Byetta Babes!

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Carole - I spent the first week in a drunken-like haze and slept every afternnon right after what passed for lunch. Good thing though is lying down helped the sickness- some others reckon it is like motion sickness so lying down helped!

This passed after couple of weeks but I had a bit of tiredness when going up to the higher dose, although not so badly.
Im very pleased to say the nausea and tiredness is waring off now and feeling much better,i have even been shopping it was a bit dodgy on the raw mwat section but hey i got through it.
Ihope you are all well and are enjoying the lovely weather,oh whilst i remember just want to ask how long it takes for it to look like the byetta is going down in the pen,mine still looks full but i know im getting the right dose.
Hi Steff i have found eatin 30 minutes after injecting is the best time for me to eat so i i am realy on the up now,according to my scales i have lost half a stone but hey we will see what the scales say when i go back on the 30th.
I hope you are doing ok now and you have ha a good weekend,thankyou Steff you have been a great help to me.
Hi Steff i have found eatin 30 minutes after injecting is the best time for me to eat so i i am realy on the up now,according to my scales i have lost half a stone but hey we will see what the scales say when i go back on the 30th.
I hope you are doing ok now and you have ha a good weekend,thankyou Steff you have been a great help to me.

Well fingers crossed you have hun that will be great news, yeah little old me is fine hun xxx

edit: just wanted to say i forgot to take my evening jab altogether on Saturday night not realising till 8 the next morning grr, so i know im abit slow but my alarm has been set .
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Hi all the Byetta peeps. Well I had a fab first month with hardly any problems but now I'm on the 10 pen I'm getting the nausea big time about an hour after breakfast and it lasts for 2 hours. I can feel it coming on now. I've given up waiting almost an hour to eat and am trying various times to see if I can avoid this awfulness. I have told the agency I work for that for this week I am only available afternoons as I'm flat out during the morning.
On the positive side my BG's are great, almost always between 4 and 7. I have lost 7 kg and when I'm not feeling sick I feel good. So fingers x it will pass soon.
I have been invited to a wedding on October 1st so I am looking forward to buying a dress a couple of sizes smaller (I hope). I was size 22, am now 20 and it would be great if I could slip into an 18 or even, dare I wish it, a 16.
Hi all the Byetta peeps. Well I had a fab first month with hardly any problems but now I'm on the 10 pen I'm getting the nausea big time about an hour after breakfast and it lasts for 2 hours. I can feel it coming on now. I've given up waiting almost an hour to eat and am trying various times to see if I can avoid this awfulness. I have told the agency I work for that for this week I am only available afternoons as I'm flat out during the morning.
On the positive side my BG's are great, almost always between 4 and 7. I have lost 7 kg and when I'm not feeling sick I feel good. So fingers x it will pass soon.
I have been invited to a wedding on October 1st so I am looking forward to buying a dress a couple of sizes smaller (I hope). I was size 22, am now 20 and it would be great if I could slip into an 18 or even, dare I wish it, a 16.

Hi Lizzie thats great news on the drop is dress size and your BGS thats great thats how it went with me, luckily i had no nausea or side effects with the 10mg.Aww well least you have something to have a goal towards hun, good luck xx
Hi all the Byetta peeps. Well I had a fab first month with hardly any problems but now I'm on the 10 pen I'm getting the nausea big time about an hour after breakfast and it lasts for 2 hours. I can feel it coming on now. I've given up waiting almost an hour to eat and am trying various times to see if I can avoid this awfulness. I have told the agency I work for that for this week I am only available afternoons as I'm flat out during the morning.
On the positive side my BG's are great, almost always between 4 and 7. I have lost 7 kg and when I'm not feeling sick I feel good. So fingers x it will pass soon.
I have been invited to a wedding on October 1st so I am looking forward to buying a dress a couple of sizes smaller (I hope). I was size 22, am now 20 and it would be great if I could slip into an 18 or even, dare I wish it, a 16.

Hi Lizzie - nice hear you are feeling so positive and doing so well. I am sure the nausea will pass - give it a couple of weeks. I still feel a little queasy around mid morning - put it down to smallish food intake in the morning as I never get this after the evening dose - nothign enough to stop me doign anything though. I tried ginger (sugar free) and it did help a bit. Ironically, I could not face my mid morning coffee at all in the first few weeks but now it is coffee with some coffee whitener which can relieve the sick feeling. Try a ginger or other plain bicce if it gets too much - it might just give you that lift - you can look on them as medicinal in the short term. I found low fat Rich Tea the least damaging diet wise!:D
All Byetta pin cushions

Hi, lovely to read all the thoughts and feeling of being on Byetta. Just wish it would kerb my appetite. Still I start the gym today and hopefully the weight will start to shift....otherwise surgery might be the next step.

I was just wondering if any of you are feeling depressed on the stuff. I was fine on insulin (although getting fatter by the minute) but at times on the Byetta I feel really depressed and low. Infact it was a terrible weekend and my husband and I have not spoken to each other for over 40 hours!

Any advice? Is it better to be more regular with the timings of the injections?
I seem to take it when I think about it in the morning and evening usually between 10/20 minutes before a meal but reading your comments I feel this might be wrong (no one has told me anything).

