Byetta Babes!

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Hi Gang

Now made 2 round of cuppas and not one biccie has passed my lips. Feeling the urge now so came on here!

Lizzie- sorry to hear about the boils but you have done us proud with the weight loss- I will re-read your post everytime those biccies call me! Not that I will ever get to that stage but I do wonder what will happen re the Byetta if anyone loses enough weight to be in a "normal" range?

Squidge - hang on in there- 1st 2 weeks I was sick and tired most of the time but it passed only to return mildly and for less time when I moved up to the larger dose. These days I sometimes get a mild sick feeling a couple of hours after brekkie but it passes witha cuppa. So far I think it is only poor Caroleann who got it really bad so the odds are in your favour! I ams ure the weight will come off once you settle down. I got to the stage where I would eat anythign I could keep down in the first couple of weeks- usually ginger biscuits. Can you see a pattern here with me and biscuits😉

Steffie, well I am glad I am not the only one who has passed the honeymoon period and fallen off the wagon a bit! I know you have other issues so you have absolution from us all😉

I have to say that despite my cravings and my eyes bigger than my belly affliction, the old Byetta does slow down the process and helps me to stay reasonably stable. The person who invented it gets my vote if they ever ask:D
Keep off those biccies the dame!! I no longer have them in the house not even ginger ones as I can't leave them alone.
Squidge now come on - you can tell you are not a woman lol. You need your own set of scales, good quality ones, preferably digital. Then you need to weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day with no clothes on. The best time is after a wee first thing lol. That way you will get an accurate picture of your weight loss.😉 Persevere with the nausea. I had a few weeks when I wondered if I could keep going with itbut 4 months on rarely have any problems. You need to tweak your food a bit. I reduced portions even more and cut out anything a bit heavy.
Hi all hope everyones ok, back on track r.e the jabs now ..

Just wanted to say Lizzie thank you again for the snack before bed tip, tuesday wednesday and this morning my BS has been 6.7 6.4. and 7.0 so thats brillaint. x
Oh thats just great, I'm really pleased it works for you too. I really look forward to my bed time snack. Try oatcakes and see if it gets even better.
I've had a really bad day BG wise. It's the first bad one since starting Byetta. Woke up with a 6 and that was normal and OK for me and then instead of my usual egg and Burgen or yog and berries, I decided to have porridge with a little dried fruit because I was cold. Well what a mistake that was. To start with it was far too heavy and I felt pukey all morning. 1 and 2 hours later BG was 5.9 but then I tested 4 hours later and flip me it was 12!! I haven't gone as high as that since before I started on the spit. It has remained highish all day. I'm used to being in the 4's and 5's now but it stayed in the 8's or higher all day. I shall test again before I go to bed and hope it is back down. No more porridge for me.:(
Oh thats just great, I'm really pleased it works for you too. I really look forward to my bed time snack. Try oatcakes and see if it gets even better.
I've had a really bad day BG wise. It's the first bad one since starting Byetta. Woke up with a 6 and that was normal and OK for me and then instead of my usual egg and Burgen or yog and berries, I decided to have porridge with a little dried fruit because I was cold. Well what a mistake that was. To start with it was far too heavy and I felt pukey all morning. 1 and 2 hours later BG was 5.9 but then I tested 4 hours later and flip me it was 12!! I haven't gone as high as that since before I started on the spit. It has remained highish all day. I'm used to being in the 4's and 5's now but it stayed in the 8's or higher all day. I shall test again before I go to bed and hope it is back down. No more porridge for me.:(


Sorry to hear about your bad day sounds nasty,lots on here have spikes with porridge and leave it well alone, least you can pinpoint what it was that caused it and will now avoid it hun, hope it has gone down for you when you test before bed hun xx
Yeah it was a real pain. I decided to give it a whirl after a chat with the nurse at my GP's review. Before the spit and when my Hba1c was sky high (now I know why lol) I had porridge 5 times a week and my cholesterol came down a lot. Now I dont eat porridge at all it has gone up again so she suggested doing an experiment by having it for breakfast but testing at hourly intervals between breakfast and lunch. All seemed well (apart from feeling pukey) until the 4 hour test and then it was the high one so for me it is correct about the stomach not emptying for about 4 hours while on the spit. I have felt really out of sorts all day. Back on the low carb brekky tomorrow, I really think if I get off to a good start the rest of the day is usually fine.
Yeah it was a real pain. I decided to give it a whirl after a chat with the nurse at my GP's review. Before the spit and when my Hba1c was sky high (now I know why lol) I had porridge 5 times a week and my cholesterol came down a lot. Now I dont eat porridge at all it has gone up again so she suggested doing an experiment by having it for breakfast but testing at hourly intervals between breakfast and lunch. All seemed well (apart from feeling pukey) until the 4 hour test and then it was the high one so for me it is correct about the stomach not emptying for about 4 hours while on the spit. I have felt really out of sorts all day. Back on the low carb brekky tomorrow, I really think if I get off to a good start the rest of the day is usually fine.

Yes totally agree with that last sentence that was one of the disheartening things for me when i was getting high morning readings i seemed to spent the rest of the day back tracking keep checking my BS to see if it was on the decrease.Hope tomorrow is a better day for you hun
Goodnight x
Hi Lizzie

Sorry to hear about the porridge, I did indulge a couple of weeks back but it doesn't suit me either, more's the pity. I do get a bit bored with brekkies! Used to be a good choice to sustain me for a busy morning and so comforting on chilly winters day.

Now it is cooler, I find I don't fancy the yoghurt and fruit so much so have taken to a having a little less of my Lizi's Granola but with some of my set yoghurt instaed of milk with a few berries to liven it up - stired up it feels a bit like porridge - shame I can heat it up!!!!

