What did you eat yesterday?

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Each to there own but not for me. Got a question what about peppermint cordil as had a blip with ibs last night normaly have warm cordil for pain but not sure because high in sugar. Took my blood before getting out of bed this morning it was 2.6 is that good or bad? Busy day today as food shopping got to go to town first then morrisons and then asda!
2.6 is lower than you would expect to see if you are only taking metformin Donna. I would have retested if I saw a level like that - sometimes you get a duff test strip. What sort of level do you usually see on waking?

Have you tried peppermint tea instead of cordial? I often have it with a Sweetex in and tastes fine - also lemon and ginger tea is good for settling your stomach 🙂
Not too bad considering, when was it you ate? x
11 am i had breakfast so quite good my staring number on diagnoses was only 7 mom's freinds was 11 when they picked hers up so was lucky.
Wow x
I think it is good trying to get in to see the nurse nxt week as not keen to go up to 4 pills a day as going up to 2 has triggerd my ibs. Others say there is a slow relesse u can take more gentel so going to ask about that more shopping morrisons now x
Yes there is a slow release option available although I don't think it has triggered your IBS unfortunately it's just one of the side effects of the medication itself x
Yup I think the lowest I've found was all bran although it all depends on portion size, dorset cereals honey granola is quite low at 20g carbs per 45g serving but unfortunately it contains various nuts so not suitable in your case x
Was looking a cheerios they come in at 28g per 30g most musli contain nuts dorset plain fruit musil comes in at 31g per 45g.
Yes that's because of the fruit the honey granola doesn't contain fruit that's why its so much lower as it only contains oats, nuts and seeds x
Yes think maybe i could do ok with small portion if careful of carbs for rest of day. Just looked at perkier goji berry an cranberry quinoa bar 18g per bar is that too high for a snack
I only have it when really bad as helps settle it down. Blood sugar now 8.2 post meal.
Hey that's not bad considering you ate baked beans, tomatoes and sugar in your coffee. But can you switch to sweeteners instead of adding sugar to your coffee or tea drinks? This will contribute to your bgl to stay low. @Northerner has given you very sound advice and I also @Kaylz re: sugar content in baked beans & tomatoes.
I was prescribed Sukkarto SR (Slow Release) after having Glucophage Metformin withdrawn because i couldn't tolerate it - adverse reaction - upset tummy & pains. The side effects are fairly common with some forum members so you are not alone there Donna.
Just wondering - we're you not advised to take meberine no less than 20mins before meals 3 x daily on a regular basis - as opposed to you taking it only when you experience pain?
Thanks for staying in touch Donna, take care x
All cereals contain carbs Donna - you would be best switching to eggs for breakfast ie. scrambled, poached, boiled, fried, poached or as an omelette. You can have bacon & mushroom omelette, this wouldn't impact your bgl. Have you looked at the thread 'What did you eat yesterday?' You'll see what others are eating there and you'd be pleasantly surprised🙂 Well actually you are in that thread 🙄! Just go back several posts!!
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Have you looked at the thread 'What did you eat yesterday?' You'll see what others are eating there and you'd be pleasantly surprised🙂 x
Duh lol what thread are we posting on?!! sorry I couldn't resist 😛 x
Yes think maybe i could do ok with small portion if careful of carbs for rest of day. Just looked at perkier goji berry an cranberry quinoa bar 18g per bar is that too high for a snack
in my opinion yes far too high as a snack x
The trouble with breakfast is that when i am at work don't finish till 10.30 pm so usally midnight before i go to bed after unwinding and helping my mom into bed so usally 11am plus before breakfast and then main meal before work usally 1.30 as have to be there for 2.30pm then don't get tea till gone 7 depending on what time my person had breakfast. So cerals are lighter.
Thought so i did not buy them. Brought some plain sunflower and sesame seeds insted and going to dust with smoked paprika and turmeric see what thats like to eat
But the problem with cereals is the high carb and sugar content then the same for the amount of milk you add to it, a 30g portion of cereal really isn't much when you see it so cutting the size of the portion means there will barely be anything, eggs are light, omeltte's are a fantastic option as WL mentioned, why not try yoghurt and berries or something along those lines x
Maybe will have to think about it i am lucky if i eat breakfast at all only cause i am off work that eating breakfast.
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