What did you eat yesterday?

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Ditto, i like seeing your measurements and seeing what you have eaten , plus you make me giggle x
I'm wondering about that too WL. Sounds like some half baked advice Lydia has received somewhere! 🙄
Here we go again 🙄 Maybe Lydia was told she doesn't need test strips? Hence *no need to test blood sugars*?!
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My doctor told me my diabetes type 2 is under good control and so I don't need test strips. I get a blood test for diabetes type 2 once a year and it is within range, which the GP always says is normal.

Was this bad advice? Do I need to test? I do feel quite tired and foggy in my head most of the time and it takes me a while to be alert on awakening...
Thanks for the info, Lindarose. Metaformin 500mg, I take. Does metabet come in a smaller dosage than that or a smaller tablet? Checked online, but no information there....
Hi Lydia. If you Google Drugs.com it will tell you about Metabet SR prolonged release tablets. Metabet SR is used for the treatment of Type2 (non insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus particularly in overweight patients.
Take special care with Metabet SR. If you have diabetes you should have your blood or urine tested regularly for sugar.

There are other sites, just Google Metabet SR.
My doctor told me my diabetes type 2 is under good control and so I don't need test strips. I get a blood test for diabetes type 2 once a year and it is within range, which the GP always says is normal.

Was this bad advice? Do I need to test? I do feel quite tired and foggy in my head most of the time and it takes me a while to be alert on awakening...
Hi again Lydia. I don't know if other members will agree with me, but I don't know of anyone on this forum who doesn't test their blood glucose levels (bgls) on a regular daily basis - sometimes some of us will test up to 6+ times per day. Personally I wouldn't be too happy to rely on just one annual blood test to test my bgl, but this is just my opinion. We test our waking levels - pre meals & 2hrs post meals.
Of course there may be (is) an absolutely obvious reason for you not being prescribed a meter kit with TEST STRIPS - and that is the COST to the NHS -which is an on going discussion on the forum.
@Bubbsie is very knowledgeable on this topic and should she read this post I'm sure she will add further.
WL x
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Thanks for the info, Lindarose. Metaformin 500mg, I take. Does metabet come in a smaller dosage than that or a smaller tablet? Checked online, but no information there....
Hi Lydia. Sorry only just seen this. As WL says you can google Metabet SR and also get a google image to see the size. It's same strength as metformin 500 but in a smaller tablet. Much easier to swallow.
That's the assumption I was under. That your blood glucose should be regularly tested. How do I get my local surgery to equip me with a meter kit with test strips? When I asked they refused?

And having regular blood tests. Again I requested this, was having them done every 3 months, but was told I had good control over by diabetes type 2, so didn't need them so frequently. Are they telling me falsehoods and, if so, how do I get around this?
Hi Lydia. Sorry only just seen this. As WL says you can google Metabet SR and also get a google image to see the size. It's same strength as metformin 500 but in a smaller tablet. Much easier to swallow.
I break tablets in half if I'm unable to swallow them whole x
Would breaking metformin in half to swallow be better than transferring to metabet SR? Been checking it online and a bit worried by its side effects..
I think you may be wise to check with pharmacist as I don't think slow release should be halved. But you may find you don't need to halve Metabet SR as they are considerably smaller. Some people have side effects usually gastric type problems but I'm fortunate as never have.
My doctor told me my diabetes type 2 is under good control and so I don't need test strips. I get a blood test for diabetes type 2 once a year and it is within range, which the GP always says is normal.

Was this bad advice? Do I need to test? I do feel quite tired and foggy in my head most of the time and it takes me a while to be alert on awakening...

Lydia, as a matter of interest, do you know what your last Hba1c test result was?

Many surgeries will not prescribe a meter and testing strips to what they believe are well controlled type 2 diabetics. Sometimes the definition of 'well controlled' can be very permissive. My GP told me he wouldn't be too unhappy if I stayed at 52. Well I might be happy to stay at 52 in years but certainly not Hb results!

My last Hba1c was 40 incidentally.

If you've been managing and happy with the annual test and haven't described any ongoing issues to your GP, I suspect you might have one hell of a battle persuading him to prescribe regular testing strips. However, it's worth a try if you feel it would benefit your control and health. Use that link wirralass posted advising regular testing whilst on metabet medication.

Would you be happier if you were able to test at home regularly?
Would breaking metformin in half to swallow be better than transferring to metabet SR? Been checking it online and a bit worried by its side effects..
Im sorry lydia, I wasnt too clear - I wasn't suggesting that you break your tabs in half - I was merely referring to my own medication. As Lindarose said, best speak with your Pharmacist - that's your safest bet for the time being, listen and take it from there - then perhaps see your GP.

Oh, and my last HbA1c was 42. x
My last HbA1c test result, on the 18th May 2017, was 38mmol/mol, within range 20-41mmol/L. Normal, no action. IFCC standardised.

I have been experiencing quite a few symptoms that the doctors have been just waving away. Extreme tiredness, pressure headaches, fogginess, extreme lethargy, very drowsy. Wondering now if this might be related to hypos and hypers? Being tested for hypothyroidism today, so could be a factor.

Yes, indeed, now I can see how important it is to test for your sugar glocose, I think it wise to do this. Are there any meters, test strips you can recommend? I know that some aren't recognised by the NHS, so not to buy those, but not sure which one to buy? Which one is the more cost effective, regarding test strips? Read about freestyle liber flash glucose monitoring system. Anyone tried that? Is it cost effective compared with having to buy test strips regularly..
I recognise the symptoms you describe Lydia and the reasons why you're being tested for hypothyroidism >under active thyroid as I suffer with this condition. But there are other symptoms you havent mentioned that are also related to hypothroidism:- weight gain; dry skin; decreased sweating; too much or too little iodine in the diet; or pituitary disease + more. However, I am not medically proficient to diagnose your symptoms & I wish you well as regards to your blood tests. Please do keep us updated.

