Byetta Babes!

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Hi girls hope you dont mind me posting i just want to say hi and of course i dont mind you mentioning my byetta disaster i think its a good thing that needs to be mentioned like you say people who are considering using byetta need to see both sides of the coin so to speak,i personly went on forums and read every thing i could about what users were experiencing with it most of it was good and that did help me to make the choice of using it and i have to admit if it ha'nt been for my night in AE and collapsing i would have stuck with it regardless of the nausea.
Im realy pleased that the byetta is working so well for you gals.🙂
Hi Caroleann of course we want you to post here, you are one of our old buddies and we want to know how you are. I agree it is very important for those who are thinking of Byetta to see both sides of the coin. I still realise that it could all go pear shaped at any moment although as time goes on I feel more confident in it.
I am experimenting today with BG and had porridge with raspberries for breakfast. It's something I used to have almost daily and I'm convinced it brought the cholesterol down. Well I haven't had porridge for 3 months and the flipping cholesterol is back up and I can't tolerate statins so I'll start with the porridge again if it doesn't raise BG too much. Has anyone tried those drinks?
Hi Caroleann we would be offended if you did not post here lol.Hope things are going ok with the insulin i know its early days for you but hope your getting to grips with things ok.I woke this morning at 4 with a BS of 16.3 for some reason i cant decide if it was the smell of my garlic brethe or the slice of toast i had before bed lol.
Well have now completed the porridge experiment. It went much better than expected. I didn't weigh the quantities but had a small bowl of porridge at 7.45 am made with half skimmed milk and half water, a sprinkling of Splenda and 8 raspberries. On waking BG was 6. 1 hour after eating it was 5.9 and 2 hours after 6.4. This time it didn't sit too heavily and now at 11.30 I am still not hungry so it looks as though I can get porridge into my diet again. I'll try the experiment a couple more times just to make sure there are no massive spikes and perhaps I should test at 3 hours. This means I can have the poached egg and tomato on toast for lunch - brill. I have a squillion tomatoes ripening in the garden. I may have to get all domestic and make stuff with them - any good lowish carb recipes folks? I was thinking of soup as I can bung that in the freezer.
Well have now completed the porridge experiment. It went much better than expected. I didn't weigh the quantities but had a small bowl of porridge at 7.45 am made with half skimmed milk and half water, a sprinkling of Splenda and 8 raspberries. On waking BG was 6. 1 hour after eating it was 5.9 and 2 hours after 6.4. This time it didn't sit too heavily and now at 11.30 I am still not hungry so it looks as though I can get porridge into my diet again. I'll try the experiment a couple more times just to make sure there are no massive spikes and perhaps I should test at 3 hours. This means I can have the poached egg and tomato on toast for lunch - brill. I have a squillion tomatoes ripening in the garden. I may have to get all domestic and make stuff with them - any good lowish carb recipes folks? I was thinking of soup as I can bung that in the freezer.

Thats weird i thought i had replied to this comment at lunch time today but i must be losing it lol, im sure thedame will have some ideas for you hun im useless at that, but the prridge experiment sounds like a sucess well done its one cereal i can get along with well kind of but i still prefer my bacon and egg x
Ooh Steffie good news about the 9lb - well done. Sorry about the feet though, mine are a bit dodgy too.
I am chirpy this afternoon though because my Hba1c is ---- 6.00. The last test was 10.5 and this has happened from 3 months of Byetta along with 2.5 stone weight loss. Of course my diet has changed dramatically and I am no longer a carb junkie but I couldn't have done it without the Byetta taking my appetite away. So now my aim is to tinker a little more with my diet and get it down to 5 something. Maybe I need to work on the exercise too although I am not a complete couch potato any more lol.

Hey Lizzie, hiding your brilliant success away! Well done on the HbA1c!!!! :D
Thanks it is fab but not really all down to me. I couldn't have done it without the old lizard spit. I'm so very relieved though and I do feel better.
Lizzie whens lesley back do you know? hope she having a good time in IOW x
Dunno Steffie. I am in Cornwall at the mo and the weather is nice so I hope it is the same for her. Had a real piggy day yesterday eating what I thought were all the wrong things and then got to the restaurant at 8pm and felt a bit queer only to find BG was 3.8 most odd. Anyway I over stuffed on really yummy food all fairly low carb apart from the orange juice before I started. When I rolled into bed I felt totally over stuffed. Anyway woke up today to the lowest ever for me BG (morning one) at 5. I'm usually in the 6's. All very strange. Dare not stand on the scales so back on the waggon today.
Dunno Steffie. I am in Cornwall at the mo and the weather is nice so I hope it is the same for her. Had a real piggy day yesterday eating what I thought were all the wrong things and then got to the restaurant at 8pm and felt a bit queer only to find BG was 3.8 most odd. Anyway I over stuffed on really yummy food all fairly low carb apart from the orange juice before I started. When I rolled into bed I felt totally over stuffed. Anyway woke up today to the lowest ever for me BG (morning one) at 5. I'm usually in the 6's. All very strange. Dare not stand on the scales so back on the waggon today.

Hi hun them days happen all to often with me lol, last night i had some garlic bread with cheese on it was so yummy but you know those regrets you have afterwards lol.Glad your having a good time hun x
Afternoon fellow babes lol.

