Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Went hill walking over The Monadhliath (pronounced Moneyleeth) at the weekend. Haven't done that in years. OH was here for a break and we covered about 20 miles over the two days and camped out in a tiny hidden glen overnight on Saturday. It was probably a stupid thing to do, but last week was so stressful workwise that I had to get out and clear my head of all the guff. It was great and really de-stressed both of us.
Went hill walking over The Monadhliath (pronounced Moneyleeth) at the weekend. Haven't done that in years. OH was here for a break and we covered about 20 miles over the two days and camped out in a tiny hidden glen overnight on Saturday. It was probably a stupid thing to do, but last week was so stressful workwise that I had to get out and clear my head of all the guff. It was great and really de-stressed both of us.

Did you go up Carn Dearg? I'd love to know the glen name, perhaps by PM, for next time I'm in the area.
We went round it, between Carn Dearg and Meallan Liath Coire Mhic Dhuighaill. There's a burn that leads into the Coire Loch and we were close to that. It was a bit of a scramble and I found it pretty hard, but had my walking poles so I managed quite well.
impressive ally ...bet it was lovely to see OH again !!
impressive ally ...bet it was lovely to see OH again !!

I didn't know which to look at, him or the scenery! The scenery won, but only just.
A bit late getting involved with this but just got back from a 5-a-side match, on the pitch for a grand total of 40mins (two 20min halves) desperately trying to chase after the ball, albeit without much success 😛
A bit late getting involved with this but just got back from a 5-a-side match, on the pitch for a grand total of 40mins (two 20min halves) desperately trying to chase after the ball, albeit without much success 😛

Excellent stuff Lewy!Erm, well, not the lack of success obviously! 😉 I have my own special algorithm for calculating how many miles it moves us along our journey and will add 4 miles! 🙂 You're free to challenege that if you think it was more!
Ha! Only just spotted this thread and found out what you're all up to...

I can offer a few short gym visits from last week/this week if that helps.
7 lots of 1.75 miles on a treadmill plus
7 lots of 1 mile's walk there and back

Say 26 miles?
I've just done a half marathon (13.1miles). Unfortunately not The Great North Run though, just my own personal one through the streets of Norwich!
12 miles walking for me (yesterday and today).


p.s. Still no rowing miles yet though! I don't have the motivation for it for some reason.
3.5miles walking.
7 miles rowing today (incorporating a warm up/warm down!).

Andy 🙂
Just got back from my walking 'holiday' so thought that I'd post my mileage.

67.39 miles in the first part (over 14,000ft of climb), hard work with a backpack and according to the Garmin about 18000 calories.
There was probably another 15miles or so in the last 3 days when we just did some short walks but I didn't wear the garmin for that.
Great for the glucose levels, reduced insulin, regular handfuls of choclate covered apricots for energy and when we came across a boulangerie in time a pain au chocolate for a mid morning snack.🙂
Just got back from my walking 'holiday' so thought that I'd post my mileage.

67.39 miles in the first part (over 14,000ft of climb), hard work with a backpack and according to the Garmin about 18000 calories.
There was probably another 15miles or so in the last 3 days when we just did some short walks but I didn't wear the garmin for that.
Great for the glucose levels, reduced insulin, regular handfuls of choclate covered apricots for energy and when we came across a boulangerie in time a pain au chocolate for a mid morning snack.🙂

It sounds as if this walking carry on is quite good for the sugars.........well done........
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