Byetta Babes!

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well the phone alarm is a godsend byetta taken 6 o clock on the dot now x

Now we have to find a way to make sure you have your phone switched on Steffie.......................ducks down behind sofa😉
Thats great steffie just make sure you have it charged up lol.
Yeah I think I'm lucky with the team I have now thedame although it wasn't always the case I had a clueless first three years with useless advice and things just carried on getting worse when with what I know now I could have been helping myself. I really had no idea of the seriousness of the situation. Thankfully a new and very caring nurse took me on at the surgery and she has been fab. She was the one who suggested Byetta and pulled out all the plugs to get me the appointments as soon as she could. The one thing I have noticed at the hospital is that they are rushed off their feet and although they do seem to care they are pushed for time.
Just want to share with you guys, I feel fantastic🙂🙂🙂
Thanks Steffie the tiredness as all but gone the nausea only lasts for an hour or two,the main lesson i have learnt is if you are feeling nausea dont try going to the butchers to buy something for dinner did this yesterday and ended up having left overs frome the fridge, i just could'nt cope with the sight of all that raw meat,today i waited until the nausea passed and i came away from the butchers with a bag full, i have started to buy my meals daily as it gives me extra exercise and just to give me that bit extra i do a full circle of the town.
Thankyou for the support it means a lot to me,everyone has been sonice and helpful.
That is such great news Caroleann- you had us all a bit worried there for a while:D

I went of steak and coffee for ages and it was one of my favourites - still enjoyed roast beef but not steak. Isn't that strange? I can eat it now but only a small piece - wish I had gone off bread too but lovin the coffee again 😉 Like being pregnant but it doesn't take 9 months to get over it:D
Great news Caroleann. I was worried we were going to lose a Babe and that would be so sad. I have gone off red meat most of the time but did manage some lamb cutlets the other night. I've had to ditch my breakfast egg for now due to nausea and it's much better with fruit and yog. Tonight we are off to a fish restaurant and I usually end up giving half of my meal to hubby but I will enjoy the half that is left.😉
How are all the byetta babe's to day.
How are all the byetta babe's to day.

Hiya Carole im good how are you ?

I had a anti diabetic night last night as we had mates from london visiting i had a ndian takeaway and a bit of alchol took my BS x 2 and was 7.9 and 6.8 so not to bad I was impressed, thats it for me now though back on track hehe xx
Hi steffie sounds like you had a better night then me but glad you had a good evening, starting to wish i had a diabetic free night now,i made a stewcos steve was fishing thought it would be easier to work round two different meal times with out too much detail lets just say my poor little tummy can't tolerate stew now,still its a new day and another lesson learned:D.
Hi steffie sounds like you had a better night then me but glad you had a good evening, starting to wish i had a diabetic free night now,i made a stewcos steve was fishing thought it would be easier to work round two different meal times with out too much detail lets just say my poor little tummy can't tolerate stew now,still its a new day and another lesson learned:D.

thats it carole chin up,its trial and error all the way with the big D, x

hope you have a better day today
I'm fine Caroleann and hope you are too. My digital scales have died and so have no idea how much I have lost so s*d it for now. I'll find out when I get home Tues night lol.
I had a bit of a fall off the wagon yesterday. I'm finding it tricky whilst on holiday as we eat late - around 8 or 9 pm and really I need to have my main meal about 6pm. I've been getting round it by having something small and carby around 5pm usually a banana or similar. Then I have the jab around 7-ish and the meal within an hour and that seems to have been ok. Well yesterday we went to the beach and I forgot to put the piece of fruit in my bag. Hubby was enjoying the rays later in the afternoon and around 5.30 I started to feel a bit low but was 4.1 so I had one of those cooked sweetcorns they sell on the beach here and I thought that would do. Then we drove home and by the time we got here I felt starving and didn't test just scoffed a load of toast and jam and then a lump of cheese. By the time I had finished scoffing it was almost time for my jab and thought it was probably not a good idea to have it as you are not supposed to have it right after eating. So last night for the first time I skipped it. Of course by the time I got to the restaurant i was stuffed with bread so I didn't want much of my meal. Anyway BG has been ok today and I have climbed aboard the waggon again. Off to the beach to catch those afternoon rays now and have a peach in the bag so hope I'll manage to behave myself today.
Hi Gang

Had a chinese last night - I tried to choose wisely! Had chop suey which is mostly ver isn't it😉 Just had to have some chow mein though didn't I! Well it was Saturday! Left the really naughty bits to the boys though. They don't like my choices so I halve my portions and freeze for another day. The trick is to freeze it asap so you don't go back and pick!!!

