Byetta Babes!

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Lol i would'nt blame you if you did hubby is useless at taking photo's and that one i did'nt know he was taking .
Hi Guys

I go out for the day and miss all the banter! Carolann - best of luck with the insulin- sometimes you juat have to go with what your body tells you don't you. You gave it your best shot - time to move on and upwards to feeling a lot better eh?

Lizzie, yes, me too- re the blood in the syringe thing. The pharmacist was not really all that interested and like you I had to get another script- luckily I get 2 at a time so had a spare. I insisted he sent the dodgy pen back to the manufacturer but not had any feedback. Given that there are only a few of us posting on Byetta and 3 of us have had this problem, it is a little worrying, especially as we might have to miss several doses while a new pen is ordered - my local pharmacy won't stock Byetta so you can't just walk in and get a replacement.

Also I have had problems with pens "sticking" and not delivering the full dose. This has only been in the past few months - I didn't like to take a second dose when I wasn't sure how much I had got from the first one but the other week it sprayed out a lot when I reset the pen so I took a second dose and had no problem. Then on Tuesday the pen stuck again - by this I mean it it is hard to turn the end to reset it after dosing and when it does move, a big drop appears as if there is air or something caught in the mechanism. So I took a chance and took a second dose even though this time it was a big blob rather than a spray. Anyway, I felt a bit odd after dinner and my BS levels were quite low for me - 2 hours after the meal I was 4.5 when I would normally expect to be 6+ after a big meal. I had a teacake and the level went up to 4.8 after an hour and I went to sleep then and no further probs but it did worry me.

I am seeing my DSN tomorrow for a checkup so will have a chat to her about this - any advice from insuling users would be appreciated- not sure how similar the pen mechanism is with you?
This blood in the pen lark is going to be a major concern for me I think. I travel frequently. I am often away for a few days but sometimes for as long as a month. So I could be left without a pen for considerable amounts of time. I had the problem while I was away for a month but luckily my son was flying out to join me and was able to bring a new pen with him. Taking a spare one is a problem as keeping an unused one at 2-8 C is not easy. The Frio bags keep them around the 25C which is ok for an in use pen. I suppose I could have 2 in use ones at the same time but that would be costly for the NHS and I wonder if anyone would be annoyed.
I have the new prescription and see the doc has put 2 on it so maybe she thinks it a good idea for me to have a spare. The pharmacist has one coming at 10.30 am so today I shall do the jab before lunch and then hopefully be back in routine.
I don't think I have had a problem with it delivering the dose and I always hold the plunger in until it clicks. I think the problem with blood getting into the chamber happens when I inject into the thigh as that is sometimes more painful and sometimes bleeds. I'll have to stick to the tum I think but I am not so good at doing that discreetly while out.
Anyway on a cheerful note I have had so many people this week do a double take and tell me I look thinner. I have promised hubby and a group of friends that I will try hard to shift another couple of stone and begin a programme of workouts in the gym so that I can ski next February. So I have time to do it. I used to ski regularly until 4 years ago and the last time I did it I felt so unfit that I hung up my skis and said 'that's it - never again'. I think that even if all I can manage is an hour or 2 a day on blue runs it will be an acheivement. So fingers x for me. I swim several times a week but from this week I shall add a session in the gym and increase it gradually to 4 times a week as we get nearer to February. Wish me luck and even if I don't get to ski I will be fitter.
Lizzie you are a real inspiration with your lust for life and positive attitude. You and Steffie make me feel young again🙂

Re the pens and you travels - well I can't see the NHS agreeing to you running 2 pens at a time - they would go into meltdown with the cost!!! When you travel is there not somewhere you could store the spare pen -hotel may have a fridge (not in the kitchen of course) or something- you don't need to take 2 out with you if you know there is one close in an emergency. If not how about a local pharmacy or medical centre- not sure what sort of travelling you do so this may not be convenient but, if it could be arranged, you GP might give you a letter explaining the need for you to have a spare unopened pen somewhere in an emergency. After all there must be lots of insulin users around the world who need similar facilities.

