What did you eat yesterday?

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They are on repeat, they're very good, but they go to my sisters where I used to live and I'm at my Mums. 🙂 I've got them now, bro-in-law brought them round this morning which is a relief. 🙂 Mind you, it would be better if they came to our chemist here, I didn't know you could do that, my docs might not do it though as I'm a bit away from Stretford, being in Sale. I can only ask.

I was giving up bread right up until I saw they had Hovis on special offer in Tesco this morning. Hovis is my fave bread. Agh. I'll give up now right from this minute or at least after dinner tonight. Today I've been worse than yesterday but I will be getting back to it. It was just the Jersey Royals were only 49p so I just grabbed them in passing...
It was just the Jersey Royals were only 49p so I just grabbed them in passing...
Nae bad for a 450g bag eh! haha we get them too 🙂 x
They are on repeat, they're very good, but they go to my sisters where I used to live and I'm at my Mums. 🙂 I've got them now, bro-in-law brought them round this morning which is a relief. 🙂 Mind you, it would be better if they came to our chemist here, I didn't know you could do that, my docs might not do it though as I'm a bit away from Stretford, being in Sale. I can only ask.
Let you off then :D yes i would ask, then when i pick them up boots give you the repeat prescription bit, you tick what you want and then they text you the next month
I was giving up bread right up until I saw they had Hovis on special offer in Tesco this morning. Hovis is my fave bread. Agh. I'll give up now right from this minute or at least after dinner tonight. Today I've been worse than yesterday but I will be getting back to it. It was just the Jersey Royals were only 49p so I just grabbed them in passing...
Nae bad for a 450g bag eh! haha we get them too 🙂 x
They are on offer till next tues :D
They are on repeat, they're very good, but they go to my sisters where I used to live and I'm at my Mums. 🙂 I've got them now, bro-in-law brought them round this morning which is a relief. 🙂 Mind you, it would be better if they came to our chemist here, I didn't know you could do that, my docs might not do it though as I'm a bit away from Stretford, being in Sale. I can only ask.

I was giving up bread right up until I saw they had Hovis on special offer in Tesco this morning. Hovis is my fave bread. Agh. I'll give up now right from this minute or at least after dinner tonight. Today I've been worse than yesterday but I will be getting back to it. It was just the Jersey Royals were only 49p so I just grabbed them in passing...
Hi Ditto.
a) I would suggest you have a word with your local pharmacy to see if they'll accept your scripts from your GP - if they will (& I dont see why not) then speak with your GP for him/her to ok it & thereafter have your scripts sent directly to said Pharmacy.