Well guys, I am gradually getting over the post-holiday indulgences - all the custard creams have gone now thanks to the boiler man and his lad on Tuesday - my advice to anyone suffering from low will power after Christmas if to get some workmen in - they can clear a biscuit tin in one tea break! Plus you get to admire the muscles if you get a fit one! (Fanning myself here😉

I am chirpy today as it is Friday as my son Tom gets to come home tonight - he is now working away during the week having started his new job as newly graduated software engineer about 2 months ago. He will probably be away on projects most of the time and has decided not to move out right away but get a car of his own instead to make the travelling a bit easier- just hope he isn't posted to Scotland - bit of a trek to and from Essex! I get to see him evey weekend and do all his washing -lucky me:D

Steffie - hope you are OK and winning the battle- nice to have you back xxx
Hah thedame. We will be having some major building work after Christmas so I will remember that tip. I was dreading it a bit but now with the thoughts of those rippling muscles it may not be so bad!😉
I went to bed on 7.7 last night which was still high for me and this am was 7 so still high as I'm usually 6'ish. I'm starting to wonder if I'm coming down with something as it seems strange to still be up a bit 24 hours after the wretched porridge. I'm having a lazy morning as I'm not working until this afternoon so haven't eaten yet but it'll be the old egg and Burgen in a minute.
Enjoy having your son home and all the washing lol. I think mine is coming home from Switzerland where he works for a few days in November and we will go to see my younger one at uni so I'm looking forward to that.
morning ladies, nice work there dame r.e the workmen must remember that one, have a lovely weekend with your son x .Hope your not coming down with something lizzie good luck with your BS for the rest of the day x
Feeling much chirpier now. BG is now 5.1 so maybe I can put yesterday down to the damned porridge. Shame cause it's yummy on a cold day. I shall wait for a few settled days to pass and then I am going to take the plunge and stop the gliclazide. I discussed this with the nurse and she reckond that I could go for it but test regularly to make sure my normally good numbers don't creep up. She also seemed to think it might kick start my weight loss which has slowed down although I did notice half a kilo off this morning. I would love to lose another 10 or more kilos.
Feeling much chirpier now. BG is now 5.1 so maybe I can put yesterday down to the damned porridge. Shame cause it's yummy on a cold day. I shall wait for a few settled days to pass and then I am going to take the plunge and stop the gliclazide. I discussed this with the nurse and she reckond that I could go for it but test regularly to make sure my normally good numbers don't creep up. She also seemed to think it might kick start my weight loss which has slowed down although I did notice half a kilo off this morning. I would love to lose another 10 or more kilos.

Ahh thank goodness thats more like it Lizzie, hope it works out ok coming off the glic x
Enjoy your weekend.
Good morning all hope everyones having a good weekend
Well another good 2 mornings of BS levels despite yesterday 24.4 reading, i was 6.4 this morning and 6.3 yesterday morning x
Glad to hear you got that BG down - well done. Lovely sunny day here so hope to go for a stroll this afternoon. I have my appointment with the consultant on Thursday so fingers x I'll be allowed to stay on the spit.
Glad to hear you got that BG down - well done. Lovely sunny day here so hope to go for a stroll this afternoon. I have my appointment with the consultant on Thursday so fingers x I'll be allowed to stay on the spit.

thanks liz

is they a chance you could be taken off then?
Well when I started 4 months ago they told me I was on a 3 month trial. lol. Anyway when I asked the DSN if it was possible that they wouldn't let me continue she said that when I had the follow up appointment with the consultant as long as I had either lost weight or had a lower Hba1c I would probably be able to continue. Well both apply to me so fingers x it'll be OK.
I do remember at the first hossie appointment the consultant did mention there was always a possibility this drug could be withdrawn by the NHS as it is so expensive.
Well when I started 4 months ago they told me I was on a 3 month trial. lol. Anyway when I asked the DSN if it was possible that they wouldn't let me continue she said that when I had the follow up appointment with the consultant as long as I had either lost weight or had a lower Hba1c I would probably be able to continue. Well both apply to me so fingers x it'll be OK.
I do remember at the first hossie appointment the consultant did mention there was always a possibility this drug could be withdrawn by the NHS as it is so expensive.

Very true theres always that , well fingers crossed and toes for Thursday, they cant exactly say it has not worked for you when you have lost both weight and have now a lower hbA.
Eek, please NHS do not withdraw this...maybe we will have to stay fat to get it- pass the custard creams!

Good luck with the appointment Lizzie - there will be nothing left of you soon if they take you of the the glicazide:D

We are off for our last trip in our van on Tuesday - come rain or shine as we need to strip it out ready for winter so hope this sun continues. If I don't get to post again before then, look after the place and I will do my turn with the duster when I come back😉
Eek, please NHS do not withdraw this...maybe we will have to stay fat to get it- pass the custard creams!

Good luck with the appointment Lizzie - there will be nothing left of you soon if they take you of the the glicazide:D

We are off for our last trip in our van on Tuesday - come rain or shine as we need to strip it out ready for winter so hope this sun continues. If I don't get to post again before then, look after the place and I will do my turn with the duster when I come back😉

lol yes marigolds and all lesley, catch you when your back if not beofre x take care
Dumb question time... lol. I am on the first pen which is the 5 dose, do I use this for 30 days or do I use it until I finish the pen before getting the pen with the 10 dose of Byetta..??

Also bought some bathroom scales today so will weigh myself tomorrow morning.. 😱 lol

My sugars are a lot better, was 5.5 when I got up today and I think I was 5.8 when I went to bed. I do have some 8's in the morning occasionally but haven't been in double figures for ages.. :D
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