Byetta Babes!

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Are you left handed injecting in the left side? I can't seem to do it in the left side lol. Too much reaching over so my right side is the dart board.
Going back to the original post. I am in the process of ordering a polar bear cooler from America. I'm worrying about carting my unused Byetta off to Turkey in a couple of weeks. The pharmacist said it would be risky carrying it over 8c. They have banned Byetta in Turkey so there would be no way of replacing it there. Any way this particular company say it will stay between 2- 8c for quite some time and longer than any other I have found. Unfortunately they don't have a supplier in UK. I have also bought a thermometer so will report back once I have tried it.
Hi Carole how are things going hun x

Hi Steff hope you are well,im sorry to say i have not had avery good week i went off the rails a bit its been that nasty time with tummy cramps and aching back,the docs and chenist havent helped much either,iput my script in last thursday and only got it yesterday minus the test strips finaly got them this evening the doc tookthe script to chemist his self for hubby to pickup on way home from work,i was supposed to hve a toe nail removed yesterday but dident go cos i felt so bad, but to day i have felt better but i think thats because i simply refused to take my injections today i know im realy bad but i just wanted a normal day, i think i have learnt my lesson though numbers 16.4 so tomorrow im going to get stuck in again and stop being so stupid,i see dsn on friday so hopefully things will be better then.
God im looking foreward to coming on here and saying ive had a good day,i seem to be realy moany at he moment.
Poor you Carolanne, you moan all you want. I think if you continue to get stomach and back aches you really should see your doctor soon or at the very least speak to one on the phone. I hope you feel better soon. I had a couple of weeks with nausea in the mornings, bad enough not to go to work and I felt exhausted. I'm starting to think that perhaps I wasn't eating enough carbs for breakfast. I have been reading that we need around 30g with each meal so I have changed breakfast to include the 30g and the nausea is much better. I hope you manage to get back on track very soon.
Poor you Carolanne, you moan all you want. I think if you continue to get stomach and back aches you really should see your doctor soon or at the very least speak to one on the phone. I hope you feel better soon. I had a couple of weeks with nausea in the mornings, bad enough not to go to work and I felt exhausted. I'm starting to think that perhaps I wasn't eating enough carbs for breakfast. I have been reading that we need around 30g with each meal so I have changed breakfast to include the 30g and the nausea is much better. I hope you manage to get back on track very soon.

Hi Lizzie sorry to hear you have ot been feeling to good,hope you have started to feel better,i know what caused the tummy and back aches, lets just say same problem every month😱
Sorry to hear that carole hun not nice for you xx

I've maoned my heart out on here so dont you apologise hun

good luck for Friday
So glad to hear your pains were not the Byetta, I just felt a bit alarmed for you. Hope all that hormonal stuff has settled a bit now. I'm fine now with no nausea so that's a relief. There were a few days when I questioned if I could keep going with it. I went out for dinner last night and you'd think I knew better by now but I had too much to eat. I fell off the wagon big time and I still feel stuffed now! Anyway I had a bit of excitement this morning. I have been having a wardrobe sort out. I'm one of those with a fat section, thin section and a few in between outfits. Well the fat section is mostly far too big now (whoopee) the in between section is very comfortable and the thin section is not far off fitting me. It has been a very long time since I could even bear to look at the thin section . I'm longing for the day that I'll look ok in jeans again. As long as I can keep the weight loss going I reckon it'll be about 8 weeks.🙂
I feel realy good to day,perhaps it has something to do with me losing a stone in 3 weeks:D🙂
Morning all hows the byetta bunch doing lol?

Had an uneventful week, had my dad here and got a new pup so thought might of been lots of stress and the odd forgetting to take my jab, but the latest i took it was 10 minutes late so thats all good.
Had a nightmare Thursday mind you I was taking my injection and the pup jumped up nearly $?$?? myself lol.
Hi Steffie and fellow lizards:D

Been all over the place this past week or two - not with the meds- they are about the only stable thing in our lives right now!

