Byetta Babes!

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Sorry to say squidge that Byetta quite often turns round and bites me on the b**, so to speak. I can be absolutely fine for ages and then all of a sudden feel so sick. It doesn't happen as often now though and most of the time I'm ok. The worst time of all was the first 2 weeks of the 10 pen, I just had to lie in a quiet place for 2 hours every morning. Try ginger tea as it helps me a lot. I also find that carb heavy meals sometimes leave me feeling nauseus.
I'm a tum jabber too unless I'm out and want to do it under the table and then I hitch up my skirt and ram it in my thigh.
Just spotted your message Lesley and yes the PT is all yours. I'll be doing a spot more channel swimming training tomorrow. I took the day off today and did housework. Hope you feel less sniffy soon.
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I've been so bad lately i forgot altogether to take my jab Sunday.. realised while lying in bed about midnight! Then last night took my shot and jumped through the roof, i might post this in the general messageboard and see what others think, but i must of put the injection in wrong because it really really hurt had a look down there and the little nick was abit larger then usual and the blood was abit heavier,left me feeling confused maybe im just doing it wrong hmmm.:confused:
I've been so bad lately i forgot altogether to take my jab Sunday.. realised while lying in bed about midnight! Then last night took my shot and jumped through the roof, i might post this in the general messageboard and see what others think, but i must of put the injection in wrong because it really really hurt had a look down there and the little nick was abit larger then usual and the blood was abit heavier,left me feeling confused maybe im just doing it wrong hmmm.:confused:

Hi Guys

Feeling more like my old self now- funny though as I lost all will power fora bit then- comfort ate a whole bat of choccie and some biccies - well at least the choc was dark high cocoa content! Must have been the virus wot did it😉

Steffie, you still using the thigh? I gave up on my thigh cos I ran out of places - although big, my tum gives an even bigger target. Even so, I sometimes find spots where it hurts and now and again, I get a big drop of liquid out when I reset the pen- this indicates to me that I am not getting the dose properly and believe this to be over usage of certain areas? I may be wrong - some T1's or others on insulin might be able to clarify but sometimes I feel a little resistance although I know there is plenty of fat. I now inspect my chosen target site for signs of yellowing from a previous attack before taking the plunge!

If in doubt Steffie I would speak to you nurse next visit - maybe you need to change the needles or something? Good luck with it- it is hard enough having diabetes without equipment failure xxx
Hi Guys

Feeling more like my old self now- funny though as I lost all will power fora bit then- comfort ate a whole bat of choccie and some biccies - well at least the choc was dark high cocoa content! Must have been the virus wot did it😉

Steffie, you still using the thigh? I gave up on my thigh cos I ran out of places - although big, my tum gives an even bigger target. Even so, I sometimes find spots where it hurts and now and again, I get a big drop of liquid out when I reset the pen- this indicates to me that I am not getting the dose properly and believe this to be over usage of certain areas? I may be wrong - some T1's or others on insulin might be able to clarify but sometimes I feel a little resistance although I know there is plenty of fat. I now inspect my chosen target site for signs of yellowing from a previous attack before taking the plunge!

If in doubt Steffie I would speak to you nurse next visit - maybe you need to change the needles or something? Good luck with it- it is hard enough having diabetes without equipment failure xxx

glad your feeling bk on track hun x
no hun tummy, i left the thigh alone when the bruises were just to unsightly, emma suggested if it carries onto be a struggle i can ask for a refresher course on injecting x
Sorry to say squidge that Byetta quite often turns round and bites me on the b**, so to speak. I can be absolutely fine for ages and then all of a sudden feel so sick. It doesn't happen as often now though and most of the time I'm ok. The worst time of all was the first 2 weeks of the 10 pen, I just had to lie in a quiet place for 2 hours every morning. Try ginger tea as it helps me a lot. I also find that carb heavy meals sometimes leave me feeling nauseus.
I'm a tum jabber too unless I'm out and want to do it under the table and then I hitch up my skirt and ram it in my thigh.
Just spotted your message Lesley and yes the PT is all yours. I'll be doing a spot more channel swimming training tomorrow. I took the day off today and did housework. Hope you feel less sniffy soon.

