What did you eat yesterday?

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Maybe will have to think about it i am lucky if i eat breakfast at all only cause i am off work that eating breakfast.
A lot of us here don't eat breakfast either for our own reasons including myself. What we do is combine breakfast with lunch hence - Brunch. As you work shifts I think this idea would best suit you. You could then have a substantial carb free meal before you trot off to work that will see you through to your tea/dinner break ie. Baked, poached or grilled fish with any veggies that are not grown under the ground - or on the days you don't work you could make what has been suggested to you already. Alternatively choose from earlier posts menu's on this thread for ideas. Just trying to help you out here Donna - I realise this is all very daunting for you but you will gradually learn what food spikes your BG and what food doesn't. Just remember to test test and keep testing before and 2hrs post meals and if you're not sure, then do ask.Good luck x
It is hard as have to consider mom as a can't eat big meals has to be a little and often and certain veg due to the sickness it causes so its making meal planning very hard and i am not big meal eater any way dietitions i have seen in the past about my weight all say the same i don't eat enough so what i eat i store quickly that combined with over production of fat cells any way makes life hard. But i will get there keep reading info on here and picking things out that might help. Case of trying and testing and recording. Will not have any think to eat now till later maybe 6 ish as brunch was fine maybe chicken salad for tea but might struggle as breakfast tiggerd mom's sickness so find it hard to eat on my own.
Oh my dear Donna - you have so much to think about haven't you - not just with yourself but with your poorly mum too. Eating a meal when you don't feel like eating must be very difficult for you - and I do understand that eating alone isn't much fun either - I know because I eat alone all of the time other than the occasions my daughter invites me for a meal. When I do eat alone, then I switch on the TV so I don't feel alone when eating my meal. It's a psychialogical thing really but it does help me.

What we need to do is help you out with your diabetes. Yes you do need to see your DN so the earliest appointment you can make is for the better. Then you can discuss with her/him all your concerns in partucular the Slow Release Metformin and how you feel about taking it with regard to your bouts of IBS. I think I am correct in saying that it should be taken after meals. The only way is to try it to see if it affects your IBS. If after 2-4weeks you find it doesn't suit you, or you find you cant tolerate it then do please make an appointment to see your GP to discuss this and at the same time discuss your other health problems that you are anxious about. Maybe he would refer you to a Consultant regarding your IBS for instance.

Now should your GP withdraw the Metformin, then you really need to get a hold on your new dietary regime. It is paramount that you keep your bgls within the required & safe range. You need to manage your diabetes by eating foods that will not spike your bgls. I'm not sure if I have already recommended the book Carb and Cal Counter but I would suggest you buy it, it really is a fantastic guide.

I won't say any more atm because everything is so new to you and I don't want to overwhelm you more than you are already except that diabetes is manageable tho you may not believe it at present. So make those appointments and keep us updated, take care hun x
Have two cats that always want to share but just seems too much hassle to do a meal for one before i could always just have a sandwich or a couple of crackers but thats not really optain now. So its a case of getting to see dn said on recpection as i am newly diagnosed they do a course i could go on but has to be booked my they dn nurse.
Have two cats that always want to share but just seems too much hassle to do a meal for one before i could always just have a sandwich or a couple of crackers but thats not really optain now. So its a case of getting to see dn said on recpection as i am newly diagnosed they do a course i could go on but has to be booked my they dn nurse.
Good, let's hope your DN will arrange this for you during your appointment. I note you were given a lot of advice on your Newby thread - Feeling Confused - might be a good idea to go back there for a browse :D Any worries please come back to us on that thread, thanks Donna x
Have two cats that always want to share but just seems too much hassle to do a meal for one before i could always just have a sandwich or a couple of crackers but thats not really optain now. So its a case of getting to see dn said on recpection as i am newly diagnosed they do a course i could go on but has to be booked my they dn nurse.
Why don't you prepare some meals for the week over the weekend and store them in individual tubs in the freezer, then its just a case of pulling whatever you fancy out and giving it a heat up x
B - 2 slices wholemeal toast, 20g cocoa & peanut butter spread and a cup of coffee, milk
9:30ish - cup of coffee, milk
D - multiseed deli roll with cheese and pickle and a 25g bar moser roth 85%
2ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk
T - 1 and a half oven baked river cobbler fillet, 2 yorkies, 71g asparagus (shopper got the wrong size bundle so wasn't a full portion :(), wee dollop of mayo and a nature valley protein peanut and chocolate bar
After t - cup of coffee, milk x
Where is Ditto? i like reading her food and seeing how she has done with her weight and tummy , im too chicken to put my weight and tummy😱
@Ditto was last seen yesterday according to her profile, I know she sometimes has internet problems so could be experiencing that again, I'm hoping that's all it is anyway!! so @Ditto let us know your OK ASAP x
Thanks i missed her , as was alot of posts, which is not a bad thing, i like seeing what people eat :D
This is a great thread! Very informative. I haven't really been checking on my diabetes. Type 2 so don't need to test for blood sugars. But didn't realise just how careful you have to be with regards to your food choices. Am starting to take that seriously now and thinking that.