I will probaly write to eLilly when I have spoken to my DSN and possibly the Byetta expert DSN who is at our local hospital but who advises GPS on this newish treatment- I am a firm believer in feedback and I do like a good moan too so I will keep you posted...expected it to take some time though! The sticking I can deal with - missing the odd dose can't be helped but the blood thing could be a disaster if you can't get a new pen for days.

As a frequent traveller ( being nosey, is this for your job?) can one get a UK issued prescription filled abroad easily - suppose this depends on the country> I was wondering if people - T1's for example, carry a prescription when they travel for long periods rather than taking a huge supply of drugs?

Now what we need is small portable solar powered medicine fridge..or maybe that Trevor Bayliss could invent a clockwork one like the radios and stuff he does! Come on you engineering people!
Thanks thedame. I saw that one but it needs an electric supply and would be ok plugged into a car. I spent hours/days hunting for something suitable and the best thing I have found is a Polar Bear cooler form USA and there is no supplier in UK. It promises to keep Byetta at a temperature of 2-8C for 12 hours which may just be enough for me. Nothing else I have found will do the job for mnore than 8 hours apart from that fridge which needs to be plugged in. I need to get one of these Polar Bear things sent to me.
I am now semi retired and travel for pleasure. I have a second home in Turkey in a fairly remote area and go as often as possible. It is a 12- 14 hour journey, the last bit often in temperatures of over 35C by bus. You cannot get Byetta in Turkey although they do sell Victoza. I often visit my son in Switzerland although that is usually just long weekends and friends in Italy and Germany but again short visits. So if the pen failed there it would only mean a break of a few days. We also go to Egypt for the odd week and anywhere else that takes our fancy lol. I have always had 'ants in my pants' and am getting worse as I get older. I am coming to realise that there are no pockets in shrouds and I need to pack it all in before it's too late. Anyway I have 3 weeks in UK now before my next trip to Turkey and work for an agency so must get a few days done to top up the bank balance. I have also booked my Hba1c and hope to have a clinic appointment soon.
I do have a lust for life thedame and will not let my health stop me for now. I used to be quite a fit person until the diabetes got me and so now I have a second chance with this lizard spit stuff I will make the most of it. I am not so young - 57 but reckon I'm about 27 in my head lol. The wish to ski again may not be possible and I don't want to end up with anything broken so we'll see how I go in the gym. I managed to ski for over 30 years without any serious injuries so I don't want to break anything now. Getting fitter again though will only be beneficial even if I don't venture onto those skis again.
Right it's gone 10.00 and the chemist said he would have my new lizard spit by 10.30 so will head off soon and then go for my swim.
Thanks thedame. I saw that one but it needs an electric supply and would be ok plugged into a car. I spent hours/days hunting for something suitable and the best thing I have found is a Polar Bear cooler form USA and there is no supplier in UK. It promises to keep Byetta at a temperature of 2-8C for 12 hours which may just be enough for me. Nothing else I have found will do the job for mnore than 8 hours apart from that fridge which needs to be plugged in. I need to get one of these Polar Bear things sent to me.
I am now semi retired and travel for pleasure. I have a second home in Turkey in a fairly remote area and go as often as possible. It is a 12- 14 hour journey, the last bit often in temperatures of over 35C by bus. You cannot get Byetta in Turkey although they do sell Victoza. I often visit my son in Switzerland although that is usually just long weekends and friends in Italy and Germany but again short visits. So if the pen failed there it would only mean a break of a few days. We also go to Egypt for the odd week and anywhere else that takes our fancy lol. I have always had 'ants in my pants' and am getting worse as I get older. I am coming to realise that there are no pockets in shrouds and I need to pack it all in before it's too late. Anyway I have 3 weeks in UK now before my next trip to Turkey and work for an agency so must get a few days done to top up the bank balance. I have also booked my Hba1c and hope to have a clinic appointment soon.
I do have a lust for life thedame and will not let my health stop me for now. I used to be quite a fit person until the diabetes got me and so now I have a second chance with this lizard spit stuff I will make the most of it. I am not so young - 57 but reckon I'm about 27 in my head lol. The wish to ski again may not be possible and I don't want to end up with anything broken so we'll see how I go in the gym. I managed to ski for over 30 years without any serious injuries so I don't want to break anything now. Getting fitter again though will only be beneficial even if I don't venture onto those skis again.
Right it's gone 10.00 and the chemist said he would have my new lizard spit by 10.30 so will head off soon and then go for my swim.