Please forgive me if I have interrupted the 'thread'. I am a bit new toall this chatroom stuff!
Hi, lovely to read all the thoughts and feeling of being on Byetta. Just wish it would kerb my appetite. Still I start the gym today and hopefully the weight will start to shift....otherwise surgery might be the next step.

I was just wondering if any of you are feeling depressed on the stuff. I was fine on insulin (although getting fatter by the minute) but at times on the Byetta I feel really depressed and low. Infact it was a terrible weekend and my husband and I have not spoken to each other for over 40 hours!

Any advice? Is it better to be more regular with the timings of the injections?
I seem to take it when I think about it in the morning and evening usually between 10/20 minutes before a meal but reading your comments I feel this might be wrong (no one has told me anything).

Please forgive me if I have interrupted the 'thread'. I am a bit new toall this chatroom stuff!

Dont apologise hun everyone can post in any thread they want we all welcome each others thoughts, regarding when to take byetta it is suggested you find a regular time and stick to it but best suited with your life, for me i take it 30 mins before evening meal and same in the morning i have the times saved into my phone now as a couple of times its slipped my mind to take the jab lol.Regarding depression I cant say i have had any actually i had 1 tiny lull on thursday but that was down to a hyper if anything for me the byetta seems to have improved my mood.can i ask are you on both byetta and insulin or just byetta?

p.s good luck at the gym x
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Hi magic muscles. Sorry to hear you are feeling down. How long have you been taking Byetta? Hope going to the gym perks you up a bit and kick starts that weight loss. I swim a lot now and that helps me considerably. I'm wondering if you need to look at when you are injecting and eating. I find if I can wait almost an hour between jabbing and eating I get the most effect of fullness. However at the moment I'm getting quite a bit of nausea so I'm not waiting so long in the morning. Has it helped your BG levels? Watching those drop has cheered me up no end.
I had a few run ins with my husband, he really has no idea about diabetes, doesn't really want to know and hates having to eat when I say I must especially when we are away or out for the day. However I have noticed a change in him during the last week or so and he is getting more considerate about it all. I think it has dawned on him that I am now making an effort with myself. Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on at the gym.🙂
Dont apologise hun everyone can post in any thread they want we all welcome each others thoughts, regarding when to take byetta it is suggested you find a regular time and stick to it but best suited with your life, for me i take it 30 mins before evening meal and same in the morning i have the times saved into my phone now as a couple of times its slipped my mind to take the jab lol.Regarding depression I cant say i have had any actually i had 1 tiny lull on thursday but that was down to a hyper if anything for me the byetta seems to have improved my mood.can i ask are you on both byetta and insulin or just byetta?

p.s good luck at the gym x
Hi Steffi

Great idea about putting the timings on the phone. I will defo try this and see if it helps.

I am only on byetta. I was having too many 'funny turns' with byetta and insulin.
Hi magic muscles

Nice to hear from you - we are a fast growing clan of Byetta users here it seems - the more the merrier I say:D

I don't attribute any depression to Byetta (been on it since last Oct) but I do get down at times and as someone who had a "dose" of depression some years back, I get scared in case it turns into something more severe.

I get very agitated when things are on my mind - a born worrier, and if I have nothing much to worrry about, I just worry that I am not being careful enough with my food, not taking enough exercise etc- sounds about normal for a lot of us I expect and not just those of us on Byetta 😉

As Lizzie has asked, how long have you been on Byetta- it may just be either too high expectations or not enough knowledge of what it is doing to you if you have been left to get on with things? If you feel like discussing it in here, feel free to get things off your chest- I surprise myself some time with my own confessions...but then they say it is good for the soul:D
Hi magic muscles. Sorry to hear you are feeling down. How long have you been taking Byetta? Hope going to the gym perks you up a bit and kick starts that weight loss. I swim a lot now and that helps me considerably. I'm wondering if you need to look at when you are injecting and eating. I find if I can wait almost an hour between jabbing and eating I get the most effect of fullness. However at the moment I'm getting quite a bit of nausea so I'm not waiting so long in the morning. Has it helped your BG levels? Watching those drop has cheered me up no end.
I had a few run ins with my husband, he really has no idea about diabetes, doesn't really want to know and hates having to eat when I say I must especially when we are away or out for the day. However I have noticed a change in him during the last week or so and he is getting more considerate about it all. I think it has dawned on him that I am now making an effort with myself. Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on at the gym.🙂
Hi Lizzie
Thank goodness someone else finds their husband's don't understand diabetes. So greatful I have found this website. Great to speak to others who do understand and have some good suggestions to make things easier.

Been on Byetta now for nearly 9 months. Consultant in Scotland wanted to take me off it since my HbA1c was sticking at 11. Still Consultant in Bournemouth has given me a second chance and sayes if I can loose some weight and behave myself and take diabetes seriously then she will happily let me stay on it. Don't want to go back purely on insulin as was making me so very fat.