The mention of metformin. I take that once a day but am having difficulties swallowing it. Checked online and there doesn't appear to be any alternatives? Nor a smaller dose? Is there a way round this. Probably can't crunch it..?
Hi Lydia. There are smaller alternatives. I have Metabet slow release 500mg. Ask your GP if he would prescribe that instead. Much easier to get down!
Type 2 so don't need to test for blood sugars.
Lydia we wish! :D

It's nice to know I was missed. I like reading what people eat too, but what I've been eating lately you don't want to know! 😱 Digging my grave with my spoon isn't being too melodramatic I don't think. :( Here goes then...tell the truth and shame the devil.

Saturday 030617 Yesterday: 15stone 5.6pounds - 49
BG: 7.2 @ 5.33am
Pint Water & tsp Normacol
Pint Water
2 ex.lg.Eggs scrambled with a lot of butter (the French say everything tastes better with butter and they're right!)
Pint Water with Aspirin & meds
BG: 7.0 @ 11.31am
Pint Water.
Small can of Spaghetti on buttery toast (must stop buying those packs of 3 little tins from the PoundShop, too enticing!)
Snack: 1 white crust spread with Willow.
Snack: Plate of oven chips and 2 bread and butter (I was having a really stupid carby day with no idea why).
2 Waffles, 2 fried eggs and another small can of Spaghetti, 3 white toasts and butter 😱
Pint Water & Levothyroxine
BG: Went into double figures unless the meter was faulty! I've found if I don't put enough blood on the strip then it shows double figures.


Sunday 040617 15stone 2.6pounds - 49 I got on the digital scales twice then realised I'd been p-ing for England! I've never had that before. Didn't have any D symptoms before diagnosis. Weight up again next day.
BG: 7.0 @ 8.43am
Pint Water & tsp Normacol
Pint Water
I can't remember! Something piggy no doubt. Something on buttery toast.
Pint Water with Aspirin & meds
BG: 5.0 @ 2.23pm (after a couple of miles going shops)
Pint Water.
Aldi salad (with beetroot and carrot), Pkt sliced roast chicken, Mayo.
Pint Water & Levothyroxine
Doing great till Mum left a slice of buttery toast so I did another two to go with it. 😳
BG: Double figures again but I'm in denial...I must eschew the bread!
BG: 6.7 @ 11.30pm
B, 2 slices of wholemeal bread with butter and peanut butter, a very large mug of coffee.
L , 4 Sesame seed ryvitas 2 had a small slice of cheese, 1apple, 1 tangerine and a can of Lilt zero.
D. Roast beef, mushrooms, broccoli and peas with some ketchup
Before bed. A very large mug of coffee (it's decaf) 2 gingernuts
Water throughout the day
Thanks for the info, Lindarose. Metaformin 500mg, I take. Does metabet come in a smaller dosage than that or a smaller tablet? Checked online, but no information there....
This is a great thread! Very informative. I haven't really been checking on my diabetes. Type 2 so don't need to test for blood sugars. But didn't realise just how careful you have to be with regards to your food choices. Am starting to take that seriously now and thinking that.

The mention of metformin. I take that once a day but am having difficulties swallowing it. Checked online and there doesn't appear to be any alternatives? Nor a smaller dose? Is there a way round this. Probably can't crunch it..?
Lydia, may I ask why you think you don't need to test your blood sugar?!!
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