Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Building up again!

3 mile walk
1.5hrs digging garden (there's still lots to do) 😡

Andy 🙂
Tonights run was 5k, had planned more but blood sugars conspired against me.
I managed a paltry 6.1k yesterday and 7.5k today on the exercise bike, plus my abs workout both days (or should that be 'flabs'?😱)

Update on destinations tomorrow! :D
I only managed to hobble to work and back today. A colleague gave me a lift to the surgery and back, so a mere 400 yards. Every little helps though eh?
I only managed to hobble to work and back today. A colleague gave me a lift to the surgery and back, so a mere 400 yards. Every little helps though eh?

Absolutely! I know what it's like to be crocked! Hope it's starting to feel a bit better though 🙂
Absolutely! I know what it's like to be crocked! Hope it's starting to feel a bit better though 🙂

Much better, the big 'gout' dressing comes off on Friday and I should just have a small pad under my heel after that. Walking will be much easier then, I'm told.
10k run this morning, think it could have been a pb but got stuck at traffic lights for what seemed like ages, grrrrrr

Three weeks 'til the race....!!
I haven't been keeping count too closely (so will underestimate).

9 miles walking.
9 hrs digging. (nice blister on thumb due to using new secret weapon, a 5lb long-handled mattock, MWAH HA HA HA! Now well protected 🙄 )

saturday i did 30min workout on the wii an half hour dancing on wii.
sunday had a lazy day 😱 and today 1 and half hour dancing on the wii.
knakering but realy great fun 🙂
Well done everyone! We've taken the long route round from Ripon to Skipton, by heading along to the East Coast of Yorkshire. We've visited Scarborough, Filey and Bridlington (where I spent many a summer holiday in my younger days!), and come back to visit Becky in York, stopping off at Harry Ramsdens in Harrogate for fish and chips, and finally stopping for the night in Skipton.


154 miles in total for this stretch! 😱 and an astonishing 1127 miles since we began! 🙂

Just did my (fl)abs workout today. Doesn't seem to be making any difference, but at least it doesn't hurt quite so much! No running or bike today - too darned hot! 🙂
Oh, flip! I haven't entered anything in a while. Oh well, here we go retrospectively!

Since Saturday:

1hr 20 of muscle exercises and yoga
160 reps with 10lbs worth of weights
45mins of jogging/step work
16 miles of walking

Told you it would start clocking up when training started! :D
30 mins on the Wii fit - I'll leave you to work it out!!

Was that just standing on the Wii fit or were you actually doing anything? :D

It matters!! 🙄


p.s. Meanwhile, chalk up 6 miles walking for me!
p.p.s. I have a special one coming up tomorrow. 😉
Oh, flip! I haven't entered anything in a while. Oh well, here we go retrospectively!

Since Saturday:

1hr 20 of muscle exercises and yoga
160 reps with 10lbs worth of weights
45mins of jogging/step work
16 miles of walking

Told you it would start clocking up when training started! :D

Crikey! 2012 isn't far away is it? Which event are you training for again?

Andy 🙂
30min workout on the wii yestetday
Right, are we all ready for this? .......

16 miles cycling :D

That's 8 miles to the White Horse pub in Hedgerley and 8 miles back home.

More to the point, it's the first time I've done this since diagnosis and I felt pretty great doing it. There are a few big hills involved which I used to have to walk up. Now, I just breezed up them. I did the 8 miles back (with the bigger hills) in a mere 35 mins and still had plenty of energy when I got home (the last time I did it, I pretty much collapsed on the sofa and slept the rest of the day away!).

Ok don't know where my last distances were but 10k on Sunday and 4.56 miles yesterday. Today was spent with 5 hours hard work in the garden , that must count for a couple of miles.( it's the first dry, non stormy day for 2 weeks and the temp is rising fast...typical I have to go back to the UK at the end of next week :().
30 MIN work out again on the wii this morning (im not finding it as hard work now, my musels arent as sore when running thank goddness) and just did an hour dancing on the wii as well 🙂
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