Byetta Babes!

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You might be able to tolerate victoza better. Did the byetta work for you? if so probably worth giving victoza a go
Just waiting for the DSN to ring and i am so not looking foreward to it because she seems to want to keep me on the byetta no matter how ill it makes me, will let you know the outcome later.
Just waiting for the DSN to ring and i am so not looking foreward to it because she seems to want to keep me on the byetta no matter how ill it makes me, will let you know the outcome later.

I'm sure she is just trying to do her best for you, but on the other hand its your body and you are the one that has to suffer these effects, like i suggested mention victoza to her and she what she says x
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Just wanted to add - Frio all the way! Amazing things!

Hi all, how did you get on Caroleann? It's no good feeling vile all the time. I'm having another phase of 2 hours nausea in the morning so I'll have to change my beakfast again. Fruit and yog in tiny quantities seems to help me but I usually really fancy an egg in the morning. Today I slept from 9-11 and I hate having to do that. I'm on my holidays at the mo and I couldn't even face wallowing in the pool. Thing is after the 2 hours I'm fine again and because of the weight loss I'm reluctant to give it up. It is going to cause me problems when I get home and want to work again. I'm just hoping it passes soon. I had a couple of weeks like this before and then it passed. I shall be interested to hear what they suggest for you.
Dsn has'nt got back to me yet but i think i have pretty much decided to stick with it but im going to change my routine,im going to take it in the morning when i get up and have breakfast this will be abg change for me as i have never eaten breakfast i am also going to try and eat more carbs ie bread potatoes pasta and rice i know this maybe frowed apon but for some reason when i started the injections i went off all those things so perhaps i was'nt having enough carbs i have also gone off cheese fish and eggs, has anyone else found they have gone off foods they normaly like since being on the byetta.
Thankyou for your concern.
Dsn has'nt got back to me yet but i think i have pretty much decided to stick with it but im going to change my routine,im going to take it in the morning when i get up and have breakfast this will be abg change for me as i have never eaten breakfast i am also going to try and eat more carbs ie bread potatoes pasta and rice i know this maybe frowed apon but for some reason when i started the injections i went off all those things so perhaps i was'nt having enough carbs i have also gone off cheese fish and eggs, has anyone else found they have gone off foods they normaly like since being on the byetta.
Thankyou for your concern.

yeah i do that in the morning hun works good, I have found i dont like fish as much but still stick to my 2 oily fish a week,plus dont like butter for some unknown reason lol x

Good luck with it Carole we are here if you need us ok xxx
Good luck Caroleann. I think it is a question of tinkering with our diets to get it right or at least tolerable. I read somewhere on another forum that you need some carbs to make the Byetta work which seeing as it springs into action when you eat carbs sounds about right. 30-40g per meal was quoted. I'm not sure I can always eat that many but I try. I have always had my Byetta before breakfast and while feeling nauseus have only waited 10 mins or so before eating. I think it helps a bit. Then there is the old ginger tea trick which I think also helps a bit. My favourite breakfast is egg and toast but I think sometimes it sits heavily on my stomach so for now I'm having fresh fruit and plain yogurt and only a little. I can have the egg and toast for lunch instead. I've had some days when I think 'I can't do this anymore' but it's really only 2 hours or less that I have a problem and the weight loss is so great (14kg since 9th June) and BG numbers so good that I'd be silly to give it up.

On a brighter note I am reaping the benefits of being a bit lighter - I can - get up off the floor without needing a crane, get up from chairs easily, roll over in bed without a struggle, walk further, do up the plane seat belt easily, get the aeroplane table right down, wear my smaller clothes, paint my own toenails lol.
Well done on the weight loss lizzie,but sorry to hear nausea is spoiling your hols, i hope things pick up so you can enjoy the rest of your holiday.
At last a bit of good news on my front virtualy no nausea today still a bit tired but im working my way through it and i did find out i definatly cant have milkshake from mc d's 15.3 not good at all, so here comes the experiments to try and make a milkshake that wont affect me so badly.
Well done on the weight loss lizzie,but sorry to hear nausea is spoiling your hols, i hope things pick up so you can enjoy the rest of your holiday.
At last a bit of good news on my front virtualy no nausea today still a bit tired but im working my way through it and i did find out i definatly cant have milkshake from mc d's 15.3 not good at all, so here comes the experiments to try and make a milkshake that wont affect me so badly.

