Byetta Babes!

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Very well said Lizzie.

p.s age is only a number. x
had my first alarm call and managed to have my jab tonight wooohoo lol. :D
Thanks to everyone...don't let me self indulge

Hi, especially to Lizzie and thedame. Thank you... for kicking me in the bum. Life really isn't that bad. I think I just miss all the crisps and biscuits and cakes and....and... and....BUT now I have a chance at getting this right. With you guys around I won't be able to self indulge and start binging.

So please if I start to feel sorry for myself ......Lizzie and thedame.....please kick me again....I really do thank you for your words.

Loving the Gym although I like the thought of orienteering.
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Yes just think of us waving our fingers at you and just do it! lol
Seriously though I'm sure you can have the odd thing just not all the time. When you start seeing those inches drop off you will feel so much happier.
Just a quick question,i cant remember whether we discussed this or not but does everyone inject in there tummy?I do my thigh now and it is unbelievable the size of some of the bruises its leaving, i was just wondering if i am doing something wrong

I find tummy easiest but do thigh when I'm out and don't want to expose my vast (but shrinking) tum. I refuse to go into toilets and can usually manage a discreet jab up my skirt without anyone really noticing. I've had some tiny bruises just a couple of mm across but nothing huge.
Well done with the alarm Steffie!

I do get a small bruise sometimes both on stomach and thigh - nothing too huge though - let's see what our other friends' lizards do to them -maybe I just have too much fat to bruise! If it is just you Steffie, maybe a different needle is needed? I have 0.25 x 8mm ones.

Magic Muscles - please don't beat yourself up - I hate exercise and am slowly creeping along a treadmill we bought for home trying to get the confidence to stride out in public- at least you are going to the gym! A couple of weeks ago I got very stressed and ate a whole packet of cakes one day and a whole multi pack of penguins bought for my Hubby's lunch box the week before. We all fall from grace but we can't hide it for ever and have to come in here and confess😉
Well done with the alarm Steffie!

I do get a small bruise sometimes both on stomach and thigh - nothing too huge though - let's see what our other friends' lizards do to them -maybe I just have too much fat to bruise! If it is just you Steffie, maybe a different needle is needed? I have 0.25 x 8mm ones.

Magic Muscles - please don't beat yourself up - I hate exercise and am slowly creeping along a treadmill we bought for home trying to get the confidence to stride out in public- at least you are going to the gym! A couple of weeks ago I got very stressed and ate a whole packet of cakes one day and a whole multi pack of penguins bought for my Hubby's lunch box the week before. We all fall from grace but we can't hide it for ever and have to come in here and confess😉

Yeah im on 6mm, shall see what thedame has to say. These are not small bruises there like a small country size lol 😱
I have the 5mm needles. I agree about not beating yourself up. I'm most impressed with the gym activity. Not sure I could cope with that, we all have to find the thing we enjoy most. I really fancy salsa dancing but will wait until I'm a bit thinner for that. I've had a few treats but I think the secret is not to expect them every day.
Ihave the 8mm needles and have had a couple of very small bruises, i have'nt had the courage to inject in the leg as yet,i have noticed that i can tend to be a bit clmsy when i inject some days and have bled a couple of times but nothing major, i wish you all the best with your exercise.
Hi Steffi, I inject in my tummy. Get some bruises but nothing too bad. Never had the courage to inject anywhere else. I have been told that it can be down to the size of your needles. Mine are 6mm.
I'm in shock this morning i took my jab and a load of blood started coming out when i took the needle out, i was near screaming pleased i was in the house on my own.Thats never happened before and it's making me scared to do my thigh again later 😡
Funny that, I used my thigh last night and for the first time it really hurt. Then it bled a little. I wouldn't say it was a load of blood though, just a smidge. It went back in the tum this morning with no probs.
Just have a tissue or similar within grabbing reach and press on puncture hole, so blood doesn't get on your clothing. Perhaps 1 of my 5 or 6 insulin injections per day bleed - it's no big deal, unless you get a blood stain on a new white shirt or similar.
Oh dear Steffie - hope you are ok now?

I have had the odd bleed - I just dab with a tissue - you can apply pressure with the back of a cold spoon if you have have one handy - it might help with the bruising. My DSN told me not to rub the site though. I have to say I get more pricks of blood from the thigh than the stomach - there is a considerable amount of flab to get through on my tum before anything like a capilliary could be found😉

Re your bruising, I can't find any definitive guide to this - just a lot of theory - one guy on a forum said it is a fact of life and to look on it as a "diabetic hickey" - very funny unless you want to wear a bikini!

