Byetta Babes!

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if i remember correctly if u have any left after 30 days you bin it and start on next pen.
Hey squidge no dumb questions in here lol, yeah you do as carole said bin it.So pleased your BS is better makes you feel so much more better day to day
Well done Squidge you are a great Byetta Babe lol. Those numbers sound fab and I hope you are feeling good.
I'm off to the hossie tomorrow so fingers x for me please. They ought to be pleased with me.
Now what are all you Byetta Babes doing about exercise these days? I have had a couple of lazy weeks really. I've had a bit of sinusitis and it made me a bit slothful. So today I wasn't working and I gave myself a good talking to and went for a swim so now I'm feeling very - um, clean!:D
My fingers are crossed for you lizzie,now i know im not realy a byetta babe any more but just wanted to say even with a poorly toe im still managing to hobble about for a bit of exercise,and im slowly getting to grips with the insulini have done a couple of experiments and have actualy got my levels down in the 6s.
My fingers are crossed for you lizzie,now i know im not realy a byetta babe any more but just wanted to say even with a poorly toe im still managing to hobble about for a bit of exercise,and im slowly getting to grips with the insulini have done a couple of experiments and have actualy got my levels down in the 6s.

Now how many times do we have to tell you Caroleann - once a Byetta Babe always a Byetta Babe. Hope your poor sore toe gets better soon and then you can be running around lol. Glad you are coping with the old insulin and those 6's sound fab.😉
good lk tomorrow lizzie xx swimming and my gym ball exercise wise for me x
OK I have been to the hossie and they were very pleased with my weight loss and Hba1c. I need to lose another 15 kg or more really though so had a chat with the dietician who seemed pretty much pleased with my lower carb diet. She likes the oatcakes I have for snacks but not so keen on the cheese so that will need replacing with some ham or something. Weight loss has stalled a bit for the last 3 weeks and she says that is normal for anyone who is trying to lose weight. So I need to up the activity and tweak my diet.
Doc doesn't want me to stop the gliclazide yet. She loves the hba1c of 6 and feels it would rise too much if I stopped it. She will think again if I lose more weight or have hypos.
I didn't skip out of there as happy as I should have though as something she said brought me down with a bang. She said Byetta is not for life and I will definately need insulin instead at some point. Byetta only works if the beta cells still produce insulin and they will die one day. It seems I may be able to delay that event by losing a lot more weight and I must make the most of having a reduced appetite and lose as much as I can. No pressure then!
Hi Lizzie glad there happy with weight and hbA, do you think you will be able to manage the 15kg loss?
Oops i best stop having that cheese snack as well then hehe you naughty rebel leading me astray, although i have been mixing it with smoked ham...Good luck with all of it hun you have the weight loss group to refer to if you need a ny motivation etc etc x
Gonna have to Steffie, they aknowledged that my weight loss so far was good but it is not enough. I have lost one lot of 15 kg so I must be able to do it again. I have to go back and see the doc for a reveiw in a year. Off for a swim in a bit. I must pop my head round the door of the gym too.
Gonna have to Steffie, they aknowledged that my weight loss so far was good but it is not enough. I have lost one lot of 15 kg so I must be able to do it again. I have to go back and see the doc for a reveiw in a year. Off for a swim in a bit. I must pop my head round the door of the gym too.

Yeah suppose theres not alot of choice huh, swimming is brillaint i find it's enough but dont push me to the limit thats why i like it, i found the biggest hurdle was actually getting into the water in my costume, to say jaw dropping would be an understatement but i tend to go when the school kids are at school lol....Are you already the member of a gym?
yes I swim at a hotel pool where they also have a gym and a personal trainer if I want him!! I used to use the gym there but got a bit bored with it. I also have a very flash exercise bike at home that is collecting dust and hubbie has a rowing machine which I could use. So no excuse eigh?😉 I wonder how I'll look in lycra ROFL
yes I swim at a hotel pool where they also have a gym and a personal trainer if I want him!! I used to use the gym there but got a bit bored with it. I also have a very flash exercise bike at home that is collecting dust and hubbie has a rowing machine which I could use. So no excuse eigh?😉 I wonder how I'll look in lycra ROFL

LOL rowing machines are great AndyHB from here uses one alot, i try and get swimming as often as i can lately ive been feeling low so have been abit reluctant but my mate always manages to get me to go along, maybe the promise of a smoothie helps LOL x
Well done on your appt Lizzie.. :D

I bought a set of digital scales yesterday and they look very nice in my bathroom lol.. weighed myself this morning and I have lost 5lb :D I was 13st 10 when I was weighed by the DSN before I started the Byetta and I am now 13st 5.. also went to Dr's today and put in prescription for the Byetta 10.. just hope it doesn't make me feel as sick as the 5 did when I started that, as I have a wedding to go to next weekend and can't cope with feeling sick and not eating at all.
Well done on your appt Lizzie.. :D

I bought a set of digital scales yesterday and they look very nice in my bathroom lol.. weighed myself this morning and I have lost 5lb :D I was 13st 10 when I was weighed by the DSN before I started the Byetta and I am now 13st 5.. also went to Dr's today and put in prescription for the Byetta 10.. just hope it doesn't make me feel as sick as the 5 did when I started that, as I have a wedding to go to next weekend and can't cope with feeling sick and not eating at all.

