Wife diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis

That all sounds incredibly positive if obviously a little short of a perfect solution and I wish her a very speedy recovery.
Amazing that they have had her up for a little walk so soon after what sounds like very major surgery, but walking is good for so many aspects of health including gut health, so it is great that she was able to do that and hopefully she will make daily progress and be less tired each time.
Obviously not out of the woods, but you must be so relieved!
Still a way to go yet but both staying positive like I said hopefully Sue will get some rest tonight and wake up with less pain
Thank you
And I also sincerely hope that you got decent sleep too.
Hoping things are going smoothly for you both today.
Pretty much the same as yesterday on the physio front all Sue's bloods are improving as is her blood pressure changed her pain meds at her request so she is more aware , Had a little bit of cottage pie for lunch tried mac n cheese at dinner time but couldn't get herself to eat it , It was tasteless crap to be fair I wouldn't have eaten it . Still a way to go but small steps will give big gains .
Thank you everyone for your kindness
Good to hear things are improving, and the pain meds are helping a little. Thinking of you both.
Not the greatest of days today for Sue only managed to sit in the chair for a few minutes in a lot of pain so back into bed they upped her pain meds but it zoned her out pretty much made her nauseous so only managed some tomato soup .
They gave Sue 2 units of blood as her Hemoglobin levels were a bit low as was her blood pressure . Doctor has said she is ok to go to a ward now but no beds available , Sue's nurse said to me that her opinion was that Sue would be better in ICU overnight until her bp has stabilised more .
Sorry to hear she hasn't had such a good day today but I imagine setbacks are to be expected in the recovery process after such major surgery. Good to hear that the lack of ward beds means that she is still in ICU where she will undoubtedly be better monitored, especially when she has had a bit of an off day. I hope you will take some comfort from that and manage to get some rest yourself. You will need to be on top form when she comes home to look after her.
I think I spent 3 days in ICU - I don't have much recollection of that period. The surgery is truly intrusive and "major" so don't be too surprised at how long it might take for Sue to recover. Wishing Sue a steady recovery and wishing for you to make the most of this brief respite, before you will need all your strength in helping Sue both mentally and physically.
So another not so good day still in ICU, in a lot of pain and nausea off her food and being sick , I said last night that Sue wasn't ready for the ward and when I left her tonight I asked the doctor if she needed a NG tube because she was having a lot of reflux with bloating and cramping ?
When I got home I video called Sue and she was very uncomfortable and upset , she said they want to put a NG tube in I reassured her that that would help a lot and asked her to call me back once they had done it and she felt settled .
Sue video called me back and said she was full of wind and that over a litre of fluid was syphoned out but feels much better now .
Hopefully she will get some rest tonight and have a better day tomorrow.
I am pleased that they followed up the NG tube and that Sue is feeling more comfortable.
I hope that you both got some rest over night.
Really sorry to hear that Sue has had another setback day. Hopefully it is her last and she will start to make progress soon. Sending you both (((HUGS))) and positive healing vibes.
That sounds a bit more promising. Fingers crossed.
Hope you have a smooth and safe journey home. Maybe have a coffee before you set off to perk you up a bit. I imagine it has been another very long day for you both!
So pleased she has a side room where she will hopefully get a bit more peace and rest.
Thanks for the updates @Billy Bob - it must be exhausting for you with all that travelling :(

So pleased to hear that the NG tube helped, and that Sue is so much more comfortable, and may be able to restart soft foods. Hope that goes well. Getting those nutrients in will help with recovery I would think.
Spoke with Sue this morning by video call gobbing me off :D That means she is feeling good, she has had a little walk around the ward , rice krispy breakfast , cathiter out and pain is under control .
She has ordered me to make her a egg mayo with cheese sandwich to bring with me for lunch s we can luncheon together :D
Thank you again everyone for listening to my driffle
Spoke with Sue this morning by video call gobbing me off :D That means she is feeling good, she has had a little walk around the ward , rice krispy breakfast , cathiter out and pain is under control .
She has ordered me to make her a egg mayo with cheese sandwich to bring with me for lunch s we can luncheon together :D
Thank you again everyone for listening to my driffle
That is so good to hear @Billy Bob
Spoke with Sue this morning by video call gobbing me off :D That means she is feeling good, she has had a little walk around the ward , rice krispy breakfast , cathiter out and pain is under control .
She has ordered me to make her a egg mayo with cheese sandwich to bring with me for lunch s we can luncheon together :D
Thank you again everyone for listening to my driffle
That sounds like so much progress. You can’t beat a homemade egg sandwich.