Byetta Babes!

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Yes how are all the Byetta babes doing? My sickness has passed. Had a drama with blood getting into the chamber of my pen making it unusable. I'm in Turkey so was in a panic. Anyway my son flew out the next day (he was coming anyway lol) with my new pen so now I must be very careful how I do the jabs as there is no chance of replacing this one. I also got a really bad boil with swollen glands so am now taking penicillin. I was surprised at that as BG's are very good. Anyway penicillin has kicked in and I feel better now. I had a naughty ice cream today but didn't test my blood so no idea of what that did to me but I won't be having one every day.

Hey i like it byetta babes that has to stick now, glad to hear your over the sickess and the penicillin is working both me and OH are allergic to that.Anyways nothing much to report my end put a new script in for pens and thats about all no startling news lol xx

Are you in turkey you say lizzie at the mo??
Yes steffie I am here for a month and it is very hot. I am getting a lot of swimming exercise and it's too hot to eat a lot. My BG is tending to be in the 5's most of the time which I'm delighted with. The infection doesn't seem to have affected it. The blood in the pen was a bit of a pain but luckily my son was bringing my new pen so I shall have to be very careful with this one now.
Yes steffie I am here for a month and it is very hot. I am getting a lot of swimming exercise and it's too hot to eat a lot. My BG is tending to be in the 5's most of the time which I'm delighted with. The infection doesn't seem to have affected it. The blood in the pen was a bit of a pain but luckily my son was bringing my new pen so I shall have to be very careful with this one now.

thats brill Lizzie hun i had a spike tonight after eating a jacket potato got up to near 15 at one point but now down to 7 so thats good enough to go to bed on x
Yes steffie I am here for a month and it is very hot. I am getting a lot of swimming exercise and it's too hot to eat a lot. My BG is tending to be in the 5's most of the time which I'm delighted with. The infection doesn't seem to have affected it. The blood in the pen was a bit of a pain but luckily my son was bringing my new pen so I shall have to be very careful with this one now.

Hope you get over the infection soon and can enjoy your break - I had the same problem with one of my pens a few months back - felt really scared in case I was doing it wrong- never got any feedback from pharmacist. Sorry you had the hassle but glad to know it wan't just me!

So all you Byetta Babes out there- if you get some blood in your pen, do report it to your pharmacist and on here🙂 Do any of you insulin takers have this problem - I imagine the pens work in a similar way to our Byetta ones except that our dose is fixed?
Feeling awful at the minute sudden hot feeling and green spots in front of my eyes, god knows whats going on tested and 5.9 and i'm on my own abit scared to be truthful, if i waffle on in this thread tonight just ignore it its just panic talking, i've just had this sudden feeling that my byetta did not come out proper tonight 😡
Well im over my lull now and im behaving myself knew it would not last long.Got to say i weighed myself last night and im pleased to say im still the same weight i was back in july so not lost but not gained anything either.x
Hi hoope you are all well, im just popping on to say hi for now as ive not been on for a while and to let you know i am ok,i will come on tomorrow and give you a propp-er up date as i am absolutly shattered at the moment due to having our twin grandchildren visit for the day 15 months old and on the go constantly but real little sweethearts.🙂
Hi hoope you are all well, im just popping on to say hi for now as ive not been on for a while and to let you know i am ok,i will come on tomorrow and give you a propp-er up date as i am absolutly shattered at the moment due to having our twin grandchildren visit for the day 15 months old and on the go constantly but real little sweethearts.🙂

