch 5 times 🙂..... Only joking Not much Exercise for me today feet hurtin to much to walk long distance let alone run....

Good Luck everyone :D

Hi Jules, you don't have to run, or walk to take part - it's whatever physical exercise you can manage. Everything counts! 🙂
Hmm, tricky one for me today. Just been completely clearing my back garden of all foliage (it had gone 'fallow' for three years following a house extension which had completely demolished what was there previously!).

I may upload some piccies if there is any demand for evidence! :D

Anyhow, let's say around 8 hours of modest digging and general effort over two days 🙂

Hmm, tricky one for me today. Just been completely clearing my back garden of all foliage (it had gone 'fallow' for three years following a house extension which had completely demolished what was there previously!).

I may upload some piccies if there is any demand for evidence! :D

Anyhow, let's say around 8 hours of modest digging and general effort over two days 🙂


Andy, I'm playing the gardening card too! Gardening is one of the few activities almost guaranteed to drop me into hypo range - it's hard work! I, too, have been scything through a miniature jungle, although I flagged way before you! I've done my Dummies workout a couple of times and 4 hours gardening 🙂
More gardening from me this morning. I had to come in at one point because I was certain I was hypo...but I was at 6.7! Then, later in the day I dropped to 2.6 without any symptoms at all. I only tested because I was going to do a workout and thought I should check first! Jelly babies replaced the workout...
Usual dog walking weekend - total about 10 miles. Think the dog was more knackered than me on Saturday....sunshine in Fife!!
Have done possibly another 20 miles or so over the weekend 🙂
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak My poor tootsie is still all wrapped up and I look like a gout patient. All I'm doing at the mo is hobbling to the office and back. All of 200 yards each way.🙄
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak My poor tootsie is still all wrapped up and I look like a gout patient. All I'm doing at the mo is hobbling to the office and back. All of 200 yards each way.🙄

Hope it gets better soon Ally, I know how horrid it is to be laid up! Good job the office is so close! 🙂

I've been to the dentist this morning, and took the 'scenic' route back as it was lovely and sunny on the way back. I went through Southampton Old Cemetary - saw a gravestone there dedicated to a Mr Thankful Joy! What a name! Died about 140 years ago. Then I went through the Common and back through the leafy suburbs to home. About 4 miles total. 🙂
Personally, I'm slacking a little at the moment. Just 1hrs worth of garden digging today (but I have some moderately impressive piles of soil to show for it).

Must start doing my midday walk again tomorrow (bet it rains!).


p.s. Oh, and general good wishes to all the physically afflicted (i.e. those with dodgy toes, knees, whatever!) 🙂
not much from me over weekend or today im afraid. i have just been messing about on the new wii i got, i love playing tennis on it, and the boxing. getting wii active tomorrow which is excercise routine with a personal trainer so hopefully ill put some miles in over the next few days 🙂
Just catching up : 27 miles since I last wrote
This includes a slightly surreal couple of miles where we walked back on footpaths from the blessing of a friend's sons marriage.(it had taken place in Australia a few weeks before). Everyone wore their wedding finery, the bride wore her dress for the second time. We stopped every so often for a glass of champagne, so that might have counteracted the benefits of the exercise!( and water towards the end, it was 30C that day 🙂
done a 30min workout this morning on my wii active fit. i get to copy everything my personal trainer does, from running to muscle excercises, he works you hard lol, i get to do differant excercises every day, its called the 30 day challenge. i burned 150 cals. dont know if that would be much in miles but it was a good work out 🙂
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