Wife diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis

Oh what fantastic news @Billy Bob! Thanks for keeping us updated 🙂

So pleased for you both.

Do you know if you might be able to access any physio support or perhaps ‘social prescribing’ access to assist in her recovery?
Thank you and everyone else for their input and kindness
So we had a visit from the OT on Friday she was very happy with the home layout gave Sue a commode for the bedroom so as she hasn't got to cope with the stairs during the night
I have fitted additional hand rails to the stairs and front / rear house entrances also brought a rotating seat for the shower
Physio came yesterday and gave Sue some exercises to do .
Still working on diet for the stoma but getting there slowly , Stoma nurse is coming on Thursday .
So all going in the right direction and her blood sugars are still showing in the normal range 🙂
A little update
Stoma nurse visited today and gave us both some really useful information
Diet wise Sue has got to eat high calorie high carb low fibre , chew her food more to help her body to absorb the nutrition and digest better
almost opposite to my diet so a lot of meal tweaking ahead , also Sue was told not to drink plain water to put juice in it as plain water is just making her stool to liquid
I started reading from the beginning as a new post to me. So glad things are now in a better place.

Thought this might be useful as a friend had pancreatis some years ago.

Hi @Billy Bob
I wondered how Sue (and you) are getting on.
Hoping that she is enjoying being home and that she's making progress, although (if she is anything like me) it probably seems very slow at times.
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Hi @soupdragon thank you for asking
Sue has been doing really well ,she is much more mobile now getting stronger everyday
Been signed off by the physio now
We had a follow up appointment at Guilford on Monday they were amazed at how Sue has progressed since being discharged
So we asked a few questions and got some answers for going forward
Sue will need her Gall bladder removed at some point or risk getting problems again
We spoke briefly about reversing the stoma but we will need to speak with a lower Gi consultant about the risk, pro's and con's
A full pancreatic scan will be done in about 6 months so we will know more then of what damage there is .
They have asked our GP to do a full blood screening including HBA1c as Sue may well turn type 3
The hardest thing we are finding is getting Sue's diet right for the stoma but overall life is feeling good right now
So glad to hear that @Billy Bob and I hope that Sue's recovery continues well.
Sue is back in Guilford hospital since the 28/10/22
she had a blockage in her small bowel and a infection collection in her back which has a fistula connecting between the infection and the small bowel , she is well in herself but there maybe another surgery needed once we know if the fistula dries out , she has a large drain for the infection and nil by mouth is being fed by TPN .
We are both struggling a bit emotionally as we also lost our daughter on the 31st
Oh, @Billy Bob - what a lot you’ve gone through! I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. No wonder you’re both struggling. I hope you have good support around you, both from family and friends, and professional support too if needed. No words are enough at a time like this.

I’m sorry to hear Sue might need another operation. I hope she’s ok and any treatment goes smoothly. It must be very hard, especially now.

Sending you and your family my best wishes.
I am just reading this thread for the first time. It is a bit of an emotional roller coaster just reading it, so I can't begin to imagine what it has been like to live through it and then for you to lose your daughter..... How absolutely heart breaking. I am so very sorry! You must be beside yourself with worry for your wife and grief for your daughter.
It seems very trivial but sending virtual (((HUGS))) your way as that is the best I can offer. Please do keep coming to the forum and offloading your worries as well as updating us. I believe @eggyg has had problems with intestinal blockages as a result of her pancreatic surgery, but is managing pretty well with it albeit with a restricted diet, so hopefully they will get your Sue fixed up again and the infection healed.
Sending you and her love and very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
So sorry to hear the news about both Sue and your daughter @Billy Bob . Sending love and best wishes to both of you.
I also ended up back in Guildford last year with a small bowel obstruction caused by adhesions from the pancreatitis. After a couple of tries clearing it I had surgery and have had no recurrence so far. It must be so frustrating that this has happened for Sue but I'm glad to hear that she's back in Guildford where they are so experienced in dealing with pancreatitis.
I hope that they manage to resolve things for Sue and the infection starts to clear quickly.
Please keep us updated. I'll be thinking of you both.
So sorry to hear the news about both Sue and your daughter @Billy Bob . Sending love and best wishes to both of you.
I also ended up back in Guildford last year with a small bowel obstruction caused by adhesions from the pancreatitis. After a couple of tries clearing it I had surgery and have had no recurrence so far. It must be so frustrating that this has happened for Sue but I'm glad to hear that she's back in Guildford where they are so experienced in dealing with pancreatitis.
I hope that they manage to resolve things for Sue and the infection starts to clear quickly.
Please keep us updated. I'll be thinking of you both.
Thank you for your reply
So Sue’s blockage has cleared as her stoma is producing output but is nil by mouth to try and rest her stomach and hopefully the fistula that is communicating with her bowel will dry up , all her blood markers are ok so it is a waiting game
Glad to hear that @Billy Bob and hope that things continue to improve.
Just a little update on Sue
No real change infection still draining Drs are saying she systemically well still being fed by TPN overnight and nil by mouth , we have been getting out of the hospital everyday and returning in the evening where they are still allowing me to stay with her.
We have our daughters funeral this afternoon so we can bring closure to that and concentrate on Sue getting better
I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through but it sounds like Sue is at least stable and so good that you can get her out during the day and stay with her overnight. I hope the funeral and particularly the friends and relatives who attend, help to give you some comfort and support through what will, no doubt, be a very difficult event.
Sending heartfelt (((HUGS))) to you both and wishing Sue a sustained recovery.
Just a little update on Sue
No real change infection still draining Drs are saying she systemically well still being fed by TPN overnight and nil by mouth , we have been getting out of the hospital everyday and returning in the evening where they are still allowing me to stay with her.
We have our daughters funeral this afternoon so we can bring closure to that and concentrate on Sue getting better
Good to hear that at least things seem stable and that Sue is able to escape from the hospital during the day.
I'll be thinking of you both this afternoon.
Ive just seen this thread for the first time and just wanted to wish you and Sue well, I hope things improve and I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter x
Thank you once again everyone for your support and good wishes we have just arrived back to Guildford hospital to get Sue plugged in for the night the nursing staff have been great once again going above and beyond what they need to even checked my blood pressure lol which was fine
Funeral went well and we had a good few hours with family and friends celebrating our daughters life
So now onwards and upwards to get Sue back home
Xxx to you all