Trying to get my FiL's bungalow sold (he is in a home due to dementia) and the people at the bottom of the chain keep messing us about, son got his results finally after doing his degree- first letter got lost in the post - he had a them off the web site but needed the paperwork for a job he applied for and then we had a nightmare weekend in the caravan😱

Son is now qualified with the result he needed to get the job which he starts on the 18th🙂 What a relief as jobs seem even scarcer right now - about time our family got some of the luck I reckon! Tom (son) now having a well deserved holiday before joining the wage slaves so I have the house to myself....temporarily as hubby retires at the end of the month.

Had a few ups and downs with comfort eating but bloods are fine even though the weight loss has been zero - better than plus though, so looking on the bright side.

All in all pretty much average daily life for most people my age I reckon - don't have to cope with school hols do I, so can't complain!
hya dame nice to hear from you , good news about your son, sorry to hear your getting messed about hope it gets sorted.x
Great news about your son dame. Well done to him. My eldest graduated last year and now has a fabby job in Switzerland although I miss him lots. Might need a little trip out in September lol. Other son has just finished his second year at uni. The good news is he is coming on holiday with us - yipeeee.

How long have you been a lizard dame? I'm sure you must have said before but being a blonde lizard I tend to forget stuff. Good news today no nausea at all so I have been nibbling a bit but only celery sticks and stuff. Just cooking a bit of chicken and some nice veggies.
Great news about your son dame. Well done to him. My eldest graduated last year and now has a fabby job in Switzerland although I miss him lots. Might need a little trip out in September lol. Other son has just finished his second year at uni. The good news is he is coming on holiday with us - yipeeee.

How long have you been a lizard dame? I'm sure you must have said before but being a blonde lizard I tend to forget stuff. Good news today no nausea at all so I have been nibbling a bit but only celery sticks and stuff. Just cooking a bit of chicken and some nice veggies.

Thanks Lizzie and Steffie for the good wishes for Tom - Lizzie this job might be the making of me as he will have to spend weeks if not months at various client locations and I have been so used to him being around these past 3 years as he couldn't really afford to live out whiel he studied. I will really miss him but he allows me to ne lazy - now I will have to do a lot more for myself which will be good for me!

I have been ont he spit since last October. I got a lot of support from the "other" forum at the time but it is not nearly as personal as this one so I am so pleased a friend put me onto this one. There are not too many of us Byetta users out there yet and it is nice to know we can come on here and get a response more or less right away -Steffie is a real star isn't she - don't know how she finds the time!

Glad to hear the sickness is getting a bit better Lizzie- it does hang around a while with some people it seems - took me a few weeks to get it under control. The heat we had recently made it worse for me but then I am always uncomy in the humid weather so I can't blame it all on the meds!
My youngest is a Tom too Dame. I really miss both of mine, eldest went off to uni 5 years ago and youngest 2 and I was such an empty nester and missed all the music and jolliness. Thank god for skype as I speak to them both a lot and they come home now and again.
I agree with you about the friendliness of this site and it is nice to pop in and out and have a chat, moan, celebration or whatever.
Well the nausea has pretty much gone. It lasted about 2 weeks and at times it was so awful I questioned whether I could continue with it. I have felt so tired this week but as it turns out some of that was hormones (about time that all finished lol).
I'm just about to try a different breakfast (steady I hear you say). Before Byetta I used to always have porridge but went off it and onto egg on toast or yog with fruit. So now I'm going to have it with a few raspberries and see what it does to the old BG's.
Have a great weekend all.:D
Hi Caroleann how are things hun now your nearly 3 weeks in ? x
Yes how are all the Byetta babes doing? My sickness has passed. Had a drama with blood getting into the chamber of my pen making it unusable. I'm in Turkey so was in a panic. Anyway my son flew out the next day (he was coming anyway lol) with my new pen so now I must be very careful how I do the jabs as there is no chance of replacing this one. I also got a really bad boil with swollen glands so am now taking penicillin. I was surprised at that as BG's are very good. Anyway penicillin has kicked in and I feel better now. I had a naughty ice cream today but didn't test my blood so no idea of what that did to me but I won't be having one every day.
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