As for meters, the Codefree meter is used by many here mainly because the test strips are about the cheapest that can be bought, I think about £5 - £8 for 50 strips which is reasonable compared to other makes. I'm sorry I dont know the cost of the meter tho. Diabetes.UK have offers for free meters but the cost of test strips is more than the Codefree but not that much more by my own observations. I was issued with a Contour TS meter kit when I was dx (diagnosed) and have a monthly prescription for test strips and I reckon the accuracy of the meter is pretty good. I'm sorry I can't help you as to the freestyle flash glucose system but someone else will come along and advise you. Take care x
My last HbA1c test result, on the 18th May 2017, was 38mmol/mol, within range 20-41mmol/L. Normal, no action. IFCC standardised.

I have been experiencing quite a few symptoms that the doctors have been just waving away. Extreme tiredness, pressure headaches, fogginess, extreme lethargy, very drowsy. Wondering now if this might be related to hypos and hypers? Being tested for hypothyroidism today, so could be a factor.

Yes, indeed, now I can see how important it is to test for your sugar glocose, I think it wise to do this. Are there any meters, test strips you can recommend? I know that some aren't recognised by the NHS, so not to buy those, but not sure which one to buy? Which one is the more cost effective, regarding test strips? Read about freestyle liber flash glucose monitoring system. Anyone tried that? Is it cost effective compared with having to buy test strips regularly..
Lydia...missed your initial post been so busy working...if you are intending to self fund your own meter & testing strips the most economical one is the SD codefree meter...you can buy the whole kit for around £12.99...you will get the meter...plus a small sample of strips & lancets...all contained in a carry case...since you only get a sample of Lancets & strips...I would suggest you also buy additional strips/lancets at the same time...these are around £7.99 for 50 strips...a similar price for the lancets...I'm off to work again shortly...however...will look through your posts when I have time...if I can make any suggestions...I will get back to you...the codefree meter is fine...does the job & is easy to use...I used it for none months prior to having my strips/meter supplied on prescription.
Hi all
Breakfast- poached egg on small slice of Burgen bread with butter and a cup of tea.
Lunch- x2 hard boiled eggs and 100grams Vittoria tomatoes strawberries and carte Dor light ice cream.water.
Tea- prawns in seafood dressing on a large salad. Total 0% yogurt with teaspoon of honey.
Supper- Kallo rice cake.
All about 1000 cals and 25 grams carbs.
Hi everyone
B was real hungry 3 slices wholemeal bread and peanut butter and a a large coffee.
L. 4 Ryvita's 2 with a small slice of cheese, apple , tangerine and a can of Lilt zero
D was naughty , A steak and ale pie, peas a couple of new potatoes and a Yakult.
Before bed , A large coffee and a slice of wholemeal bread with peanut butter.
Water throughout the day.
I seem to be on a bread, peanut butter and Ryvita's kick atm lol.
A bad day yesterday food wise but no one to blame but myself.

Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice wholemeal toast

Lunch (cafe) - huge all day breakfast which was much bigger than advertised and a latte

No dinner but later on in the evening 2 small chicken kebabs with a sour cream dip and a protein bar

Made the mistake of having a toasted teacake at 10pm which pushed up my waking levels 🙄

Today is another day....
plus you make me giggle x

Monday 050617 15stone 4.2pounds - 49
BG: 6.6 @ 5.14am (a rotten fly landed on my arm and woke me up, it was so hot we had the window open, agh I hate buzzies)
Pint Water & teaspoon of Normacol fibre
@ 6ish: 2 buttered white bread toasted, 2 rashers bacon, 1 squirt ketchup 😱 (I never have sauce, so why did I?)
Pint Water with Aspirin & Amlopodine and that other high blood pressure med, (found some in my bag)
BG: 7.9 @ 10.15am
Pint Water.
Lunch: Aldi Salad Bowl with Mayo, lg can Tinned Salmon with Mayo.
BG: 7.2 @ 3.52pm
@ 4ish: 2 buttered white bread toasted, 2 rashers bacon.
Pint Water.
BG: 7.7 @ 5.20pm
@ 8ish: 2 buttered white bread toasted, 1 fried egg, 1 Birds Eye waffle, Garden Peas with mayo
Pint Water (ran out of meds!)

Monday 050617 15stone 4.2pounds - 49
BG: 6.6 @ 5.14am (a rotten fly landed on my arm and woke me up, it was so hot we had the window open, agh I hate buzzies)
Pint Water & teaspoon of Normacol fibre
@ 6ish: 2 buttered white bread toasted, 2 rashers bacon, 1 squirt ketchup 😱 (I never have sauce, so why did I?)
Pint Water with Aspirin & Amlopodine and that other high blood pressure med, (found some in my bag)
BG: 7.9 @ 10.15am
Pint Water.
Lunch: Aldi Salad Bowl with Mayo, lg can Tinned Salmon with Mayo.
BG: 7.2 @ 3.52pm
@ 4ish: 2 buttered white bread toasted, 2 rashers bacon.
Pint Water.
BG: 7.7 @ 5.20pm
@ 8ish: 2 buttered white bread toasted, 1 fried egg, 1 Birds Eye waffle, Garden Peas with mayo
Pint Water (ran out of meds!)
Thought you was giving up bread:D:D:D:D
Does your medication not go auto on repeat? i have mine on repeat, goes directly to boots they text me when ready, (you can choose what pharmacy is nearest you if they do the service)
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