OMG Lizzie- I had to lie down in a dark room and rest after all that- I am only 2 years your senior - talk about young at hear! You go for it girl - make those memories while you can:D Not that you seem to need it - talking as if Switzerland was just round the corner- you crack me up - but that fridge things does say "12V DC power cord for auto socket and a 110/240V AC worldwide power cord for domestic sockets" so I assumed it would work in car- I can see you getting on the bus and plugging it in by the driver's seat! Had a quick google and saw similar in th UK at over ?200 - are they having a laugh!

Anyway, hope you got your spit OK-now go do some work so we can get you away again and inspire the rest of us soon with your tales of travel We are off to the Isle of Wight next week - that is "foreign" enough for me just right now:D
Haha well I have to think like that about Switzerland as my son lives there and would miss him so much if I thought it was hard to get there. What with airmiles on my Tesco shopping providing a couple of flights a year and Easyjet, Ryanair etc I can get out there quite often, the flight is only an hour or so and the public transport system to where he lives forn the airport is fantastic and only 20 minutes. It is a very beautiful place and he wanted to live there after his first visit while at uni. I have a feeling that he'll never want to return to UK. He is a linguist with 3 languges so it makes working in europe easy for him.
Thedame at 59 you are just a spring chicken!
Hope you girls are all well.
Hope you girls are all well.

Hi Carole

I am well thaks for asking - how are you though after all the upset with your meds?

Had my regualr checkup with my DSN on Friday - she did the usual checks and told me that she was so pleased with my BS levels that I was unlikely to see the visitng consultant again for some time. Not sure if this is good or bad! I will take it a good.

Plan now is to continue to refine my food types until I feel confident I know what suits me carb wise and then focus on shifting some weight. Not lost much these past months but I have put none on which is a big thing for me, especially with my history and the fact that I can eat well and with some treats means I can finally feel in control🙂

Re the faults with the Byetta pens, I reported the blood in the syringe which several of us have reported- she is very worried abotu this and has noted it down to discuss furhter with her colleagues. She tried to replicate the occasional sticking pen which I have reported but understands that this is too random to pin down. I am going to write to Lillys about the blood and the sticking when I come back from my holiday ina couple of weeks so if any of you other Byetta users have had the same probs and want to let me know, I can tell them some numbers. I will scan this thread on my return or you can PM me. Thanks.

I will pop in today and tomorrow but might not get to chat for a couple of weeks. We are taking our caravan to our favourite destination - Isle of Wight - first time with the van so very excited. I have a mobile dongle and netbook but the signal out there can vary and I can't be sure to get a good signal in the middle of a farm!

