Byetta Babes!

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Morning all x

Got no electricity today for several ours while the electricity company do some emergency work on cables, i hope my byetta will be ok as the fridge will be off for for 8 hours :confused::(
Ok Bb's where you all hiding,would like to hear how your doing,not eating ginger cake i hope:D.
Hey hun im doing good and no cake for me hehe well at least not 2night..not sure how liz and lesley are doing but hope there good good, gotta get used to updating this thread every now and again its even part of my subscribes threads so i should'nt forget it really lol x

HOws things with you?
Glad to hear your ok steffie,well i had a bit of a binge last night steve and i shared a chinese meal for one,we dont eat food like that very often so normaly enjoy it but last night i dident,insulin still not getting the nubers i want so im realy going to have to get to work on that i dont hesiteate when doing the jabs now i just shove it in and i did my first jab in public yesterday in the cafe in tj hughes bit scary but steve sood in front of me so other diners couldent see.
so all in all every things pretty good with me.🙂
Glad to hear your ok steffie,well i had a bit of a binge last night steve and i shared a chinese meal for one,we dont eat food like that very often so normaly enjoy it but last night i dident,insulin still not getting the nubers i want so im realy going to have to get to work on that i dont hesiteate when doing the jabs now i just shove it in and i did my first jab in public yesterday in the cafe in tj hughes bit scary but steve sood in front of me so other diners couldent see.
so all in all every things pretty good with me.🙂

hey hun good news going public hun, nothing to be ashamed of xx

dont worry to much about the chinese we can all have little treats from time to time x
Hi all. Glad you've gone public caroleann. I vowed never to hide in the loo again after wobbling around with one foot on the loo and the needle cap between my teeth! Under the table and hitch up my skirt every time when out now.
I have now lost 15kg and feel much better for it. However weight loss has stalled and I know it's because I am eating a bit more now so I must up the exercise as I'd like to shift another 15 really. I have been experimenting with food and testing. Yesterday I had a breakthrough with puddings. We have tons of blackberries in the garden so I made crumbles. I didn't add any sugar to the fruit and the crumble was made with oats, flour, butter and just a little sugar, I know I could have used splenda. I had a small portion with cream and 2 hours after eating BG was 5.2 and 3 hours 4.5. I was stunned so will have to try the experiment again just to make sure. My main course was bolognaise sauce with sprouts so not many carbs there.
I'm off on my hols tomorrow but should still be able to look in here. Keep up the good work BB's.
Oh just one other thing. The needle disposal thing is a small problem while travelling so I bought a needle clipper yesterday, what a clever little device. Why on earth don't they give us those instead of the boxes. It holds 1500 needles so will keep me going for a while.
Hi all. Glad you've gone public caroleann. I vowed never to hide in the loo again after wobbling around with one foot on the loo and the needle cap between my teeth! Under the table and hitch up my skirt every time when out now.
I have now lost 15kg and feel much better for it. However weight loss has stalled and I know it's because I am eating a bit more now so I must up the exercise as I'd like to shift another 15 really. I have been experimenting with food and testing. Yesterday I had a breakthrough with puddings. We have tons of blackberries in the garden so I made crumbles. I didn't add any sugar to the fruit and the crumble was made with oats, flour, butter and just a little sugar, I know I could have used splenda. I had a small portion with cream and 2 hours after eating BG was 5.2 and 3 hours 4.5. I was stunned so will have to try the experiment again just to make sure. My main course was bolognaise sauce with sprouts so not many carbs there.
I'm off on my hols tomorrow but should still be able to look in here. Keep up the good work BB's.
Oh just one other thing. The needle disposal thing is a small problem while travelling so I bought a needle clipper yesterday, what a clever little device. Why on earth don't they give us those instead of the boxes. It holds 1500 needles so will keep me going for a while.

morning lizzie nice to hear from you hun, so pleased about the weight loss that is fantastic news..m not one for crumbles but sounds like you got something going on there hun well done.Ive seen those needle clippers online but as yet have not bought one they sound like a good investment so may take the plunge hehe.
Have a good holiday catch you soon hun x
morning lizzie nice to hear from you hun, so pleased about the weight loss that is fantastic news..m not one for crumbles but sounds like you got something going on there hun well done.Ive seen those needle clippers online but as yet have not bought one they sound like a good investment so may take the plunge hehe.
Have a good holiday catch you soon hun x

Mmmmmmmm crumbles- I can smell them from here:D Here I am again -sorry to have gone off air again! Been catching up on a few things- there have been a lot of appointments etc this past week - none medical I am please to say!

