Byetta Babes!

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Where are you , hope you are all well😉

Sorry still alive and kicking just about had a preety bad time depression wise lately and have to be honest i have missed a few jabs i have spoke to my DSN via emails though and she said she admires my honesty but i must not make a habit of doing it.. other then that nothing maor to report, Lizzie im having abit of bother with morning BS levels getting close to 10 on a few more mornings then i want to grr, but not getting to disheartened about it shall just keep tweaking with grub x
Hi steffie sorry you've not been to good lately and hope things get better for you real soon,tut tut fancy missing your jabs your secrets safe with me though,honest😉.
depression side of things do you feel worse at this time of year what with it dark earlier an all,im terrible at this time.
Hi steffie sorry you've not been to good lately and hope things get better for you real soon,tut tut fancy missing your jabs your secrets safe with me though,honest😉.
depression side of things do you feel worse at this time of year what with it dark earlier an all,im terrible at this time.

no hun tbh thats the least of my worries, its all boils down to greaving for a family member hun just when i think im on top of it bang it knocks me down like a steam train, but never fear id like to think im strong enough to get over it x
no hun tbh thats the least of my worries, its all boils down to greaving for a family member hun just when i think im on top of it bang it knocks me down like a steam train, but never fear id like to think im strong enough to get over it x

Im sorry to hear that Steffie,i know theres no words that can make you feel better but my thoughts are with you, sending huge hugs your way.
Hi all back from my hols so in the real world now. No more trips until the end of November and I need to work a bit to refresh the bank balance lol.
Sorry about your morning levels Steffie, maybe something to do with missing some jabs so stop messing you naughty girl and shove those needles in every day. To be honest I have missed a couple, sometimes it is so inconvenient. Do you have a little something before bed time? The oatcake, butter and cheese trick seems to work for me. I haven't lost any more weight for a few weeks and I know why, I seem to be able to eat more despite not being hungry so I must take myself in hand and cut down again. At least I haven't gained and I'm having fun being able to slide into the smaller clothes in my wardrobe. I just feel like a big girl now and not a massive one.
I hope your depression lifts soon. Can you talk to your DSN about it?

Oh dear I just noticed your posts about your sad loss. I'm so sorry about that and you have to take some time to feel sad and grieve. sending a hug your way xxx
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Thank you Carole hun xx

Yeah Lizzie i know but the levels started going near 10 before i stopped but i guess missing jabs has not helped, for a snack about 10-10.30 i have some dry crackers usually 3...

Regarding the depression i find talking to my GP easier as ive talked to her about personal stuff like this in the past x

lizzie it was not a recent loss but nevertheless still hurts
thanks for the hug hun and an extra squeeze for good luck hehehehe xx
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Oh Steffie I do feel for you, grieving is such a difficult thing. I think it can pop up again after many years. Don't beat yourself up about those 10's though. I think with your crackers you should try a little fat and some protein - hence the butter and a small slice of cheese. It brought my am levels down from 6.9 to 6 or less. You must put yourself first for a while and take time to care for you and that means making sure you have the jabs at the right tmes. Hope you get back on track soon. xxx
Oh Steffie I do feel for you, grieving is such a difficult thing. I think it can pop up again after many years. Don't beat yourself up about those 10's though. I think with your crackers you should try a little fat and some protein - hence the butter and a small slice of cheese. It brought my am levels down from 6.9 to 6 or less. You must put yourself first for a while and take time to care for you and that means making sure you have the jabs at the right tmes. Hope you get back on track soon. xxx

thank you lizziee i always thought i was selling myself short with the crackers lol, is any type of cheese better then the other? xx rainbows honour that i will stick to my jab and take it when i should 😉🙂 xx
I really love my bedtime snack. I have an oatcake and if I'm feeling very naughty I have 2 lol. I don't think the type of cheese mattters as it's the fat and protein that is important but I have a small slice of cheddar. Yummy. The best thing is my hubby tends to have a bit of the food police about him and it drives me crazy, so when he says 'Should you be eating that?' I smile and say 'Oh yes its for the dawn dump' well he doesn't know what to reply to that lol.😉
I really love my bedtime snack. I have an oatcake and if I'm feeling very naughty I have 2 lol. I don't think the type of cheese mattters as it's the fat and protein that is important but I have a small slice of cheddar. Yummy. The best thing is my hubby tends to have a bit of the food police about him and it drives me crazy, so when he says 'Should you be eating that?' I smile and say 'Oh yes its for the dawn dump' well he doesn't know what to reply to that lol.😉