You all take care and no throwign wild parties whiel I am away! Carole- hope to hear that you are nicely settled on your insulin when I get back! x
Hi Lesley, nice to hear all your news and have a fab time on the Isle of Wight. I haven't been there since the 1970 pop festival lol. I'm due a hospital appointment this month so will bring up the blood in the pen problem too. I have been using The Spit for 3 months and have had blood in 2 pens. I am now so careful when injecting but I was pretty much careful before. I have noticed I bruise much more than I used to with the jabs. I'm avoiding the thigh as that is when both blood problems happened.
I'm pleased with weight loss and BG but there is always room for improvement so like you I am going to concentrate on fine tuning my diet. I had a month long holiday which was all lovely but of course I eased up a bit and had a few ice creams and some very delicious fruits which may not have been so wise. I also found eating later at night a bit of a problem as I needed a more substantial snack during the afternoon. When I can eat at 6.00pm I don't need much in the afternoon and I don't need to snack in the evening either. So it's much better for the weight loss. I'm having the Hba1c tomorrow so fingers x it will be good and they have thrown in a whole host of other blood tests.
Anyway have a brill time thedame and I hope the sun shines for you.
Hi Lesley, nice to hear all your news and have a fab time on the Isle of Wight. I haven't been there since the 1970 pop festival lol. I'm due a hospital appointment this month so will bring up the blood in the pen problem too. I have been using The Spit for 3 months and have had blood in 2 pens. I am now so careful when injecting but I was pretty much careful before. I have noticed I bruise much more than I used to with the jabs. I'm avoiding the thigh as that is when both blood problems happened.
I'm pleased with weight loss and BG but there is always room for improvement so like you I am going to concentrate on fine tuning my diet. I had a month long holiday which was all lovely but of course I eased up a bit and had a few ice creams and some very delicious fruits which may not have been so wise. I also found eating later at night a bit of a problem as I needed a more substantial snack during the afternoon. When I can eat at 6.00pm I don't need much in the afternoon and I don't need to snack in the evening either. So it's much better for the weight loss. I'm having the Hba1c tomorrow so fingers x it will be good and they have thrown in a whole host of other blood tests.
Anyway have a brill time thedame and I hope the sun shines for you.

Thanks Lizzie and good luck with the appointment🙂
Right Oh Hba1c tomorrow. Any bets on what it'll be?
Last one was last October and was an awful 10.5, prior to that it was always around 6.5 but for the last 3 months I have been taking Byetta and no matter when I have tested (apart from the flapjack and we wont talk about that lol) it has always been within NICE guidelines. Always between 6.2 - 6.9 on waking and usually in the 4's and 5's before meals. I've not managed to catch it over 8 after meals and I only had the one flapjack once lol. I've had a few days when there have been problems with my pen so BG's went up a bit and I had a week with an infection but BG's seemed to be ok. I'm hoping for 6.5 but will be thrilled if it is lower. What do you all reckon on?😉
Hi gals just catching up have a good time dame.had my appt this morning with gp unfortunetly i have significant neuropathy i failed all her foot tests boo hoo, on a brighter note i lost a further 9lb since june .
Lizzie i will guess at 6. 8 for your hbA
Hi gals just catching up have a good time dame.had my appt this morning with gp unfortunetly i have significant neuropathy i failed all her foot tests boo hoo, on a brighter note i lost a further 9lb since june .
Lizzie i will guess at 6. 8 for your hbA

Ooh Steffie good news about the 9lb - well done. Sorry about the feet though, mine are a bit dodgy too.
I am chirpy this afternoon though because my Hba1c is ---- 6.00. The last test was 10.5 and this has happened from 3 months of Byetta along with 2.5 stone weight loss. Of course my diet has changed dramatically and I am no longer a carb junkie but I couldn't have done it without the Byetta taking my appetite away. So now my aim is to tinker a little more with my diet and get it down to 5 something. Maybe I need to work on the exercise too although I am not a complete couch potato any more lol.
Hey Lizzie just mailed you lol, brill news on the hbA hope mine is such a great loss on Monday, your going great guns with everything hun, you seem the type who puts thee heart and soul into things in your life so no doubt the weight will drop off with the exercise xx
Thanks Steffie, it has cheered me up no end. I was hoping for 6 ish but was ready for a bit higher. I shall be thinking about you on Monday.
Well I think I have been partly lucky with the old lizard spit as I know it doesn't suit everyone but I also looked upon it as being possibly my last chance to get it right and so tried very very hard to make it suit me. I tinkered with my diet big time and did loads of research in order to get it right. There were bouts of nausea when I wondered how long I could cope with it but I seem to have come out the other side. I was also very very desperate to lose weight. If I don't lose any more it isn't the end of the world but I could do with another couple of stone off really so will try hard.
Thanks Steffie, it has cheered me up no end. I was hoping for 6 ish but was ready for a bit higher. I shall be thinking about you on Monday.
Well I think I have been partly lucky with the old lizard spit as I know it doesn't suit everyone but I also looked upon it as being possibly my last chance to get it right and so tried very very hard to make it suit me. I tinkered with my diet big time and did loads of research in order to get it right. There were bouts of nausea when I wondered how long I could cope with it but I seem to have come out the other side. I was also very very desperate to lose weight. If I don't lose any more it isn't the end of the world but I could do with another couple of stone off really so will try hard.