thats brill squidge well done, it really does make you feel better as well when the weight comes off,hope it does go smoothly when you change over to 10 i can remember when i did and i was terrified it would hit me with SE but it did not..
That's great Squidge and 13 stone'ish doesn't sound much, I can't imagine you have loads to lose, lucky you. Hope you are ok with the 10 pen. I'm wondering if I should tell you the first 2 weeks on the higher dose were vile for me😱 but of course we are all different and I believe Steffie had no trouble at all.🙂
I'm off to the beauty therapist now to get my feet pampered then I will get to the pool. If I'm not working tomorrow (I never know from one day to the next) I have decided to slip into a T shirt and some leggins and venture into the gym. I might take a peek at the personal trainer too and see what I think of him.😉
That's great Squidge and 13 stone'ish doesn't sound much, I can't imagine you have loads to lose, lucky you. Hope you are ok with the 10 pen. I'm wondering if I should tell you the first 2 weeks on the higher dose were vile for me😱 but of course we are all different and I believe Steffie had no trouble at all.🙂
I'm off to the beauty therapist now to get my feet pampered then I will get to the pool. If I'm not working tomorrow (I never know from one day to the next) I have decided to slip into a T shirt and some leggins and venture into the gym. I might take a peek at the personal trainer too and see what I think of him.😉

hay lucky so and so sounds lovely, doubt they would go near my feet, even the dog turns his nose up at them haha,if the trainer is any good get a piccy of his good side (backside) :D
That's great Squidge and 13 stone'ish doesn't sound much, I can't imagine you have loads to lose, lucky you. Hope you are ok with the 10 pen. I'm wondering if I should tell you the first 2 weeks on the higher dose were vile for me😱 but of course we are all different and I believe Steffie had no trouble at all.🙂
I'm off to the beauty therapist now to get my feet pampered then I will get to the pool. If I'm not working tomorrow (I never know from one day to the next) I have decided to slip into a T shirt and some leggins and venture into the gym. I might take a peek at the personal trainer too and see what I think of him.😉

Thanks Lizzie, I am only a short person 5' 4.5" so 13 stone is a bit much for me.. at the moment my dietician wants me to get to 12st 10 by the next time I see her which is december, so i may well reach that target. I would be happy at about 10 st 7. I have a feeling the higher dose is going to affect me but hey ho will just stop it for a couple of days again if it gets too much and then restart it. Enjoy your pampering...
Don't worry if it does make you feel a bit nauseus just stick with it and drink ginger tea which helped me a lot. For me the worst of it lasted 2 weeks and now I am fine. Those 2 weeks were when I lost the most weight😉
I'm trying very hard to kick start the weight loss again. Today I have been gardening and you will all be very impressed to hear I was out there at 9 am!! I had to wait until I was sure my agency wouldn't call me to work otherwise I would have begun before. I stopped at 11.15 to buy trellis and as soon as I've had lunch I shall be out there again planting bulbs. I'm not really much of a gardener but perhaps this is the start of a new healthy hobby. I'd rather do that than sit on an exercise bike.
Hi Guys

Back from our trip - seems we grabbed the best of the weather as today it is tipping it down here in Essex!

Pleased to hear your news Lizzie and Squidge- you are putting me to shame as my weight has stuck for several months. I could give lots of excuses, holiday etc but it is really down to lack of willpower:( On the plus side though I have not put any weight on which for me is a miracle so I have found a balance between healthy eating but with the odd larger portion or indulgence.

You guys inspire me though and last week I was much tougher with myself: part of the problem, apart from the sweet tooth is boredom. I am sick of Ryvitas every lunch time! With the chilly weather, salads are not so appealing - I don't mind a salad with lots of meat and a nice crusty roll though- ha ha! Yesterday I made myself a ranch salad- shredded red cabbage, carrots and lettuce with a dollop of ranch dressing and half a chicken breast chopped into it- really nice- I quite like the cabbage and the red is even nicer so I can vary that idea a bit to ring the changes 🙂

I have had a sore leg for a week or two - being short and fat sitting for 6 hours on a hard plastic chair in A&E with F-I-L made the muscles very sore and it is taking it's time to heal so had to cut down a bit on what little exercise I do...doesn't take much to knock you off the wagon does it! I have a treadmill in my little conservatory as I am too embarassed to go to the gym- DSN reckons it is a fine way to keep me moving as I can't risk my joints with flinging them about with anything to violent - swimming would be ideal but no way will I strip in public. I need a private pool in Florida I reckon! Dream on.

Still, no excuses, even good old Caroleann is managing a bit of movement with her sore toe (nice to see you posting in here🙂 ) so I must get off my butt and shed some pounds before Xmas.

Before I go Hi Steffie - hope you are doing OK and Squidge, hope the sickness is not too bad-enjoy the wedding.
Lesley if you fancy swimming go for it. Sod what anyone else thinks and anyway they are all too busy worrying about their own flab! It's a lovely way to get some exercise and you come home clean. Even with my weight loss I'm still a big girl but there are plenty of others the same at the pool. I'm still in the morbidly obese bracket and my goal is to be just fat ROFL. When I see someone in there who is bigger than me I just think 'good for her'. Get yourself a nice supportive cossie and either a wrap or a light dressing gown to get from the changing room to the pool. I swim in a hotel pool where they keep the water temps quite warm and I have found certain times of the day when there are very few in there.
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