So pleased to hear that you are feeling a lot better today carole 🙂 Feeling nauseous all the time really is awful - I was like that for the first 6 months because of some or all of the pills I was put on. If it said 'may cause nausea' on the packet - I felt it!
Good news, no nausea today. Ditched the breakfast egg and had plain yog and some bits of fruit. Had the egg for lunch and some lamb cutlets and salad for dinner. Managed a mid morning swim so all is well.:D
Good news, no nausea today. Ditched the breakfast egg and had plain yog and some bits of fruit. Had the egg for lunch and some lamb cutlets and salad for dinner. Managed a mid morning swim so all is well.:D

mmmm lamb cutlets sounds yummy not had lamb for ageessss,reckon i know whats for Sunday lunch now hehe

p.s great news r.e no nausea,im wondering if theres something wrong with me as i seem to have bypassed all the nausea lol x🙄
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You are very lucky Steffie. I don't have it all the time and only for 2 hours in the morning but it is a nuisance. It is definately affected by what I eat for breakfast and I seem to be able to avoid it with something light such as the yog and fruit. The only thing is the egg with Burgen or similar doesn't affect BG much but the yog and fruit sends it a bit higher. I found berries were the best but can't get any in Turkey at the moment. It's all peaches, oranges, melons, grapes and stuff in season. I haven't touched most of them but have had half a peach for breakfast or half a banana which seems better than the citrus fruits for me. I'll be home next week though and can get back to a routine with the berrries again.
I can have my Hba1c next week, it'll be the first one since I started Byetta 3 months ago so I wonder what it'll be?
Hi Guys

Back from our little break - managed to get home just before the heavens opened🙂 9am yesterday and brekkie in the open air in a big field watching rabbits graze- only sound was from the birds....absolute heaven:D

Nice to hear the positive news from you ladies but sorry to hear how poorly you have been Caroleann and to a lesser extent Lizzie - Lizzie, maybe the nausea will settle when you are back in our cooler climate? I suffered with nausea for months a few years back when I had an illness - it really drags you down doesn't it? There are onyl so many pills you can take so trying to combat it with other remedies is worth a go - especially with the Byetta if it is workign for you in all other respects, don't you think? Poor Caroleann though - you can only suffer it for so long beofre it affects your quality of life but heres hoping your new brekkie regime will help get you sorted.

I would really recommend that anyone who works should book off some time when starting on Byetta to allow things to settle - what with the sickness and the overwhelming tiredness, I just gave up trying to do anything much for the first few weeks- I am lucky to have retired so just pottered about sipping diet ginger ale, ginger tea, warm water with a spoon of cider vinegar, sucking on mints and sleeping it all off when I felt tired (that helped the sickness as lying down seemed to lessen it!).

I think it is hard for the diabetes teams to give specific advice on how to work with the Byetta as it has not really been around long enough and they don't seem to always request feedback from users do they? My DSN gets chapter and verse from me whether she likes it or not! I wrote my experiences down over the first few weeks and it it did help to see how far I had come- small steps and all that.

The way I see it is that everyone benefits from user feedback with a new treatment and from our experiences on here all of us benefit from testign and experimenting with different foods as it is obvious that we are all different in what we can tolerate....this true is not just for Byetta Babes of course. So refusing testing strips for T2s is not helpful. I am lucky not to have these restricted but this is not always the case. I reckon that the more reluctant GPs might be persuaded to rethink their policies if they made a deal with their patients: they will supply the necessary strips for a trial period if the patient provides some sort of feedback on their experiences to show what works and doesn't work for them food wise etc. Fat chance of that though of course...but we can dream😉

PS Had fish and chips Tuesday night shhhhhhhhhh:D
Good to see you back thedame. The rabbits sound wonderful.
I agree about booking some time off when starting out on Byetta. I am semi retired and now do some part time work through an agency. I took 2 weeks off when I went onto the 10 dose and really needed it. Now the nausea is not as bad and I do seem to be able to control it to some extent by tinkering with my diet. The last 2 days with the yogurt breakfast have been fine and the rest of the day seems to be trouble free. The good results are worth any of these problems but I don't have severe problems like caroleann.
Luckily I am not restricted with strips. I was told to test 2 -4 times a day or more if I was concerned about hypos. Well I did test a lot in the Byetta early days but no matter when I did it the results were almost always in the NICE guidelines and I was able to identify some foods that were not such a good idea. I'm on holiday at the moment and I decided to reduce the testing for the duration. I do it every couple of days just to keep an eye on it and all seems ok. I haven't had any hypo symptoms. I'll get back into a routine next week and try to tighten up even further. The good thing with the Byetta is I don't yearn for food at all and now I eat to live rather than live to eat. So the little bits of food I do have can be the ones that are best for me rather than what I am craving for.
I am asked for feedback by my GP's nurse. She phones me now and again to see how I am doing. She wants to refer more of her patients for Byetta - there are only 2 of us at her surgery using it so she is interested to know all about it from me. The DSN at the hospital also seems interested and we had a training group of 6 of us. We were asked for feedback at the end of our first month. I am on a 3 month trial and go back to the consultant soon when she will decide if I can continue. She did say that as long as I have either lost weight or have a lower Hba1c i would be able to continue with it. Well the weight is down by quite a lot and from my testing I reckon the Hba1c will show a spectacular drop. So I think the old lizard spit will be part of my life for a while longer.
Nice to see you bac thedame sounds like u had wonderful time x
Lizzie- your team should be the model for all GPs :D

Steffie -3 days away with sun and now look at what they are throwing at us- well down here in Essex anyway - it has rained almost solidly since we got back! We are off for our main holiday on the 7th Sept - Isle of Wight - I am digging out my thermals just in case😉

well the phone alarm is a godsend byetta taken 6 o clock on the dot now x
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