Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Continuing the minimum one mile/day site tours, that doesn't include the climbing of the six storeys!
Dog Walks

Three in last two days, about 3 miles. Still one mile per day at work so 8 miles this week
Three in last two days, about 3 miles. Still one mile per day at work so 8 miles this week
60 mins stepper while watching documentary about Beckie Cruel.🙂
5k park run yesterday, plus 1.5mile run each way to get there/back.
3miles walking today.
Well done everyone! Update tomorrow, I think we must have made quite some progress! 🙂
Walked for 60mins today. My pedometer is out of battery, so I guess this was about 4 km = 2.4 miles.🙂
75 mins walking. 5 km = 3 miles.
It was sunny but windy, very hard to walk straight.🙂
75 mins walking. 5 km = 3 miles.
It was sunny but windy, very hard to walk straight.🙂

Well done KayC! Oh dear, I have really been neglectful of this thread - I promise an update tomorrow, my internet connection is exasperatingly slow or non-existent today and google maps keeps failing on me, grrrr!!!
Just back from an 8mile run (with a little bit of walking in places :D)
80mins walking. 5 km = 3 miles.
So windy that it was like wading in the water.

Oh dear, I have really been neglectful of this thread

Hi Northerner
I keep posting on the thread, but I'm not trying to annoy you!:D
75 mins walking. 5 km = 3 miles.
The weather was OK first...warm and calm. Then, on the way home it was windy again.
75 mins walking. 5 km = 3 miles.
Today there were a lot of joggers and runners.
Preparing for Great North Run?
Right! That does it, you've just shamed me onto my rower.

Cue :-

6 miles rowing,
3 miles cycling.
2 mile walk.

Andy 🙂
6 miles rowing,
3 miles cycling.
2 mile walk.

Great work, Andy!🙂
I've lost too much weight since the dx. (I didn't intend to do so, it just happened) Now I look gaunt and feel very weak.
So I'm trying to get my strength back. I do anaerobic exercise as well, but I can't convert it to mileage.
56 more miles since my last post about this - well seen the school holidays are over and I am back to cycling to work!
75 mins walking. 5 km = 3 miles.
Same amount of exercise again.
I don't know why I'm exhausted today.
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