Had a weird one this morning took my pen out the fridge as usual and undone my jeans to do my tummy and when i went to inject it felt like the end of the needle went in me it was very strange feeling and i had to pull the pen straight out so im unsure if i got the full dose of lizard spit grrr.Nevermind i have felt ok the rest of the day and BS has been below 6.5 all day so cant have effected me to bad.
OOh what do you mean? Like gone in and not gonna come out again? I've had a couple of times when I wondered if the stuff had actually gone in but then BG's were good all day so I suppose that shows it has worked. Hope it works ok tomorrow. I have my appointment with the hossie next week so I suppose I'll be told if I can remain on the spit. Nursie said I would as long as I lost weight or the BG was down so as I have passed on both counts I assume I'll be able to continue.
OOh what do you mean? Like gone in and not gonna come out again? I've had a couple of times when I wondered if the stuff had actually gone in but then BG's were good all day so I suppose that shows it has worked. Hope it works ok tomorrow. I have my appointment with the hossie next week so I suppose I'll be told if I can remain on the spit. Nursie said I would as long as I lost weight or the BG was down so as I have passed on both counts I assume I'll be able to continue.

Yeah exactly that i was nervous about tonight but things went smoothly x
Good morning girlies hope all is fine this Friday morning,Off to get my prescription later should hope it will be easier then last time, i got some snotty nosed pharmacist who said to me i will have to show you how this works if you have not used it before , i said to her you should know ive been on 4 month 🙄 silly moo lol...

Anyways ope your all going well and Caroleann you must pop in let us know how its going hun xx
Hi Steffie, oh well let her show you ayway lol perhaps she's bored. I've had a vile couple of days with sinusitis and a skin infection. I can't believe it - my BG is fantastic but I still got infections and 2 at once. Thats 3 in 6 weeks. The good thing is one antibiotic is killing 2 birds with one stone and I feel ok again today. This afternoon I'm going to pop out for a spot of retail therapy. I can now fit into the M&S Per Una range and I just love that stuff but never thought I'd be able to wear it. Hope hubby's credit card is robust, it could get a bashing.
Hi Steffie, oh well let her show you ayway lol perhaps she's bored. I've had a vile couple of days with sinusitis and a skin infection. I can't believe it - my BG is fantastic but I still got infections and 2 at once. Thats 3 in 6 weeks. The good thing is one antibiotic is killing 2 birds with one stone and I feel ok again today. This afternoon I'm going to pop out for a spot of retail therapy. I can now fit into the M&S Per Una range and I just love that stuff but never thought I'd be able to wear it. Hope hubby's credit card is robust, it could get a bashing.

hey hun sorry to hear you been having it rough last few days x

nothing that a spot of retail therapy cant handle hehe

whats his card there for if its not for you to spend on it x😛
Hi Guys

Made it back finally🙂 Hope you are all well - Lizzie I like your blend of antibiotics and retail therapy to sort your ills:D

Had a great holiday to the Isle of Wight - mixed weather but beautiful place in all weathers really. I am not a craver of ice cream but have to have one on holiday and found a new variety- vanilla with big lumps of crystalized ginger- had to try it in the spirit of research and nearly passed out with the pleasure of it:D Hubby had to calm me down with a common 99 later in the week! Managed to keep my levels pretty low and still indulged in a few treats like pie and chips in a little pier head cafe we love and a whole dressed crab - that was not so sinful but the garlic ciabatta I had with some lovely pasta was. Oops what a naughty girl I am! Funnily enough, my levels were higher after a couple of days back - delayed reaction I guess-call it ferry-lag! Started out with a fasting level of 7 yesterday but was down to 3.7 before dinner. So must get a grip now I am offcially not on holiday any more and get back into a routine. To be honest, I welcome this - sometimes the tempations are so overwhelming that I am glad to be able to to just turn my back and tell myself to not even look.

As nice as it is to have a good long break, I think I cope better with short trips in our van when I only take the "good" foods and can control things better. Hubby is now retired so we spend a lot of time together and having his watchful eye helps!

Will get back into the other topics this week - need to attack my weight issues now in time for the dreaded Christmas period- does anyone else hate shopping with all those goodies spread around-puts me off the season all together sometimes:(
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Hi Guys

Made it back finally🙂 Hope you are all well - Lizzie I like your blend of antibiotics and retail therapy to dort your ills:D

Had a great holiday to the Isle of Wight - mixed weather but beautiful place in all weathers really. I am not a craver of ice cream but have to have one on holiday and found a new variety- vanilla with big lumps of crystalized ginger- had to try it in the spirit of research and nearly passed out with the pleasure of it:D Hubby had to calm me down with a common 99 later in the week! Managed to keep my levels pretty low and still indulged in a few treats like pie and chips in a little pier head cafe we love and a whole dressed crab - that was not so sinful but the garlic ciabatta I had with some lovely pasta was. Oops what a naughty girl I am! Funnily enough, my levels were higher after a couple of days back - delayed reaction I guess-call it ferry-lag! Started out with a fasting level of 7 yesterday but was down to 3.7 before dinner. So must get a grip now I am offcially not on holiday any more and get back into a routine. To be honest, I welcome this - sometimes the tempations are so overwhelming that I am glad to be able to to just turn my back and tell myself to not even look.

As nice as it is to have a good long break, I think I cope better with short trips in our van when I only take the "good" foods and can control things better. Hubby is now retired so we spend a lot of time together and having his watchful eye helps!

Will get back into the other topics this week - need to attack my weight issues now in time for the dreaded Christmas period- does anyone else hate shopping with all those goodies spread around-puts me off the season all together sometimes:(

Morning Lesley nice to see you back hun, glad you had a good time.I think i agree with you r.e short trips maybe weekends away or just day trips lol.

Gotta say i worked myself up last year as it was my first xmas with diabetes and i think i coped really well, i never bothered with a pudding even though it was mega hard watching the rest dip into yule log and xmas pud..The hard part is going around looking for pressies and seeing all the choccy goodies the shops have lol.
Glad you had a fab time. I think we could do with a holiday photo section here lol. Although I don't need a photo of that ice cream to make me drool lol.
I haven't given Christmas any thought yet. I'll do that on December 1st although both my sons have mentioned that they will be coming home so that's something to look forward to.:D
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