It's just awful to see you struggling Ditto so :-

b) Is it at all possible for someone to do your shopping for you for say a trial period of 1-2wks to help get you out of the habit of buying the wrong food (for yourself) and so you don't *grab* the wrong food *in passing*?😱 Obviously your shopping list/s would comprise only of healthy foodies or Dr Atkins if you wish to stay with him 😛Tiz just a thought that crossed my mind in an endeavour to help you in small way, you take care now.
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I like shopping though, food shopping that is, and I'm usually very good. I never go down the junk food aisles, I'm just not interested. It's plain food I want to eat and too much of it, bread and potatoes. Just going through a bad spell at the minute. I know I've got to get a handle on it, no choice really. Stupid D. I used to like 'slimming' it's been my career since I was 12 but now I have to do it because of the D it's a whole different thing. I feel quite resentful. I just don't want to do it. :confused:
I like shopping though, food shopping that is, and I'm usually very good. I never go down the junk food aisles, I'm just not interested. It's plain food I want to eat and too much of it, bread and potatoes. Just going through a bad spell at the minute. I know I've got to get a handle on it, no choice really. Stupid D. I used to like 'slimming' it's been my career since I was 12 but now I have to do it because of the D it's a whole different thing. I feel quite resentful. I just don't want to do it. :confused:
career of slimming :D:D see making me giggle again, good job we have good sense of humour with D
I like shopping though, food shopping that is, and I'm usually very good. I never go down the junk food aisles, I'm just not interested. It's plain food I want to eat and too much of it, bread and potatoes. Just going through a bad spell at the minute. I know I've got to get a handle on it, no choice really. Stupid D. I used to like 'slimming' it's been my career since I was 12 but now I have to do it because of the D it's a whole different thing. I feel quite resentful. I just don't want to do it. :confused:
Diabetes is no laughing matter and you have my full support Ditto - but don't give up, never give up - you never know things might change soon for you, take care hun x
B - 2 slices wholemeal toast, 20g cocoa and peanut butter and a cup of coffee, milk
D - wholemeal roll with roast beef and Dijon mustard and a nature valley protein peanut and chocolate bar
2:20ish - cup of coffee, milk
T - 1 and a half pork loin steaks, boiled jersey royals, pak choi, onion gravy and a nature valley salted caramel protein bar
Currently - cup of coffee, milk x
B - 2 slices wholemeal toast, 20g cocoa and peanut butter and a cup of coffee, milk
D - wholemeal roll with roast beef and Dijon mustard and a nature valley protein peanut and chocolate bar
2:20ish - cup of coffee, milk
T - 1 and a half pork loin steaks, boiled jersey royals, pak choi, onion gravy and a nature valley salted caramel protein bar
Currently - cup of coffee, milk x
My Postie didn't bring an invite today either Kaylz but no worries as I'm off my food anyway atm! x
Ditto incase it helps this is what i had today
Bacon /mushrooms in 2 smal slice wholemeal bread ,cherry toms and cucumber on the side,
2 cups of tea
5% fat Minced beef with onions /mushrooms/worc sauce with cauli/carrots/broc and peas
chopped fruit with muller light yog on top..........not had this yet will have about 8
drinks sugar free squash and water
My Postie didn't bring an invite today either Kaylz but no worries as I'm off my food anyway atm! x
Sh**e it was decided late last night like 9pm so I had no time to invite you! xx

Breakfast - scrambled egg with cheese melted in on 1 slice wholemeal toast

Lunch - 2 slices Cajun chicken on 2 slices wholemeal bread and a sliced tomato

Dinner - Chicken in cream peppercorn sauce (home made) with 1 tablespoon rice and a broccoli and cauliflower gratin, broccoli florets
Breakfast- 3 rashers of streaky bacon and 3 large mushrooms tea.
Lunch- x2 slices of Burgan small with cheese and onion water.
Tea- prawn in seafood dressing a large salad x3 large dates water.
Supper- Kallo rice cake.
Breakfast- 3 rashers of streaky bacon and 3 large mushrooms tea.
Lunch- x2 slices of Burgan small with cheese and onion water.
Tea- prawn in seafood dressing a large salad x3 large dates water.
Supper- Kallo rice cake.
We're your mushrooms as large as these double ones that I bought the other day?


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Hi everyone.
B 2 slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter and a large coffee.
L didn't eat
D mince, a few new potatoes, peas a Yakult and a zero Lilt
Water throughout the day.
Breakfast. 1/2 slice granary toast with peanut butter

Lunch. Other half

Dinner. Chicken breast with stir fry vegetables

No wine but masses of tea.

Btw. What is burger bread?
Burgen bread is a lower carb bread that has seeds in it, ive never tried it personally but a lot of people use it 🙂 x
Breakfast. 1/2 slice granary toast with peanut butter

Lunch. Other half

Dinner. Chicken breast with stir fry vegetables

No wine but masses of tea.

Btw. What is burger bread?
Just as Kaylz said above - a lot of us buy the soya & linseed bergen bread - it has just over 9g carbs per slice. I switched to it and won't eat any other type of bread now. Lovely toasted too with a poached egg on top x
Burgen bread disappeared briefly from Asda, where it had been £1 for a long time, and reappeared at £1.25. Other breads which may be all right in moderation are M&S German style rye bread, and M&S sour dough.
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