Still, of to the gym I go......wonder if I will manage to break any of the equipment!?!
Hi Lizzie
Thank goodness someone else finds their husband's don't understand diabetes. So greatful I have found this website. Great to speak to others who do understand and have some good suggestions to make things easier.

Been on Byetta now for nearly 9 months. Consultant in Scotland wanted to take me off it since my HbA1c was sticking at 11. Still Consultant in Bournemouth has given me a second chance and sayes if I can loose some weight and behave myself and take diabetes seriously then she will happily let me stay on it. Don't want to go back purely on insulin as was making me so very fat.

Still, of to the gym I go......wonder if I will manage to break any of the equipment!?!

Can i just ask everyone on byetta am i the youngest one on it?
The reason I ask is i dnt seem to be getting any nausea and or depression im wondering if its down to my age.
Hi Magic Muscles - I know you're joking about breaking things in gyms, and don't think you will, whatever weight, but for me, the fresh air and freedom from rules of running, including Parkruns, and orienteering are preferable to gym workouts and contracts.
Can i just ask everyone on byetta am i the youngest one on it?
The reason I ask is i dnt seem to be getting any nausea and or depression im wondering if its down to my age.

Hi Steff i think most of you are younger then me,i will be 46 next birthday.
Right magic muscles. I'm going to tell it as I see it. I saw Byetta as my chance - possibly last chance to do something about myself before they put me on insulin. At the hospital the consultant looked me in the eye and told me that Byetta wasn't magic and would only work if I changed my life and made it work.
So from the word go I made massive changes to my diet, listened to everything the dietician told me (I wasn't told to eat lots of carbs), and followed all instructions from the nurse. The Byetta has taken away my appetite and so those changes were much easier to do but I still had to put my mind to it.
I think I was depressed before the Byetta and certainly felt vile much of the time. Weight kept going up and Bg's were in double figures. So now I have made this work and I feel in control resulting in a much happier outlook. The swimming makes me feel good too. I enjoy the little bits of very nice food that I eat, it's considerably different and much less than I used to have. I am battling a bit with nausea now but it isn't going to get me down. Standing on the scales every few days, seeing my clothes get looser and getting those good BG readings keep me positive.
I do have a husband who doesn't really want to understand diabetes but now he sees me making an effort he is getting better.
I think you really must give yourself a good talking to as it is only you who can do this and you have been given a very good tool to help you.

The changes I made to food were:
Eat from a smaller plate.
No snacks apart from fruit.
No complicated foods with rich sauces.
A huge reduction in carbs and then only the slower release ones.
several meals of fish each week especially oily fish.
Not finishing everything on the plate if I don't want it.
Eating slowly.
Drinking more water with a meal.
I've also had to trust the Byetta to make me feel full about 30-60 minutes after eating. I don't always feel full during the meal. It comes later.

I hope you don't feel I'm being hard on you but it would be great if it worked for you. I think I'm getting the results I wanted because of the changes I made. I think the reduction in my BG's are more to do with what I eat than the Byetta although without it I just couldn't change what I was eating. Enjoy your gym and I hope this is the start of change for you too.

PS Steff and Carol you are both younger than me lol. I'm the wrong side of 50 and the right side of 60!!
Right magic muscles. I'm going to tell it as I see it. I saw Byetta as my chance - possibly last chance to do something about myself before they put me on insulin. At the hospital the consultant looked me in the eye and told me that Byetta wasn't magic and would only work if I changed my life and made it work.
So from the word go I made massive changes to my diet, listened to everything the dietician told me (I wasn't told to eat lots of carbs), and followed all instructions from the nurse. The Byetta has taken away my appetite and so those changes were much easier to do but I still had to put my mind to it.
I think I was depressed before the Byetta and certainly felt vile much of the time. Weight kept going up and Bg's were in double figures. So now I have made this work and I feel in control resulting in a much happier outlook. The swimming makes me feel good too. I enjoy the little bits of very nice food that I eat, it's considerably different and much less than I used to have. I am battling a bit with nausea now but it isn't going to get me down. Standing on the scales every few days, seeing my clothes get looser and getting those good BG readings keep me positive.
I do have a husband who doesn't really want to understand diabetes but now he sees me making an effort he is getting better.
I think you really must give yourself a good talking to as it is only you who can do this and you have been given a very good tool to help you.

The changes I made to food were:
Eat from a smaller plate.
No snacks apart from fruit.
No complicated foods with rich sauces.
A huge reduction in carbs and then only the slower release ones.
several meals of fish each week especially oily fish.
Not finishing everything on the plate if I don't want it.
Eating slowly.
Drinking more water with a meal.
I've also had to trust the Byetta to make me feel full about 30-60 minutes after eating. I don't always feel full during the meal. It comes later.

I hope you don't feel I'm being hard on you but it would be great if it worked for you. I think I'm getting the results I wanted because of the changes I made. I think the reduction in my BG's are more to do with what I eat than the Byetta although without it I just couldn't change what I was eating. Enjoy your gym and I hope this is the start of change for you too.

PS Steff and Carol you are both younger than me lol. I'm the wrong side of 50 and the right side of 60!!

Very well put Lizzie🙂

Just slip in at under 60 ...until next birthday😉
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