Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Just picked this thread up and don't know whether you can enter retrospectively.
I walked the dog at least 5 miles (total) Saturday and Sunday, and walked the dog then played 9 holes of golf on Monday, probably at least 4 miles.
3 miles on exercise bike yesterday + 20 minutes cross trainer - don't know how far that is though!

Does housework count? Because I did half hour of vacuming. Haven't gone on my exercise bike yet today not sure whether I can be bothered I'm feeling very lazy today :(
Another dry morning here, so cycled to work - 2.5 miles.
Walked neighbours dog for 45 minutes - walking briskly!🙂Bev
My pedometer said I'd done 5215 steps today - that's about a mile to town, a wander around town and another mile back 🙂

so 2 miles from me - doing some tae bo later so I'll let you know how that goes
Got this new app on my phone tells me how many miles i walked each day 😉

I walk 1.02 miles to work every morning, and back at the end of work 🙂

So you can put my total of around 10 miles a week :D

Though i probably do more than that walking places and gym but will work that out soon...
Great stuff everyone - I'll add it all up and find out where we've got to! 🙂
Just picked this thread up and don't know whether you can enter retrospectively.
I walked the dog at least 5 miles (total) Saturday and Sunday, and walked the dog then played 9 holes of golf on Monday, probably at least 4 miles.

Ron, I'll have to treat that as a warm up - please report any further dog walks and golf rounds! 🙂
Half mile cycle to and from park and 3 miles running. Time for tea.🙂
3 miles cycling to / from work everyday, plus a few extra miles for shopping, evening class, socialising etc - probably at least 25 miles per week. 2 miles kayaking weekend before last. Running tomorrow night.
Half mile cycle to and from park and 3 miles running. Time for tea.🙂

We've made it to Helmsdale! Excellent 🙂 We'll rest up here and enjoy the local hostelries, then tomorrow we set off for our next destination - Alness!

Miles completed so far: 52.8
Next stage, Alness : 46.2

Well Northy, i checked up the last post and my phone agrees with you. Today it says i've done 5.4 miles. I didn't really notice, but u guess that was collecting my prescription at lunchtime that did it.
6 miles walking for tuesday and wednesday to and from work.
2 miles this morning on the school "walk".

Total 8 miles for me so far this week.
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