Byetta Babes!

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Hope it went well Caroleann and thanks the dame for the phone number.:)
My app not til 2 o clock, im a nervous wrek at the moment but i will be ok when i get there its just the waiting that getting to me.
Ihave already rang for the pen pouch, the lady i spoke to was realy nice.
Hi Caroleann hope things went ok for you, ? x
Im home and im a very happy bunny,every thing was great the nurse was realy nice,she stuck the needle in me first and i dident feel a thing and then she got me to try it my self although it still dident hurt i was aware of itbut the nurse said that was just because i hesitated a little.
Im all set to go from tomorrow morning.
Thankyou for asking.
Well done Carole - best of luck xxx
Im home and im a very happy bunny,every thing was great the nurse was realy nice,she stuck the needle in me first and i dident feel a thing and then she got me to try it my self although it still dident hurt i was aware of itbut the nurse said that was just because i hesitated a little.
Im all set to go from tomorrow morning.
Thankyou for asking.

excellent well done hun, anything you feel worried or uneasy about just ask and we will try our best to help x x
Im sure i will be asking lots and keeping you updated too,you will get fed up with me:D.
Hey Caroleann, another Byetta Buddy - love it. I shall be so pleased to hear how you get on. I've been floating around on a cloud today, just over 3 weeks and I have now lost 5.5 kg - hooray! My waking BG's are around 6 now. They used to be around 12.
I just love those lizards and my husband nearly choked when I announced I was going to get a lizard tattoo. I was joking but for a minute he believed me. :D

A woman whose dress didn't fit
Was advised to inject lizard spit.
'I'll have some of that please,
For I have diabetes,
And my last pair of knickers just split!'

I have a confession to make guys, the nurse was pretty pleased with every thing i was doing so i dropped you lot in it and told her that if it haddent been for all of you on here i wouldent have beeb there today getting the help i so clearly need i would still be sat at home not realizing just how much trouble i was in.
Thankyou all so very much,i can now see a future ahead of me.
Caroleann - great to hear about your Byetta success, don't do yourself out of the credit you deserve for seeking out help, both from this forum and your nurse. Keep on letting us know how things are going.

A woman whose dress didn't fit
Was advised to inject lizard spit.
'I'll have some of that please,
For I have diabetes,
And my last pair of knickers just split!'


hehe I think that poem is about me. Think I've dropped a dress size today! I might need some new undies or they'll be falling down, not splitting.;)
Good luck for tomorrow Caroleann. Remember to keep the portion sizes really small or you'll be complaining of being bloated.
Took first jab at 11 ended up with three pin pricks cos i was shaking so much,now having lunch so far so good.
Took first jab at 11 ended up with three pin pricks cos i was shaking so much,now having lunch so far so good.

Dont worry i was the exact same my hand would not stay still, in fact i could not even do my first jab my OH had to so your braver then me lol. x
Took first jab at 11 ended up with three pin pricks cos i was shaking so much,now having lunch so far so good.

Well done Carole! It will get easier, try not to stress and worry about it and you'll be fine :)
I foudn the first one the worst one and after a few days it didn't even bother me anymore, so hopefully you will find it comes much easie in a few days time.
Hi Carole- bet you had the leaflet spread out as you took your first jab as well - I think I wasted a good portion of my first pen fiddling with it and only just made it through the 30 days!

Keep it up the good work:D
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