Byetta Babes!

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Hi steffie sorry to hear your not having a good day but on a lighter note did the dog enjoy the dinner.

lolololololol carole i like that,yes he left a clean plate
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Better let you know im not realy a byetta babe anymore last night was the last straw with me, i came down in the night feeling realy ill my loos down stairs ended up collapsing on the hall floor sweating like a mad man in agony with my stomach was'nt in a position to get help but my little dog stayed with me so when i managed to get up i layed on the sofa and fell asleep. so im off to docs tomorrow and demand they either sought me out some new pils or put me on insulin.
Better let you know im not realy a byetta babe anymore last night was the last straw with me, i came down in the night feeling realy ill my loos down stairs ended up collapsing on the hall floor sweating like a mad man in agony with my stomach was'nt in a position to get help but my little dog stayed with me so when i managed to get up i layed on the sofa and fell asleep. so im off to docs tomorrow and demand they either sought me out some new pils or put me on insulin.

awwe no carole so sorry to hear that, it is obvious the byetta just does not suit, i quite agree make your feelings very clear hun, good luck xxx
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Aww caroleann so sorry to hear that. It's no good if it's making you that ill. You'll always be a babe though and I hope they get you something to make you feel good soon.
Thanks guys,maybe i can be your little mascot i say little im 5ft, what you think:D
Oh Caroleann - that is such sad news:( I do hope you get sorted really soon. As far as being B Babe is concerned, you only have to have taken it to qualify. I was a Girl Guide - still am in theory but I don't sit crossed legged on the floor and sing any more - well not sober anyway and not on the floor - huh, I would never get up again...but you see my point😉

Keep us posted- it is important for others to realise that all this raving about this stuff doesn't mean it is for everyone. Big hugs xxx
Spoke to DSN this morning after telling her what happend she told me to stop takinf for a week and then start taking one 5 dose daily see how i go with that, she has said there is one more pil i can try or insulin but what to do im thinking blow it all and going straight on to the insulin cos the way things are going im going to end up on at some point anyway so i just as well do it now that i have got used to injecting,all i know is i want my life back,i can honestly say whilst taking the byetta i did'nt have a life just been like a zombie most of the time.
Spoke to DSN this morning after telling her what happend she told me to stop takinf for a week and then start taking one 5 dose daily see how i go with that, she has said there is one more pil i can try or insulin but what to do im thinking blow it all and going straight on to the insulin cos the way things are going im going to end up on at some point anyway so i just as well do it now that i have got used to injecting,all i know is i want my life back,i can honestly say whilst taking the byetta i did'nt have a life just been like a zombie most of the time.

Hi hun hope this works taken a week off might change things x x good luck
Hope you are feeling a bit better today Caroleann.
I have a new problem today. My new pen is due on 6th September but today noticed a few floaty bits in my pen. So anyway nipped down docs and the receptionist said she can get me a new prescription for 6pm and the pharamcist said he'll get the pen for 10.30 tomorrow. So I suppose I had better not use it tonight. This is the second pen I have had problems with, the other had blood in it. Has anyone else had these kind of problems?
Hope you are feeling a bit better today Caroleann.
I have a new problem today. My new pen is due on 6th September but today noticed a few floaty bits in my pen. So anyway nipped down docs and the receptionist said she can get me a new prescription for 6pm and the pharamcist said he'll get the pen for 10.30 tomorrow. So I suppose I had better not use it tonight. This is the second pen I have had problems with, the other had blood in it. Has anyone else had these kind of problems?

Hi Lizzie sorry hun ive never had any bother like that.x
Well I know how it feels to be hungry again. Can't stop eating. Anyway just off to get my prescription and will get the new lizard spit tomorrow. Course I have the sharps box collectors coming in the morning sometime between 8 - 13.00 so can't get to the chemist until they come. Apparently you have to be in to hand it over. I can see that in future I'll have to hoard a few boxes as I can't keep taking a morning off work to hand them over. They said they can collect from my place of work but I never know where I'll be working from one day to the next.
Well I know how it feels to be hungry again. Can't stop eating. Anyway just off to get my prescription and will get the new lizard spit tomorrow. Course I have the sharps box collectors coming in the morning sometime between 8 - 13.00 so can't get to the chemist until they come. Apparently you have to be in to hand it over. I can see that in future I'll have to hoard a few boxes as I can't keep taking a morning off work to hand them over. They said they can collect from my place of work but I never know where I'll be working from one day to the next.

nightmare hun, i am quite surprised you get that good a service lol i had to beg them to take my sharps box at the surgery it was a right palava.
Hi ya its me again,hope you are all well and steffie i do hope you have'nt been over feeding that dog of yours :D Lizzie i did have a problem with blood in one of my pens.
I thought i would let you all know its official im no longer on the byetta and with luck i will know either tomorrow or friday if im going on insulin which if the consultant says yes it should start next week, must admit im quite nervous about it but im adament im not going back on the byetta and im not going shove more pils down my throat just to find out they are not working and end up on insulin anyway,i know i have a lot of hard work a head of me but but im not going to let this thing get the better of me.🙂
Hi ya its me again,hope you are all well and steffie i do hope you have'nt been over feeding that dog of yours :D Lizzie i did have a problem with blood in one of my pens.
I thought i would let you all know its official im no longer on the byetta and with luck i will know either tomorrow or friday if im going on insulin which if the consultant says yes it should start next week, must admit im quite nervous about it but im adament im not going back on the byetta and im not going shove more pils down my throat just to find out they are not working and end up on insulin anyway,i know i have a lot of hard work a head of me but but im not going to let this thing get the better of me.🙂

Aww Carole i do hope you will still pop in here though whatever happens, fingers crossed you get to know ASAP.

P.s the dog has had little from me today lol x
Thanks steffie,i will always pop in even if its just to make sure your not slacking on your jabs:D. your lucky you only have one dog i have six imagine throwing 6 dinners lol.
Thanks steffie,i will always pop in even if its just to make sure your not slacking on your jabs:D. your lucky you only have one dog i have six imagine throwing 6 dinners lol.

least u have had some practice with the jabs as well carole hun x

aww poor u x

Can you put me out of my 'misery'?

I can't work out what your avatar is and I've been squinting at it for minutes!!

Andy 🙂
Hi Andy yep that is one of my dogs his name is Harley he is a shih tzu the chubby little thing squating behind him is me,we did go on to win first place in that class.
Hi Andy yep that is one of my dogs his name is Harley he is a shih tzu the chubby little thing squating behind him is me,we did go on to win first place in that class.

Aha got it, I think, Harley is looking to the left (i.e. your right in the picture)?

By the way, this is more a comment on my eyesight than the quality of the picture! 🙄

Andy 🙂

p.s. And I very rudely ignored your mention of 1st Prize! Well done, Harley!!. I think that he looks like a lovely dog (if only I could see him!)
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