Re the needle size- it seem like the gauge is determined by the type of medication - so I expect we on Byetta are all on the same - 0.25mm. The length seems to depend on your body fat- longer if you have more flesh but some stuff I read seemed to imply that this wasn't really necessary - the shorter needles can do the job just as well. However, they seem to suggest that with the shorter needles, you need to be sure to leave the needle in longer or risk not delivering the full dose. I wonder if you could try the longer ones and see if they make any difference- they can hurt a little more though, so some people say. Maybe you can get your DSN to give you a few to try out?
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Thanks thedame i'm going to ring my DSN thursday anywats about a diffirent matter but i will mention this also.

I like the diabetic hickey idea lol.
Hi all hows everyone doing?

I have little or no issues with bleeds or bruising since speaking to my DSN last week so thankfully that is something.x
Hi Steff glad to hear you are doing ok, sadly things have not been so good for me today i went to my mums to day and took my injection there and things went down hill very quickly for me did everything the same as normal and started to feel realy tired and sick so when i got home i had a little lie down but dident go to sleep ,i got up a little later and cooked dinner cos i was feeling much better i ate dinner quite a lot of dinner and i have done nothing but eat since,i dident have my dinnertime injection because the way i felt earlier,i had actualy decided to give the byetta up because i was feeling so ill,dont worry though i am going to stick with it im going to start a fresh from the morning.
sorry about all the doom and gloom.
Hi Steff glad to hear you are doing ok, sadly things have not been so good for me today i went to my mums to day and took my injection there and things went down hill very quickly for me did everything the same as normal and started to feel realy tired and sick so when i got home i had a little lie down but dident go to sleep ,i got up a little later and cooked dinner cos i was feeling much better i ate dinner quite a lot of dinner and i have done nothing but eat since,i dident have my dinnertime injection because the way i felt earlier,i had actualy decided to give the byetta up because i was feeling so ill,dont worry though i am going to stick with it im going to start a fresh from the morning.
sorry about all the doom and gloom.

Dont apologise hun , give your dsn a ring hun and have a chat with her see wat she says, certainly treat tomorrow as a new day hun xx I had similier at the start and about 4 weeks in i was thinking the same, my issues were not the tiredness etc etc but just the sheer anger of getting myself in this mess and having to inject, but i took a deep breathe had a good talking to myself and got on with it.x
Glad you haven't had too much more bleeding Steffie. I'm sticking to the tum where possible as the only few times I have bled a little has been in my thigh.
Well I have had a vile week too. As soon as I started the 10 pen last weekend I felt dreadful - very sick and very, very tired and headachy. I haven't been to work all week. I work for an agency and just told them I couldn't do it, so no work no money. There was no way I could drag myself out of the chair and some days off the bed. However I felt pretty awful before Byetta so I was thinking do I feel vile and fat or vile and thinner. I was a bit weepy about it all too. Anyway I have made a remarkable recovery over the past couple of days and have felt quite chirpy and not so sick. I have reduced the time between jabs and eating and that seems to have helped. On the bright side I am still losing about 1 kg per week and my BG's are within NICE guide lines. 🙂
Glad you haven't had too much more bleeding Steffie. I'm sticking to the tum where possible as the only few times I have bled a little has been in my thigh.
Well I have had a vile week too. As soon as I started the 10 pen last weekend I felt dreadful - very sick and very, very tired and headachy. I haven't been to work all week. I work for an agency and just told them I couldn't do it, so no work no money. There was no way I could drag myself out of the chair and some days off the bed. However I felt pretty awful before Byetta so I was thinking do I feel vile and fat or vile and thinner. I was a bit weepy about it all too. Anyway I have made a remarkable recovery over the past couple of days and have felt quite chirpy and not so sick. I have reduced the time between jabs and eating and that seems to have helped. On the bright side I am still losing about 1 kg per week and my BG's are within NICE guide lines. 🙂

Hi Lizzie sorry to hear you have been unwell, it seems that changing over to the 10 pen can reach bad with some of us, pleased to hear your losing the weight though thats what its all about good going hun xx PLeased you have made a recovery.x
I've gone back to my tummy now my left thigh is like a dartboard :D
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