Wife diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis

Sorry to hear about what happened in A&E @Billy Bob . It sounds terrible. Good to hear that the antibiotics are having an effect. I hope that Sue is feeling a lot better soon and that you both get some rest after that ordeal.
My brother had a couple of trials and tribulations and previous experience had told him that GP and A&E services were a bit shambolic. So, on going home, he asked for, and was given, a set of phone numbers so that he could guarantee contacting the ward/surgeons directly in the case of any problems. One of the surgeons gave him his direct number which could be used if all else failed. Those numbers, rather than the "general" numbers were invaluable when he had problems. Does not help you or Sue, but may be something for any readers of the forum who are facing surgery might think about.

The up side is that once he got back into the system, was seen by the specialists who knew his case, things got sorted quickly and efficiently.

Another thing he picked up was that the time taken to recover from the effects of prolonged anaesthesia was far longer than you might imagine. That does not help with post operative complications.

Stick with it and I am sure Sue will be back on the upslope before long!
I took Sue back to the hospital today for follow up bloods and everything was good her surgeon was very happy with the numbers and the way Sue looked so no more antibiotics they are sending a follow up appointment for the new year 🙂
So pleased to read this update from you @Billy Bob about Sue. It all sounds so posisitive and long may that continue.
Yes, that is great news. Good luck to you both and look forward to hearing more positive updates from you in the future.
I took Sue back to the hospital today for follow up bloods and everything was good her surgeon was very happy with the numbers and the way Sue looked so no more antibiotics they are sending a follow up appointment for the new year 🙂
Wonderful news @Billy Bob
@Billy Bob, we digressed into Creon in another thread. Thanks for your response there.

I hadn't forgotten completely, but had almost lost sight of you needing to stay low carb for your health and T2 - but now you are full time helping Sue with her relatively high carb dietary needs. Catering for you both must be a bit of a nightmare for you. When you do get to speak to your Diabetes Nurse do make sure that person understands that you are now a full-time carer and your good health is so fundamentally important for that role as Sue's carer. If your Surgery allows you to email them (my new Surgery doesn't) I'd send an advance e-mail; marked for the attention of the Nurse you are due to meet or speak with and gently remind them that you are in this contradictory position. That might bring about a more fruitful outcome and more focussed help. Are you formally registered as Sue's carer?
@Billy Bob, we digressed into Creon in another thread. Thanks for your response there.

I hadn't forgotten completely, but had almost lost sight of you needing to stay low carb for your health and T2 - but now you are full time helping Sue with her relatively high carb dietary needs. Catering for you both must be a bit of a nightmare for you. When you do get to speak to your Diabetes Nurse do make sure that person understands that you are now a full-time carer and your good health is so fundamentally important for that role as Sue's carer. If your Surgery allows you to email them (my new Surgery doesn't) I'd send an advance e-mail; marked for the attention of the Nurse you are due to meet or speak with and gently remind them that you are in this contradictory position. That might bring about a more fruitful outcome and more focussed help. Are you formally registered as Sue's carer?
I am registered I think at the surgery as we had to set a password ? My diabetic nurse is aware of Sue's health problems and knows that a lot of my energy in the last 2 years has gone into caring for Sue , so I'm going to keep plugging away on Sue's behalf as well as trying to get a bit more control over my diabetes
Well Sue and I hope you all had a great Christmas ?
Ours was good uneventful in a good way both of us over indulged in food but not to much , glad it's all over as it was very emotional not having loved ones who are no longer with us .
So onwards now to 2024 let's hope it's a good one for one and all :D
Yes, I can imagine it must have been a tough one for you, but hope that 2024 brings better health and happiness..... and well.... if you win the lottery on top, all the better! 😉
Thanks for update BillyBob and glad you had a good festive period even if tinged with the sadness that many feel at this time of year as they remember missed friends and family.
Like you I over indulged as decided to try and relax my routine and ate too much and very little exercise but apart from my TIR going a bit awry for a few days it was really nice.
Share your thoughts on hoping every one has a great 2024 and I know we all do that but I am just looking for a normal year as distinct from the last 3/4 where it has been anything but normal.
Anyway most importantly may the New Year bring health and happiness and anything else your hearts desire
Billybob should have added best wishes to Sue as our other halves are usually the most important part of the equation well certainly in my case
Billybob should have added best wishes to Sue as our other halves are usually the most important part of the equation well certainly in my case
Thank you and yes our better halves are most important in our minds I know that I never stop worrying about Sue but I really need to relax a bit more and not keep thinking the worst 😳
Lovely to hear from you again and hope you and your good lady are both keeping well and her digestive issues have become more stable.
Thank you for asking after Sue rebrascora: Sue had another major operation in November to remove adhesions, gallbladder and refashioned her stoma she was in hospital for 10 days initially but re admitted a few days later as she got a infection so had another 5 days in there , the day after I got Sue home her mother passed away so that set Sue back emotionally again . Now 8 months on Sue is doing well physically and she is being monitored 3 monthly with blood tests and her Hba1c , we are awaiting for an appointment for a bone density scan to see if there is any damage from the pancreatitis or sepsis as Sue is suffering badly with fatigue , her last Hba1c was 52 but the diabetic team still want to monitor her rather than give her any meds . She has her next blood tests on Monday
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@Billy Bob Really sorry to hear you have suffered more bereavement. You really have had more than your fair share of heartache. My sincerest condolences! It must have hit Sue particularly hard, especially when she was only just out of hospital after very serious surgery and needing to focus on her own recovery. So pleased to hear her surgery has been successful though and I very much hope that situation continues. It sounds like she is doing really well with her diabetes management too. No doubt your excellent cooking is a big part of that. Hoping that she has now turned a corner with her health and the two of you can start to spend more quality time together without the fear of her needing to go back to hospital urgently. Wishing you both the very best for the future and look forward to seeing more of your culinary offerings on this thread from time to time.
@Billy Bob Really sorry to hear you have suffered more bereavement. You really have had more than your fair share of heartache. My sincerest condolences! It must have hit Sue particularly hard, especially when she was only just out of hospital after very serious surgery and needing to focus on her own recovery. So pleased to hear her surgery has been successful though and I very much hope that situation continues. It sounds like she is doing really well with her diabetes management too. No doubt your excellent cooking is a big part of that. Hoping that she has now turned a corner with her health and the two of you can start to spend more quality time together without the fear of her needing to go back to hospital urgently. Wishing you both the very best for the future and look forward to seeing more of your culinary offerings on this thread from time to time.
Thank you very much it has indeed been a uphill battle emotionally and mentally but we are indeed together and trying to enjoy life by pacing ourselves so as to not wear Sue out . On a positive note though life goes when someone passes away but we have gained another grandson last month he is healthy and growing well so that is grandchild number 10 :D