Not feeling on top of the world today - not food related - think I may be starting cold. Now here's a thing. I am not one for a lot of colds and now I am in better control, I don't seem to get them (famous last words...I hope not) but I get symptoms and then a day two alter I feel better again without the stuffed up, can't taste, sore thoat stuff. I expect is just me - can't give Byetta all the credit😉

Never mind - Hubby is fussing round me like he does- I can't complain! Have a nice BH everyone out there in diabetic land🙂
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Hope your cold came to nothing thedame. I think they are so much worse in the summer. I didn't make a pig's ear of things today and stayed firmly on the waggon. We stayed late at the beach - until 7pm but I took fruit with me and some nuts, also had coffee and made it through until 9pm when we ate. I shall be home on Tuesday and back into a normal routine for a while which makes it all so much easier. Enjoy the BH everyone.
Hope your cold came to nothing thedame. I think they are so much worse in the summer. I didn't make a pig's ear of things today and stayed firmly on the waggon. We stayed late at the beach - until 7pm but I took fruit with me and some nuts, also had coffee and made it through until 9pm when we ate. I shall be home on Tuesday and back into a normal routine for a while which makes it all so much easier. Enjoy the BH everyone.

Well would you believe it - had a good night's sleep for once and no cold! Must be stress and lack of sleep that made me feel so rotten?

Poor you Lizzie- having such a great holiday but almost wishing it over so you can get back into a routine! I bet you wish you could stay for ever! Having done so well under such tempting conditions, just think what you will be like when you get back though:D

How do the rest of you cope on holiday? We got a caravan last year and I made myself a promise that I would not treat the weekends away, which we aim to grab every other weekend in the season, into an eating fest! When I was on my annual holidays I used to cut myself some slack and have the odd treat (oh how I longed for that plate full of freshly cooked fish and chips by the sea and not some rotten dried up fish with fat soaked batter we get round here!).

So far I am just about keeping my head above water. I take extra fruit and sometimes nuts for a treat but find myself grabbing the odd scone after a morning out pottering. So far, the extra exercise involved when touring (ie not sitting in front of a computer all day) balances any extra treats. I am not very active - one of those catch 22 situtations - I need to exercise to get the weight shifting but am limited in what I can do.

I have a treadmill at home which I hate but force myslef to use for a limited time each day - it has made a huge difference to my hips and legs so I should try to do more but when we are away, I need to get out and walk more cos we sure can't take it with us! Off to the Isle of Wight next week- will have to do lots of power walks round the van to offset the wondeful ice creams we found at a craft place and the scones served at a little hidden away cafe on a tiny pier. Heaven ...or diabetic hell?:D
Hi thedame - Isle of Wight - sounds lovely and all those tea rooms lol. Well almost the end of my holiday and I am kind of ready to go home and get into a routine. I've had a month here and always find that just about enough. Three weeks is nice but always a bit too short and 5 weeks is too much. Can't do more than that without hunting round for a different insurer and now I have the extra hassle of carting an extra Byetta pen over in conditions of 2-8C. Not an easy task. So fortunately 30 days is enough for me. I'm back again in a few weeks for a wedding so that'll be fun but only 10 days that time. So my routine will be upset again lol. In fact I was only all over the place with food on one day and it was because I was not organised enough. I failed to put that bit of fruit and a few nuts in my bag so it has taught me a lesson. It has been a very much hotter summer than usual here so the walking I usually do has been restricted and we hired a car for the entire time. I have swum at least twice a day though. It has been easy to eat the small portions because of the lizard spit and the heat. My digital scales got a bashing in my luggage and don't work properly so although my cossies and skirts are looser I don't know how much weight I have lost. I have succomed to a few ice creams but BG was not too bad with them. I had to steer clear of citrus fruit, melon and grapes though and they appear on the table after almost every meal. Anyway I'm ready to go home tomorrow and face being a bit cold and then I'll be working from about Friday. Nausea at the moment has gone so I hope it continues that way or work will be grizzly.
had enough today, im in a shocking mood, and just thrown all my dinner at the dog
Hi steffie sorry to hear your not having a good day but on a lighter note did the dog enjoy the dinner.
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