Well yeah im sure caroleanne wont mine me mentioning her and i wish her all the sucsess with insulin but it just goes to prove what you say byetta dont suit us all she did give it a good go though, i dont think i could of rode through all the sickness and nausea she had.But like you say i saw it as the last resort in a way and luckily witohut any nausea at all it has done me the power of good.Im just so pleased i wrote off my old GP as he would of still had me on the pills.x
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Well yeah im sure caroleanne wont mine me mentioning her and i wish her all the sucsess with insulin but it just goes to prove what you say byetta dont suit us all she did give it a good go though, i dont think i could of rode through all the sickness and nausea she had.But like you say i saw it as the last resort in a way and luckily witohut any nausea at all it has done me the power of good.Im just so pleased i wrote off my old GP as he would of still had me on the pills.x

I'm sure Caroleann gave it her best shot and a few others too and then there are those who get problems with their pancreas. I always have that feeling that something could go wrong and will make the most of it while it works. I think you and I are very lucky Steffie - you with no nausea and me with only a couple of bad weeks and even then I wasn't actually sick. I get the odd passing wave of it still but a cup of ginger tea usually sorts me out. If it was really bad I couldn't have toughed it out I'm sure. It's no good having perfect BG if you are feeling too vile to live your life is it. Any way my aim now is to try to put the diabetes and the jabs further back in my mind while trying to improve the diet a bit more. There is a danger of all this just taking over. I've tidied up all the stuff that goes with testing, jabbing etc into a bag so that it isn't the first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen. I hope I don't forget to do it lol. Let us know your news on Monday hun. The only slight downside was that my cholesterol has gone up a bit from 4.7 to 5.1 and I reckon its because I've stopped eating porridge. Cant take statins.
I'm sure Caroleann gave it her best shot and a few others too and then there are those who get problems with their pancreas. I always have that feeling that something could go wrong and will make the most of it while it works. I think you and I are very lucky Steffie - you with no nausea and me with only a couple of bad weeks and even then I wasn't actually sick. I get the odd passing wave of it still but a cup of ginger tea usually sorts me out. If it was really bad I couldn't have toughed it out I'm sure. It's no good having perfect BG if you are feeling too vile to live your life is it. Any way my aim now is to try to put the diabetes and the jabs further back in my mind while trying to improve the diet a bit more. There is a danger of all this just taking over. I've tidied up all the stuff that goes with testing, jabbing etc into a bag so that it isn't the first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen. I hope I don't forget to do it lol. Let us know your news on Monday hun. The only slight downside was that my cholesterol has gone up a bit from 4.7 to 5.1 and I reckon its because I've stopped eating porridge. Cant take statins.

Oh yeah i know im lucky even my GP was astounded at just how little nausea i had, i never take the byetta for granted and i do often de-praise my self if thats even a word lol, because i know i must be doing some of the hard work to.All my diabetic gear sits downstairs in a big mobile phone cardboard box hehe.Sorry to hear about your cholesterol hun hope you manage to manage that, have you been given any advice about lowering it? x
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