Nice to hear that you Byetta Babes are doing well and lovely to hear from you too Caroleann - you will get the results you want from the insulin soon I am sure - like the Metformin, it takes a bit of time I should think.

I am doing OK here - finding it hard not to grab the odd treat- I do find it so hard to get back on the wagon after a break but things are much better for me these days- in the past, I not only didn't get back up on the wagon, but I got trampled as I fell under the wheels! So I got back from the shops today without anything sinful and have plenty of fruit in the fridge for the weekend.

Just found out today that my recently graduated son has got his first project from the company which took him on a month ago as a software engineer- he has been training and is now being let loose on the real thing! He will be away from home Mondays to Fridays so no excuse for me to buy in treats from him and then pinch them! Shame😉
Mmmmmmmm crumbles- I can smell them from here:D Here I am again -sorry to have gone off air again! Been catching up on a few things- there have been a lot of appointments etc this past week - none medical I am please to say!

Nice to hear that you Byetta Babes are doing well and lovely to hear from you too Caroleann - you will get the results you want from the insulin soon I am sure - like the Metformin, it takes a bit of time I should think.

I am doing OK here - finding it hard not to grab the odd treat- I do find it so hard to get back on the wagon after a break but things are much better for me these days- in the past, I not only didn't get back up on the wagon, but I got trampled as I fell under the wheels! So I got back from the shops today without anything sinful and have plenty of fruit in the fridge for the weekend.

Just found out today that my recently graduated son has got his first project from the company which took him on a month ago as a software engineer- he has been training and is now being let loose on the real thing! He will be away from home Mondays to Fridays so no excuse for me to buy in treats from him and then pinch them! Shame😉

Hey Lesley.

Lovely to hear from you hun, nice one regarding your son hehe poor you no excuses now.I can totally relate to finding it hard resisting the treats its soo hard at times, usually if i am feeling low is when im more prone to snack, but i am slowly getting in the habit of snacking on good things like celery very boring but hay better for me in the long run.
Thought I should post before our thread got lost in cyber space. How are all the babes (see we have a bloke too now)? Congratulations to your son Lesley. The blinking nausea has kicked back in after having no probs for a while but I suppose it might get the weight loss going again which has come to a halt at 15 kg - very nice but I do need to shift more. Anyway I'm sitting on the terrace on my hols listening to the sea crashing on the beach sipping the old ginger tea, I just can't manage booze any more as it sends me to sleep straight away lol. Temperature is 25C so very pleasant, it was about 30 during the day. I'm off to a wedding on Thursday which will be lots of fun.
Nice to hear you girls and boy are all doing ok,i was having problems with snacks so the other day i decided to have a play around in the kitchen and managed to make a realy nice soup with one of many cucumbers in my fridge and some leftover broccoli i just chopped it all and cooked with a veg stock cube and then blended,nothing too fancy but was realy tasty and did what i wanted it to kept my numbers down plus low calorie.
Hi babetts and babe due now, yes squidge has joined the gang now.
Sorry to hear about the nausea Lizzie hope it passes hope the wedding goes well hun.Hi carole hun snacks are a big pain are they not grrr sounds like your ploughing through hun xx
Hi All

Still struggling with the temptation of left over Bourbons in the biscuit tin from Tom's supply - they are not even my favourites but hey, they have chocolate in them! Luckily, I think Hubby has now finshed them off!

