Wife diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis

Sending best wishes to you both. 🙂
Hoping all goes well.
Little update Sue has her surgery date now confirmed 13th November nervously exited but at least we can start to look forward

Hope the surgery goes well, and every best wish to Sue for a speedy recovery.
Wishing you both lots of luck for her surgery and really hope everything goes smoothly.

PS. Haven't seen any of your culinary creations on the Food Ideas with Photos thread recently?? Hope you are still managing to produce those delicious healthy meals.
Thank you
As for my meals I have t admit I've fallen off the wagon a bit with my mind more on looking after Sue so I have lacked the time and motivation to cook for myself although I have had some of my frozen batch cooked to fall back on and I have had a few really nice salads but just failed to remember to take any pics .
Hopefully I can get myself mentally back into a better place now we have date for Sue's surgery we aren't in limbo like we have been .
Also thank you to everyone else for your kindness 🙂
And best wishes from here also.
Tomorrow is Sue's surgery day Got to be @ Guilford RSCH by 07:15 am I must admit we are both very anxious but praying everything goes ok
Sending (((HUGS))) and positive vibes to you both and keeping my fingers crossed that it all goes very smoothly. Please update us when you can.
Everything crossed for you both.

Hope it is able to go ahead as planned, and best wishes for a speedy recovery
Oh Gosh! You have had a long and no doubt anxious wait for her slot in the theatre today. Will be thinking of you both over the next few hours. (((HUGS)))
Hope the op has been a success and Sue is soon feeling a lot better.
Sue's surgeon popped into ICU before he went home tonight , he said it was a very long and complicated procedure cutting out the adhesions and untwisting her small bowel he removed the fistula that was connected to the small bowel but also had to cut a small piece of the bowel out and re join it , gall bladder was removed and Sue's ileostomy was refashioned so it now protrudes which is what Sue asked for if reversing her stoma wasn't viable .
Sue had a good afternoon her nurses got her standing up and took her for a short walk through ICU that totally tired Sue out hopefully she will have a restful night .
That all sounds incredibly positive if obviously a little short of a perfect solution and I wish her a very speedy recovery.
Amazing that they have had her up for a little walk so soon after what sounds like very major surgery, but walking is good for so many aspects of health including gut health, so it is great that she was able to do that and hopefully she will make daily progress and be less tired each time.
Obviously not out of the woods, but you must be so relieved!