Ahh nice to hear from you Carole if feeling a little tired lol, shall wait for the update tomorrow and hope they dont ware you out to much more in the meatime hehe.xx
Thanks steffie, they have gone home now so a nice relaxing evening for me i think,steve can get his self a bag of chips from chippy so i dont have to cook.:D
Thanks steffie, they have gone home now so a nice relaxing evening for me i think,steve can get his self a bag of chips from chippy so i dont have to cook.:D

ha wish i could send mine out, had to be really careful what i buy as he been in hospital this morning he has infection in tooth so all spicy food is out the window, so chilli was going to be on the menu but now its cottage pie x
Hi BB's just noticed the posts and hope you are all ok. You sound a bit perkier steffie. I'm feeling very tired but probably more to do with the heat, around 38 most days. Don't need to rush around though. Weight is dropping fast now and another kg off today so thats 12 now, I feel even less like eating now it's so hot but I did have a magnum this afternoon. No idea what bg did and I'm having a break from testing although I did do it this am and it was 5.1 the lowest it has ever been on waking I think.
...I feel even less like eating now it's so hot but I did have a magnum this afternoon. No idea what bg did and I'm having a break from testing although I did do it this am and it was 5.1 the lowest it has ever been on waking I think.

My jaw dropped when I read that Lizzie - I immediately thought you meant a magnum of champagne! 😱 😉
Just a quick question, would you say going to bed when your bg is in the low 4s
Het Carole - you Ok m- you seemed to drop off in mid sentence?

Steffie, I missed you post about the injection the other day - just noticed what you said about not gettigna dose. Glad you brought this up and now an again, I find my pen gets stiff when I try to reset it after taking a dose - sometimes when I do get it to turn, quite a bit of Byetta comes out and I have felt I have not got the full dose but have been worried about taking another. Then I found that if the pen is stiff when dialling a dose, if I push the plunger in a bit and try again, the stiffness might go and the reset is fine. So I thought I had it cracked. Then the toher day when I reset it, it was stuff to turn againand so much came out, I decided it was a full dose so dosed again and felt no bad effects.

So I am a little confused here. I think that air might be getting trapped in the needle preventing it working correctly. I am posting this in the hope that some more experienced T1's might have had similar experiences?. I will raise this issue with my DSN who I am due to see in a few weeks- I have been injecting this med for long enough now to have got the hang of it...or so I thought...but you never know do you! I do try to keep the pen cool and tap out any little bubbles.
Im fine thanks, think i meant to say is the low 4s to low to go to bed on.
...So I am a little confused here. I think that air might be getting trapped in the needle preventing it working correctly. I am posting this in the hope that some more experienced T1's might have had similar experiences?. I will raise this issue with my DSN who I am due to see in a few weeks- I have been injecting this med for long enough now to have got the hang of it...or so I thought...but you never know do you! I do try to keep the pen cool and tap out any little bubbles.

A different pen, but I have had this sort of thing happen to me with my lantus pen - the much-vilified Autopen 24 :( Sometimes it doesn't deliver the full dose and you are left wondering how much of the dose you got. With this though, I don't think it has anything to do with air, but the delivery mechanism sticks.
yeah i worry sometimes the byetta aint going in me, but carole i never go that low so sorry i cant help from reading in here i would say maybe a big dangerous but like i said im not expert.
Ha ha Northener now that would be nice - a drop of champagne. I haven't actually had any alcohol since starting Byetta. I assume we can have some. I'm usually ok with my glass of sparkling water but I would like a cocktail one night during my hols. The problem is they make them so strong here.
I have never been in the 4's when going to bed and for a while now it's been in the 5's but I'm having a bit of a break from testing at the mo. I usually manage a morning one and then forget the rest of the day! I'll get back into a routine soon.
yep I'm so chilled I'm horizontal! lol. Just getting ready to go to the beach for the rest of the day and will collapse under a tree with my book and then I'll have a little swim with the fishes. I don't think there is a problem with me not testing much at the moment, I know what to eat now and BG's have been pretty much the same for a few weeks. I'm still not eating much, the sickness has more or less gone but I did have it a bit this morning. It has passed now though. What do folks think about the alcohol- am I gonna be ok with just 1 pina colada. I know it is packed with sugar and all kinds of evil things but I only want the one. My BG has been so good for 2 months now and I'm not eating many carbs at all.😉
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