Bought a nice melon and pineapple yesterday and decided on a fruit salad with these and a few grapes and orange segments for brekkie with a few seeds to give it a bit of oomph. Forgot to test - happens now Hubby is home and distracts me, but I was suprised not to feel hungry after a couple of hours and, more importantly, the usual mild sick feeling I mostly get a couple of hours after brekkie was nowhere to be seen. I am thinking it is the milk on cereal or in the yoghurt I sometime have which makes this worse?

So will try again in a few days and remember to test this time and add this to my list of brekkies- really glad I found the Burgen Bread on here thouggh- toast on Saturdays again...yipee:D

Hope you are all well🙂
Hi All

Still struggling with the temptation of left over Bourbons in the biscuit tin from Tom's supply - they are not even my favourites but hey, they have chocolate in them! Luckily, I think Hubby has now finshed them off!

Bought a nice melon and pineapple yesterday and decided on a fruit salad with these and a few grapes and orange segments for brekkie with a few seeds to give it a bit of oomph. Forgot to test - happens now Hubby is home and distracts me, but I was suprised not to feel hungry after a couple of hours and, more importantly, the usual mild sick feeling I mostly get a couple of hours after brekkie was nowhere to be seen. I am thinking it is the milk on cereal or in the yoghurt I sometime have which makes this worse?

So will try again in a few days and remember to test this time and add this to my list of brekkies- really glad I found the Burgen Bread on here thouggh- toast on Saturdays again...yipee:D

Hope you are all well🙂

Hi Lesley what melon did you get? i find the water melon the most refreshing,a nice fruit salad goes down a treat with natural yogurt...
Byetta boy popping in to say hi.. makes me sound like a cartoon superhero's sidekick.. !!!
Hi Lesley what melon did you get? i find the water melon the most refreshing,a nice fruit salad goes down a treat with natural yogurt...

Hi Steffie

It is a Honeydew - I love watermelon when it is really hot but I haven't seen them for sale this time of the year in my local supermarket. I was tempted to add yoghurt too but thought I would see how the mixed fruit go on their own- I am woorried I might overdo the fruit to be honest- I was told 3 not 5 portions a day because of the sugar, albeit natural. Shame isn't it as it a sneaky way round the no sweeties problem!

I sometimes have natural set yoghurt with blueberries and some seeds on top- that is nice but I can only find the full fat set youghurt - Onken one. Anyone know of a low fat set one- I am not keen on the runny type unless it is a Muller Light Cherry or Vanilla! My DSN recommended the Muller Light when I was first diagnosed but a pot for brekkie isn't enough on it's own🙄
Hi Steffie

It is a Honeydew - I love watermelon when it is really hot but I haven't seen them for sale this time of the year in my local supermarket. I was tempted to add yoghurt too but thought I would see how the mixed fruit go on their own- I am woorried I might overdo the fruit to be honest- I was told 3 not 5 portions a day because of the sugar, albeit natural. Shame isn't it as it a sneaky way round the no sweeties problem!

I sometimes have natural set yoghurt with blueberries and some seeds on top- that is nice but I can only find the full fat set youghurt - Onken one. Anyone know of a low fat set one- I am not keen on the runny type unless it is a Muller Light Cherry or Vanilla! My DSN recommended the Muller Light when I was first diagnosed but a pot for brekkie isn't enough on it's own🙄

Hiya yeah they sell them in quarters or halves in morrisons for a ?1.I had a right issue wuith yogurts when iw as diagnosed and they caused me terrible spikes so now i stick to greek or natural yogurt usually rachels which is a nice make but can be expensive x
I'm hooked on raspberries and strawberries with Greek yogurt. Melons and grapes seem to send my BG sky high. Cant get them where I am at the moment so have been having peaches and thankfully they seem ok.
I'm hooked on raspberries and strawberries with Greek yogurt. Melons and grapes seem to send my BG sky high. Cant get them where I am at the moment so have been having peaches and thankfully they seem ok.

cant seem to get on with rasps, but i do love grapes seems alot of people get sky high bgs whereas im ok
Where are you , hope you are all well😉
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