Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Does swimming count? I did 10 lengths of an Olympic length pool on Saturday. That's 10 x 50 metres = 500 metres, but I reckon it takes a good deal more effort to swim that distance than it would to walk it so it should be multiplied by at least 5.😱
Does swimming count? I did 10 lengths of an Olympic length pool on Saturday. That's 10 x 50 metres = 500 metres, but I reckon it takes a good deal more effort to swim that distance than it would to walk it so it should be multiplied by at least 5.😱

Swimming definitely counts! And has an appropriate markup in my (secret) method of calculating our progress through the UK 🙂

I ran up and down some huge hills yesterday, then walked the same route with my camera (slideshow at http://diabetespoetry.blogspot.com/2010/07/up-hill-down-dale.html if you're nosy and want to see where I live 🙂) - total 4.2 miles. Today I went on a recce to find new running routes and walked up and down some even bigger hills - about three miles total 🙂 My legs are screaming in protest at all those hills!
The sooner I get back to my old 20 lengths the better then! At least I'm half way there, the first time I went back swimming I barely managed two lengths.
Ran 4.5 miles at lunch today! And trampolined for an hour this evening - wonder how much distance I travel vertically in that time???
Ran 4.5 miles at lunch today! And trampolined for an hour this evening - wonder how much distance I travel vertically in that time???

OK, that's just rubbing it in - I've had too many injuries lately and am struggling to get up to a reasonable distance/time! :(

Trampolining,eh? How tired did it make you? :D
OK, that's just rubbing it in - I've had too many injuries lately and am struggling to get up to a reasonable distance/time! :(

Trampolining,eh? How tired did it make you? :D

Yeah, I didn't plan to run that far, but I went out with 2 guys from my office and just followed them - definitely good to go running with someone to spur you on! Injuries can be frustrating though.

Trampolining was hard work - it's in a very hot sports hall. Maybe equate it to a 1 mile brisk walk?
Trampolining sounds great fun, I haven't done that for years. Where are we now in our royal progress across these islands?
another hour dancing on the wii yesterday
Hope You're over your injury too!


Yes thanks Richard 🙂 No run today though - legs still sore from Sunday's hills! Instead, I did an ab workout and 8k on my exercise bike (low impact, so kinder to my legs!)

Trampolining sounds great fun, I haven't done that for years. Where are we now in our royal progress across these islands?

Update to follow shortly! 🙂

another hour dancing on the wii yesterday

I'd love to be a fly on the wall! 😉 Well done!
3km run, largely on sand, collecting a race control on Saturday; 3km foot orienteering on Sunday; about 6km orienteering on foot on Wed night; minimum 3 miles cycling each week day; 5km Parkrun this morning (slowest ever time, due to tight calf muscles) plus 8 mile cycling so far.
Wow! Well done aymes! I managed a three-miler yesterday, plus 15 mins with Gay Gasper and her 'abs' workout! 🙂

Wasn't planning to go that far, am at my Mum's new house and it was the first run in this area so was exploring and didn't realise how muh I'd done!
And have to ask, Gay Gasper.....??

3km run, largely on sand, collecting a race control on Saturday; 3km foot orienteering on Sunday; about 6km orienteering on foot on Wed night; minimum 3 miles cycling each week day; 5km Parkrun this morning (slowest ever time, due to tight calf muscles) plus 8 mile cycling so far.

The Norwich Park Runs start next week, looking forward to them. At a wedding next weekend though so won't be able to go until week 2.
Wasn't planning to go that far, am at my Mum's new house and it was the first run in this area so was exploring and didn't realise how muh I'd done!
And have to ask, Gay Gasper.....??


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