rofl love it hun,i have some edam in the fridge but the shape that is might be abit awkward to slice it lol... thanks for all this lizziee its really helping me x
Don't worry if you can't slice it - jut bite off a chunk haha. Seriously though lots of folk have reported a difference in their morning BG's with this snack. Don't forget to spread a little butter on the crackers too. If you don't have cheese I think a slice of ham would also do the trick but I really enjoy the cheese, it somehow seems naughtier. I really used to be a very naughty sort when it came to food and I still need a daily fix of naughtiness.
Don't worry if you can't slice it - jut bite off a chunk haha. Seriously though lots of folk have reported a difference in their morning BG's with this snack. Don't forget to spread a little butter on the crackers too. If you don't have cheese I think a slice of ham would also do the trick but I really enjoy the cheese, it somehow seems naughtier. I really used to be a very naughty sort when it came to food and I still need a daily fix of naughtiness.

oooohh doe the hubby know about this 😛..i have some tesco smoked ham in this just gets better and better lol.i bet they will taste so much better tonight and from now on xx .I shall report back after a few days of having this snack x
I will be out all day on sunday most likely before breakfast untill after dinner so obviously will be having both meals out, so will i need to keep my byetta cool throughout the day,i will be out side all day.

No, you should be fine as long as you keep it out of extremes of temperature (ie really hot or really cold). Do not leave it on the dashboard of your car for example on a sunny day!
You need to keep unopened injections in the refrigerator when not in use and then remove what you need and bring it up to room temperature (you can do this by warming it in your hands for a few minutes, or I put mine under my thigh for a few minutes) before using it. Each phial can be kept safely out of the fridge for about a month, but check the labels on the box to be on the safe side.
No, you should be fine as long as you keep it out of extremes of temperature (ie really hot or really cold). Do not leave it on the dashboard of your car for example on a sunny day!
You need to keep unopened injections in the refrigerator when not in use and then remove what you need and bring it up to room temperature (you can do this by warming it in your hands for a few minutes, or I put mine under my thigh for a few minutes) before using it. Each phial can be kept safely out of the fridge for about a month, but check the labels on the box to be on the safe side.

Latvian Horse, Byetta isn't insulin it has to be kept in the fridge or kept cold.. I used a Frio bag when I went away last weekend and that worked well.
Hi there squidge i was just thinking about you earlier, how have you been getting on your 2 weeks in now are you not with the byetta?
Hi Gang

Just want to clarify the storign of Byetta - from the medicationb leaflet:
How should I store BYETTA?
• Store your new, unused BYETTA Pen in the original carton in a
refrigerator at 36?F to 46?F (2?C to 8?C).
• After first use, keep your BYETTA Pen at a temperature cooler than
77?F (25?C).

So don't keep a pen in the fridge once start on but keep it cool and out of the sun!

Sorry I haven't been posting much - one thing after the other here! Got the gas people in today changing our boiler so I sort of stuck at my desk...aren't you lucky😉

I have to thank you guys for your posts- I had found it hard to get motivated of late. My levels are still good but have crept up to over 7 in the mornings and I know why as I keep grabbing snacks before bed ....but not the right ones! Left over this time from the decorator's visit! Will feed the rest to the boiler men today then chuck any stil lingering- please keep watching me today and yell if I am tempted!

My weight has remained the same since before my hols last month so I am pretty pleased with myself as usually I do well, go away, sin and get back to square one. I am now about a year on Byetta and have lost weight or stayed the same through the whole period- this is the first time for many years I have not gained and the first time for years my levels have been in single figures so I am still very positive!

Off to make the boys a cuppa and give them a sugar overload. Will beb back later xxx
Hi Gang

Just want to clarify the storign of Byetta - from the medicationb leaflet:
How should I store BYETTA?
? Store your new, unused BYETTA Pen in the original carton in a
refrigerator at 36?F to 46?F (2?C to 8?C).
? After first use, keep your BYETTA Pen at a temperature cooler than
77?F (25?C).

So don't keep a pen in the fridge once start on but keep it cool and out of the sun!

Sorry I haven't been posting much - one thing after the other here! Got the gas people in today changing our boiler so I sort of stuck at my desk...aren't you lucky😉

I have to thank you guys for your posts- I had found it hard to get motivated of late. My levels are still good but have crept up to over 7 in the mornings and I know why as I keep grabbing snacks before bed ....but not the right ones! Left over this time from the decorator's visit! Will feed the rest to the boiler men today then chuck any stil lingering- please keep watching me today and yell if I am tempted!

