Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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OK, looks like we've had a bit of an extended layover in Skipton! Let's start moving again from this weekend - anything intervening that wasn't posted doesn't count, so get walking, running, cycling and Wii-ing! :D Next destination: Sheffield!
OK, looks like we've had a bit of an extended layover in Skipton! Let's start moving again from this weekend - anything intervening that wasn't posted doesn't count, so get walking, running, cycling and Wii-ing! :D Next destination: Sheffield!

If you can go via Thorpe House Avenue (S8 9NH), that was my old stomping ground when I lived there!

Andy 🙂
Does the weekend start Friday evening though... 😉 I did 4 miles tonight!
Does the weekend start Friday evening though... 😉 I did 4 miles tonight!

OK, let's say that the weekend starts from Friday pm, since that always used to be the case in my hell-raising years 😉

BTW Andy, I lived in Crookes and Broomhill most of my 20 years in Sheffield, plus about 3 years in Heeley at the top of the road to Heeley City Farm!
OK, let's say that the weekend starts from Friday pm, since that always used to be the case in my hell-raising years 😉

BTW Andy, I lived in Crookes and Broomhill most of my 20 years in Sheffield, plus about 3 years in Heeley at the top of the road to Heeley City Farm!

Yep, I regularly went past Heeley City Farm on my way to and from home (either by bus, bike or shanks' pony) between 1985 and 2000. Happy days (mostly!).

Missed a new PB at 5km Parkrun by 11 secs today, with 4 miles bike ride in each direction from / to home. Will probably fit in a couple of miles canoeing / kayaking this weekend, plus several miles cycling doing chores, getting to river etc.
I've done 2 hours of swimming this past week 🙂
how about 2 miles at least a day for 14 days ....about 1/3 of the time through heavy shingle ...... and swimming in the sea against the incomming tide and undertow ???? also at least 100yds a day to the pub and fish shop ????
how much does that add up too???:D
how about 2 miles at least a day for 14 days ....about 1/3 of the time through heavy shingle ...... and swimming in the sea against the incomming tide and undertow ???? also at least 100yds a day to the pub and fish shop ????
how much does that add up too???:D

Sounds like you had a terrific holiday am! However, I'm only counting from yesterday evening (except for tiny swimmers 🙂) What you'll have to do is keep up the good work and report it in! 🙂
Not sure if I can count that (only going from Friday pm for this latest leg). However, if Jessica was swimming too then I will bend the rules! 🙂

Oh :( I went friday evening for 45 minutes. No Jessica hasn't been in a couple of weeks but we are planning to go in a couple of days with her 😉 x
1 hour on the wii yesterday working out and dancing. i have still been keeping up with my excercises most days but sorry i wasnt about to add them on here. so 1 hour yesterday an i will try to get more in tomorrow
Odd day yesterday - unexpectedly called into work, so 3 miles return bike ride; evening punt orienteering (team relay event) - 4 miles return bike ride to start / finish; about 3 miles punting (but I wasn't poling any of it), ran 2km orienteering leg, plus a bit of running on banks (to find a tree for a pee!)
Like to see how Northerner works that out!
4.25 mile run this morning. Did a new route and didn't look at my Nike+ until the end. Before I looked I guessed at 3miles so really pleased to see it was that much more!! Next race is a half marathon in November so need to step up the training soon!
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