Yup this is my 2nd week and it is worse than the 1st week, I just don't want to eat.. so far the past 3 days I haven't taken my evening jab as I am not eating.. I have something in the morning after my jab and still feel yuk for the rest of the day.. often need to lie down and just let it pass.. worse thing is that I am on regular anti-emetics and they don't even help.. I didn't have an appetite before being put on Byetta, my dietician was trying to get me to eat more.. should be fun when I go to see her next time.. at least I am losing weight though lol..
Try and keep going Squidge and try to have your twice daily jab and try to eat just a little after. It did pass for me after a couple of weeks and just pops back now and again but not as bad. I actually took 2 weeks off work so that I could crash out for a bit and not feel stressed. Ginger is really helpful. Nibble a few ginger bikkies and drink ginger tea it does help a bit. Some folk who cant bear the 10 dose have gone back to the 5 so that is something you could consider when you speak to your nursie.
When my nausea was at it's worst I only waited about 10 minutes before eating as that is supposed to help. I also had teeny little meals and cold food seemed best perhaps half a slice of wholemeal with a little bit of ham and a spoon of coleslaw. Or a plain yogurt with a few berries.
There were a few days when I wondered if it was worth it but now I can truly say it was as I mostly feel fine and love being slimmer and having more energy. I have only missed 2 jabs ever, so I think it is very important for you to keep it going.
Went to the dentist for a check up today and he said he thought my gums were looking great and better than they have been for a couple of years. I no longer have a dry mouth so perhaps this is another benefit from the Byetta.
Good morning gang just checking in to see how everyone is getting on? no more pain for me since the other day thank goodness.Off out for a little treat this morning getting my hair done.
Well I think it's giving me a break, haven't felt as sick now for 2 days.. :D I noticed yesterday that when I prime the pen some of the fluid comes out, I am sure it never did that before, now I shake that off and then inject, just hope that it isn't the amount I should be injecting that I am shaking off? I also noticed apart from a bubble, I have something alien floating around in there..!! I see my DSN on Monday and wondered whether I should say something to her about it.. Hope everyone is well.
Hi Squidge some pens seem to leak a little before injecting. The one I have at the moment hasn't done it at all. There shouldn't be anything floating in it. I have had 2 problems where blood got into the chamber and I had to discard them both and start new ones. If it is blood in your pen it tends to turn to a kind of white thread after a few hours. Then I had another one when after 3 weeks there were tiny bits in it. I had to discard that too. I have since read that the bits may be pieces of plastic coming off and entering the fluid and so it is a faulty pen. I think you should take it back to the pharmacist tomorrow and show him/her. If the pen is faulty it should be replaced by the manufacturer. You shouldn't use any pen where anything has got into the fluid.
Hi Steffie
I think after a while with Byetta there isn't much to report. We kind of get used to it and just jog along. I'm still very happy with it and BG's are pretty good, almost always within the nice guidelines. Doc said I must remain on Gliclazide until I have lost more weight. I was a bit naughty and tried a week without them and BG did go up a bit, not as much as she thought but enough to make me go back on them. My weight seems to stay the same now but that 16kg off is still a great feeling. I seem to be able to eat more now though but at least I haven't gained. I must make an effort to shift another 16kg though soon. I'm off to the Black Forest next weekend for a day at a spa and then a birthday party so I do hope I can behave myself with all that gateaux and stuff around. We will also go to a Christmas market and of course the mulled wine will be flowing. I have upped the exercise and walk and swim a lot so fingers x if I can avoid all the temptations the weight loss will kick in again soon.
Hi Lizzie i guess your right lol, been looking around the shops and the place is just ful of sugar ladened xmas treats lol, think this year i will treat myself to a mini xmas pud and be done with it lol x
Where are the byetta babe's how are you all doing.🙂
Where are the byetta babe's how are you all doing.🙂

Yeah im fine hun i think like lizzie said once your on the beytta theres not alot to report lol, but im doing well still hope you are to
yoo hoo! OK here too although my weight loss has come to a standstill. At least I have not gained any. I've been getting hypos much more often, they don't go much below 4 but it does mean it messes up what I eat as I get very hungry and it's so hard not to shove everything around in. The worst time seems to be after swimming and around 4pm when of course I don't really want to be eating anything as I usually have my jab at 5pm and eat dinner just before 6pm. I think I'll have to make sure I have a sensible snack around 3pm to try to avoid this happening. I just don't seem to have got my act together with that. On the plus side my BG is very good most of the time. It is almost always within NICE guidelines but with these few irritating lows but as I said they are not far under 4, usually around 3.7 ish. I'm hoping this is a sign that perhaps I don't need the gliclazide any more. Doc said she wants my pre meal readings to always be under 6 but although they often are it's not always yet.
Hi all been a while hope the babes are doing well, have not seen Lesley on for a long while hope things are ok on that front, same with lizziee hope if you see this your doing well.Squidge how are things going now you have been on the byetta over a month now is it?
Nothing much to report here im afraid i am seeing my DSN and doctor next week and im really teetering with the idea of asking about victoza i know the byetta has done wonders but at the moment im afraid its just not doing it for me, hope the change over is possible im not sure but i have many questions i need to ask.
Hi Steffie I'm here. Sorry to hear that Byetta is no longer doing it for you. My BG levels are still OK although I was a bit of an idiot over xmas and just stuffed myself lol. I kept in single figures most of the time but was up a bit on usual readings. I also gained 3lb which I am really cross about. So now I have hopped upon the waggon again and will sort myself out. The snow kept me away from the swimming pool as it is up a hill that was very icy. Now I have got out of the habit but I am planning to go tomorrow and get back to the 3 or 4 times a week.
I hope you find something to help you.
Hi Lizzie thank goodness i get emails when i get a reply to this thread or id of missed your reply great to hear from you hun, i think alot uf us kinda just blitzed out at xmas i gained 2lb but im not more determined then ever to get back on the exercise wagon, ive got to say the swimming has took a back burner for to long so i am going to get back into it hail or high water lol x Hope your levels go back down to there usual readings hun, catch you soon x

p.s All i can do is ask if they say no then fair enough I wont throw my toys out the pram because i know i have asked.x
Had my check up with my DSN today which went well, my night levemir is up to 78 while I have cold symptoms and general feeling of unwellness (think I made that word up lol).. have lost weight since I last saw her in Nov but think I have put on a couple of pounds since Christmas.. but the good news is that since starting Byetta my hbA1c has gone from 9.8% to 8.7% :D the Byetta is on its lets make me nauseous stage at the moment..
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