My weight has remained the same since before my hols last month so I am pretty pleased with myself as usually I do well, go away, sin and get back to square one. I am now about a year on Byetta and have lost weight or stayed the same through the whole period- this is the first time for many years I have not gained and the first time for years my levels have been in single figures so I am still very positive!

Off to make the boys a cuppa and give them a sugar overload. Will beb back later xxx

Morning lesley snap if you read my posts im having the same issues but i took Lizzies snack advice last night and really enjoyed it, so please your happy with how the byetta has gone for you hun, im 6 month on it myself now and im really happy with how its going x
I was also thinking about you squidge. How's it going? Have you lost tons of weight yet? I agree with the Frio bags, great little things and if I go out I pop my pen in it just to be sure. I bought a little thermometer just to check on how well it does and even in 40C temps it stays just under 25C. I don't keep mine in the fridge at the moment as temps in my house are under 25 so I keep it by the bed in order to jab as soon as I wake. During summer months I kept it in the fridge and had no problems with injecting it cold.

Oh just spotted your post thedame. I like to hear how well folk are doing who have been on it a while. I no longer have a problem with nausea but just now and again it catches me out. Ginger tea is a big help though. My weight loss has stalled a bit but I have lost 15kg which has made a huge difference to me. Another 15kg would just about do the trick I think so I am going to make an effort to shift that in the next 15 weeks. I can now wear all the smaller clothes in my wardrobe and I feel much better. Little things please me like being able to get up off the floor without a struggle. BG's are great always in single figures and rarely over 7.5 even after meals. It' usually 6.2 or less on waking and in 4's and 5's the rest of the time. I'm back to the hossie in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I'll be allowed to continue with it. Nursie said that as long as BG had come down and/or weight loss they would let me continue so I'm ok on both counts.
Steffie hope those late night snacks work for you, don't go mad and have too much though or you'll put on weight lol.
My only big problem now though is that the boils I have been plagued with still come. They really make me unwell and usually need penicillin to deal with them. This is despite having fab BG's and using a special shower gel twice a day. During the 4 months I've used Byetta I have had 4 of them, all very debilitating and knock me out for several days. It's on my list of things to discuss at the hossie
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Hi there squidge i was just thinking about you earlier, how have you been getting on your 2 weeks in now are you not with the byetta?

I was also thinking about you squidge. How's it going? Have you lost tons of weight yet? I agree with the Frio bags, great little things and if I go out I pop my pen in it just to be sure. I bought a little thermometer just to check on how well it does and even in 40C temps it stays just under 25C. I don't keep mine in the fridge at the moment as temps in my house are under 25 so I keep it by the bed in order to jab as soon as I wake. During summer months I kept it in the fridge and had no problems with injecting it cold.

Oh just spotted your post thedame. I like to hear how well folk are doing who have been on it a while. I no longer have a problem with nausea but just now and again it catches me out. Ginger tea is a big help though. My weight loss has stalled a bit but I have lost 15kg which has made a huge difference to me. Another 15kg would just about do the trick I think so I am going to make an effort to shift that in the next 15 weeks. I can now wear all the smaller clothes in my wardrobe and I feel much better. Little things please me like being able to get up off the floor without a struggle. BG's are great always in single figures and rarely over 7.5 even after meals. It' usually 6.2 or less on waking and in 4's and 5's the rest of the time. I'm back to the hossie in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I'll be allowed to continue with it. Nursie said that as long as BG had come down and/or weight loss they would let me continue so I'm ok on both counts.
Steffie hope those late night snacks work for you, don't go mad and have too much though or you'll put on weight lol.
My only big problem now though is that the boils I have been plagued with still come. They really make me unwell and usually need penicillin to deal with them. This is despite having fab BG's and using a special shower gel twice a day. During the 4 months I've used Byetta I have had 4 of them, all very debilitating and knock me out for several days. It's on my list of things to discuss at the hossie

The first week was hell, felt so sick I could hardly eat so I stopped it for 2 days and then started it again and so far so good I haven't felt as sick as that first week. I weighed myself in town the other day and it said I had put on weight!!! lol think I will find a different scales lol
The first week was hell, felt so sick I could hardly eat so I stopped it for 2 days and then started it again and so far so good I haven't felt as sick as that first week. I weighed myself in town the other day and it said I had put on weight!!! lol think I will find a different scales lol

Hi squidge sorry to hear you had a bad first week, i know other byetta users had some sick feelings , luckily for me ive experienced nothing, but lets hope things get better for you.. tbh at first i gained a few pounds with the byetta and i thought oh heck but it did drop off me after a wee while x
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