Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Too late to go out. So I've just done 60 mins stepper in my room.
Well done everyone! Distance travelled since the last stopover in Liverpool is 315 miles! This means we have got from Liverpool to Barmouth, via Sheffield and the Peak District, Chester and Anglesey! 😱


Passing through the grounds of beautiful Chatsworth House on the way!

Well done everyone! Distance travelled since the last stopover in Liverpool is 315 miles! This means we have got from Liverpool to Barmouth, via Sheffield and the Peak District, Chester and Anglesey! 😱

I've been to Liverpool and Sheffield, but no other places. I like this virtual travelling!
This was very much my 'territory'.

Lived in Colwyn Bay, North Wales most of my life, University in Manchester (UMIST), visited Liverpool occasionally (my Mum was a scouser) and then worked in Sheffield for 15years.

Anyway, just a 3 mile walk for me today.

Didn't feel up to doing any more because my legs keep cramping up at the moment following exercise.

Lived in Colwyn Bay, North Wales most of my life, University in Manchester (UMIST), visited Liverpool occasionally (my Mum was a scouser) and then worked in Sheffield for 15years.

:confused:Until now, I thought you were French for some reason...
Quoi? Je pense qui some mistake n'est ce pas?

I've never been taught French in my life, so I roughly translated the above sentence to " Yes, I am."🙄
I've never been taught French in my life, so I roughly translated the above sentence to " Yes, I am."🙄

I wasn't aware that sentence was translatable! :D

Andy "Shrugs his shoulders in a Gallic fashion" HB
My BG's funny today....9.0 then 3.8 soon after.
This is my own fault, I forgot to take tablets! Don't want to go out like this, so I've done 60 mins stepper inside.
5 mile cycle and
6 mile walk for me today.

The legs seems to be settling down a bit, no cramping up (less coffee today too - I wonder whether that has anything to do with it?).

i did 4omins on the wii yesterday, dancing, workout and tennis, then 15mins is all i could manage on the excercise bike, its the first i was on it in 3mths so gonna try to do more.
6 mile walk
2.5 mile row (was trying out some new routines today - felt good!)

Andy 🙂
I did 10k on my exercise bike and a lot of gardening today 🙂

edit: ...and typically I'm now suffering a wonderful 2.8! Grrr! Trying to lose weight and stuffing your face with jelly babies are not compatible activities!
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I did 10k on my exercise bike and a lot of gardening today 🙂

edit: ...and typically I'm now suffering a wonderful 2.8! Grrr! Trying to lose weight and stuffing your face with jelly babies are not compatible activities!

A pump would solve it.😉Bev
Well done bev - plenty of that needs doing in my house if you find you run out! 😉

I think you'll find that if you strap a tin of paint onto Kates ears and get her to turn around - your walls will be sprayed in a jiffy.:DBev
I think you'll find that if you strap a tin of paint onto Kates ears and get her to turn around - your walls will be sprayed in a jiffy.:DBev

You've just managed to make me turn purple for a start! 😡😉
Another 60mins with stepper.
I will definately go out for a walk tomorrow.
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