Byetta Babes!

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I was told to eat anytime during the first hour of taking it and that I must not wait any longer than an hour as then it would not work. The nurse suggested that during the first month to eat after 30 mins and thereafter to leave it 40-55 mins. I must say it varies with me as if I'm working I need to get up, eat and get off to work so usually it's about 15 mins, In the evening it depends on how hungry I am but really it's more often 30 mins. I no longer get the nausea, I think it wore off after about 3 months.
I don't know AlisonM, the Dr didn't mention it, plus I don't fancy it either I have heard that Victoza induces worse nausea than Byetta, and I couldn't cope with that..!!! I am quite happy with my insulin and metformin, just have to work on getting that right.
I don't know AlisonM, the Dr didn't mention it, plus I don't fancy it either I have heard that Victoza induces worse nausea than Byetta, and I couldn't cope with that..!!! I am quite happy with my insulin and metformin, just have to work on getting that right.

Yeah it does David i can vouch for that now lol, what side effects i missed with byetta well there certainly getting me with the victoza lol.
I'm having enough trouble dealing with the nauses caused by the Byetta, I'd hate to have anything worse than this. Especially as I'm sitting here now trying desperately not to be sick.
A serious question. This business of the faulty Byetta pen is a huge concern to me, not least because it may be happening to others.

When I set up the first 10 microgram pen, I did as instructed and dialled the first dose, expelling it through the needle then dialled the dose to be injected. It shot out the end into the air. So I asked for a new one and the same thing happened. I started dialling the dose and then putting the needle on, which seems to work. But... I'm not certain I'm getting the full dose each time. I've had two more pens since then, both with this problem. As an aside, I didn't have this trouble with the 5 microgram pen. It has to be either a faulty batch (unlikely as the serial numbers aren't sequential), a problem with either the way the pens are stored or the way they're shipped, or a design fault in the 10 microgram pens. The one thing it isn't is user error because I went over what I've been doing with the pharmacist and I'm doing it right according to him.

My questions for you Babes are. Am I the only one among us with this problem? Are any of you on the same dose and have any of you noticed or heard of anyone else with a similar problem?

If there are more of us then we have a potentially serious issue with the manufacturers of the 10mcg pens.
Hi Alison. This is a worry! I'm just over 2 weeks in on the 5mg so will be going on the 10mg in another couple of weeks if they let me stay on it. My BG's have come down a fair bit although still too high. I'm getting very few side effects ( acid reflux in the morning and indigestion in the evening) oddly I've actually put 3lb on!? I'm doing and eating nothing differently to before so don't get that.

I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had problems with the pen and will mention it ot my DSN if sheever calls me this week. She was supposed to call yesterday but nothing so far. Of course if I have any problems when I do get the 10mg pen I'll let you know. Take care. XXXXX
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