Byetta Babes!

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Well I hope you all like the new title of the thread, a brill idea by carole and the kind gent by the name of northerner obligied by chaging the name sounds good when you see it in type haha xxx
Well I hope you all like the new title of the thread, a brill idea by carole and the kind gent by the name of northerner obligied by chaging the name sounds good when you see it in type haha xxx

yes thankyou Northener you are a very very nice man:D
have you had your first dose of 5 yet carole?
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have you had your first dose of 5 yet carloe?

Not yet steffie they want me to start afresh from tomorrow morning, i had a shock tonight the consultant i saw in ae satureday rang to see if i was ok.
Not yet steffie they want me to start afresh from tomorrow morning, i had a shock tonight the consultant i saw in ae satureday rang to see if i was ok.

very good consultent , thumbs up x
Well after my first day back on the 5 dose im feeling suppising well considering i dident have any for two days,i thought i would be as bad as i felt when i first started on the byetta,yes i am still feeling a bit tired and nausea but nothing compared to the last couple of weeks when i was on the 10 dose.
Well after my first day back on the 5 dose im feeling suppising well considering i dident have any for two days,i thought i would be as bad as i felt when i first started on the byetta,yes i am still feeling a bit tired and nausea but nothing compared to the last couple of weeks when i was on the 10 dose.

glad to hear it carole x

i accidnetly left my pen out for 2 hours, grr teaches me not to run to th e door and then forget to put it in fridge when im finished gabbing
I keep my pen on top of toilet system ,coolest place in the house.
Hi Babes, I like the change of title. Well I tried a little alcohol tonight, I had a party and the guests have just left (I am 2 hours ahead here). Well I only had a small glass of wine as some German friends brought a lot of very good wine with them. I haven't tested my blood so heaven knows what it is doing but I very quickly felt quite dizzy and odd. I didn't like the effect so probably wont have it again.
I'm off on a boat trip tomorrow so I really hope I don't feel sick before I even climb aboard.
I'm glad you are feeling a bit better Caroleann
Hi Babes, I like the change of title. Well I tried a little alcohol tonight, I had a party and the guests have just left (I am 2 hours ahead here). Well I only had a small glass of wine as some German friends brought a lot of very good wine with them. I haven't tested my blood so heaven knows what it is doing but I very quickly felt quite dizzy and odd. I didn't like the effect so probably wont have it again.
I'm off on a boat trip tomorrow so I really hope I don't feel sick before I even climb aboard.
I'm glad you are feeling a bit better Caroleann

Hi hun just typical huh, hope it does not spoil your day on the boat tomorrow , have a great time X
Grrr forgot to take my jab again ate my tea then an hour later realised id not took it, this is after iv'e even started marking it off on the calender with a little star to remind me ....😡
Oh steffie you are soo forgetful. I always manage my jab but am hopeless with pills. Might have to get one of those little box things with the days in sections.
My nausea has subsided now and the boat trip was lovely. I think I have lost 14kg now but my scales got a bashing in my suitcase and I dont think they are working properly. Never mind, people I haven't seen for a year are commenting so thats good. I had a couple of glasses of wine last night then felt so very tired. I was at a friends house and had to crash out on a sunbed in the garden lol. Maybe I'll have to give alcohol a miss if it affects me like that. I should have tested but didn't.
Hi Gang

Thought I would just pop in to say hi🙂 Lot going on in my life these past weeks- Hubby retired on Friday, son, newly graduated started his shiny new job on Weds, been dealing with the sale of father-in-law's bungalow - my head is all over the place - my own life is very dull though...I am pleased to say!

Lizzie - sound slike you are having a ball:D I have one of those pills boxes - we have his and hers ones actually! I keep them on the kitchen counter right by where I serve up meals - I either put our doses on our trays or by our cutlery when setting the table- it is the only way I can remember! Always take my doses out with me when going out but invariably forget to take them -good job I don't go out much!

Steffie, what are we going to do with you! I keep my pen in the downstairs loo where it is cool so it reminds me to take my dose when I visit for a comfort break (as they say I the USA) before meals - being older and needing the loo does have it's advantages!!! Plus Hubby nags me! How did you get on with your hypers by the way?

Going away tomrrow for a few days so will catch up later in the week.🙂
Hi gals,

Lizzie great that you had a good time nice to hear things are all good.

Dame I know im just to bad surely the alarm on my phone will remind me , well you would hope so 🙄.

Have a good time on your break enjoy yourself xX
Sorry to say im deserting the byetta babe's, after a lot of thought i have decided to come off the byetta as the side affects are just to bad for me,im a sleep 18 out of 24 hrs and the sickness is just beyond a joke.
Sorry to say im deserting the byetta babe's, after a lot of thought i have decided to come off the byetta as the side affects are just to bad for me,im a sleep 18 out of 24 hrs and the sickness is just beyond a joke.

Have you discussed it with your GP hun, might not be a good idea to just stop taking it ? x xxxx
Have you discussed it with your GP hun, might not be a good idea to just stop taking it ? x xxxx

Hi Steffie yep i have spoken to the doc and she is fine with me coming off it,she says its perfectly clear that it dosent siut me so now all i have got to do is ring dsn in the morning to see what the alternatives are.
Hi Steffie yep i have spoken to the doc and she is fine with me coming off it,she says its perfectly clear that it dosent siut me so now all i have got to do is ring dsn in the morning to see what the alternatives are.

oh dear, what about victoza? has that been mentioned.
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