What did you eat yesterday?

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Yesterday 03.05.2017

200mls warm boiled water
B. Nil
Brunch: 2 boiled eggs
Mug of coffee with KoKo alternative to milk + 2 Truvia sweeteners
Late evening meal: 200mls water Mackeral in tomato sauce on one slice toasted S&L bergen
Fat free yogurt, raspberries & Alpen banoffee bar
Cup decaff tea with KoKo alternative to milk + sweeteners
200mls water before bed

A further 400ml water throughout the day
Regular daily meds

My your up early @wirralass
B coffee and cream
L eggs and on a roll
D chilli which will be reviewed as it spiked me???? Must remember to check labels and the back of tins before husband makes things lol!!!!
2 litres of water.

B:Weetabix, Semi Skimmed
D: Subway Herb & Cheese Roll with BMT and salad, they had run out of salad bowls, side of smoked salmon and some blue cheese. Tested before and 1hr & 2hrs after the Sub, before 5.0, 1hr 9.6 & 2hr 6.0. Not bad but not happy, would rather had a salad being stuck in a hotel.

2ltrs of water during the day


B: Weetabix, semi skimmed and about 100grms of satsumas (pushing the boat out)
L: Eat Natural Yoghurt bar
D: Salad with Roasted chicken breast, Anchovies, Mozzarella & Octopus
2.5ltrs of water during the day

B:Weetabix, Semi Skimmed
D: Subway Herb & Cheese Roll with BMT and salad, they had run out of salad bowls, side of smoked salmon and some blue cheese. Tested before and 1hr & 2hrs after the Sub, before 5.0, 1hr 9.6 & 2hr 6.0. Not bad but not happy, would rather had a salad being stuck in a hotel.

2ltrs of water during the day


B: Weetabix, semi skimmed and about 100grms of satsumas (pushing the boat out)
L: Eat Natural Yoghurt bar
D: Salad with Roasted chicken breast, Anchovies, Mozzarella & Octopus
2.5ltrs of water during the day
Please dont take this the wrong way A but I'm so glad I'm not on my own with a high bgl today - you might have seen my earlier post 9.4😱 I mean 9.4 😱 where the heck did that come from? I only had 2 slices of bergen toast & Mackeral - I'm over it now but twas a shock:( Hope you have better numbers tomorrow :D x
B coffee and cream
L bacon and eggs with a protein roll
D pesto chicken with broccoli rice and some dark chocolate for afters
Supper franks diabetic ice cream I had about 30g of it as it's sickly sweet and some strawberries
Drank about 3 litres of water as it's been warm in Ayrshire the now

B - 2x Aberdeen Angus ( Tesco ) sausages on a slice of Burgen bread.
L - Bowl of onion, celery and kale soup with a slice of Burgen with roasted cheese.
D - Pan fried fillet of haddock with celeriac mash and roasted vegetables ( shallots, red pepper, celery and mushroom.

A good consistent day - FBG - 5.7 : Pre dinner - 4.9 and 5.5 2hrs. later.
@Browser how was the mash and what is the taste thanks
B coffee and cream
L fried eggs on a roll and a mocha
D chicken kebabs, profiteroles 2 of they where teeny but damn good (son made them at college)
S eclair and dark chocolate.
3 litres of water.
@Browser how was the mash and what is the taste thanks
B coffee and cream
L fried eggs on a roll and a mocha
D chicken kebabs, profiteroles 2 of they where teeny but damn good (son made them at college)
S eclair and dark chocolate.
3 litres of water.

The celeriac mash with plenty of butter has the same consistency as potato and the taste is not the strong celery type you might expect. I think it's a very good substitute.
I quite like celeriac and like the taste of celery anyway - we buy shedloads of tinned celery hearts when they are available in French supermarkets because we adore them as a normal vegetable with cooked meals - however I don't like it very much 'raw' - such a lot of it in the shops now, is 'stringy' flavoured water which I don't find at all pleasant to eat. (and having a denture doesn't exactly assist LOL)

I can beat 9.4 - over 11 here this morning since my innards objected to our tea last night and I spent a couple of hours yawning into the white telephone in a cold sweat with violent belly ache. Evidently the carbs penetrated better than anything else so that was lucky - you do always have to look for the upside in the down moments, don't you!

Have eaten the meal loads of times before and not had the prob, and my husband was perfectly OK after eating exactly the same thing - so I have no idea which bit of it I couldn't cope with yesterday. (Pork, peppers, onions, mushrooms, cream, basmati rice, strawberries, ice cream)
I shall be trying to see as I don't think I've ever had celeriac.
B coffee and cream
L pesto chicken with a protein roll
D sausage and steak stew with loads of veg, some dark chocolate for afters
Yesterday: 15stone 7.0pounds - tum 50
No strips to measure BG.
Bottle water
2 Poached Eggs, Mushrooms, Tomato.
Pt Aspirin water, meds
2 Bottles Water throughout the day.
Can Sardines in tomato sauce, 14 Brussels sprouts
Bottle Water and a Levothyroxine
I told my daughter what I'd had for dinner and for some reason she laughed her socks off. 🙂
Yesterday 07.05.2017

200mls warm boiled water
B. Cup of tea
L. No appetite but drank 200mls water
Evening meal
200mls water before meal
Smoked cod - steambag of mixed veggies - 1 baby new potato
1 small mandarin & 2 tablespoons low fat custard + 1 garlic capsule
Cup coffee

Snack: 9pm Salted caramel nut protein bar
200mls warm boiled water before bed
Daily meds

Is that the Nature Valley ones? be careful they are very addictive 😉 lol x
Yes - and I am learning that😛 I also stock:-
Alpen Light Banoffee bar 10g carbs of which are 3.2g sugars
Alpen Light chocolate & fudge bar 10g carbs of which 4.0g sugars
Alpen Light Jaffa Cake bar 11g carbs of which 3.6g sugars
All very lubly jubly! :D x
Yes - and I am learning that😛 I also stock:-
Alpen Light Banoffee bar 10g carbs of which are 3.2g sugars
Alpen Light chocolate & fudge bar 10g carbs of which 4.0g sugars
Alpen Light Jaffa Cake bar 11g carbs of which 3.6g sugars
All very lubly jubly! :D x
I have in stock
Nature Valley Protein Salted Caramel Nut
Nature Valley Protein Peanut & Chocolate
Nature Valley Popcorn Caramel, Almond & Pretzel
They are delicious 🙂 x
B coffee and cream
L pesto chicken
D Jacobean and veg
Load of water
We were in Las Vegas so, as the saying goes "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".... Unfortunately my bowels didn't get the memo.....

B - Value Skillet (2 eggs fried over-easy, 2 rashers of bacon & hash browns)
L - All you can eat Indian Buffet (no rice though)

FBG this morning 5.2 so I'm OK with having indulged a little
B - 45g honey granola, 110g skyr mixed with honey and a cup of coffee, milk
9:30ish - cup of coffee, milk
D - multiseed deli roll with cheese and pickle and a 25g bar of moser roth 85%
2ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk
T - parmesan chicken breast fillet, 2 yorkies, 120g broccoli, salad cream and a nature valley protein salted caramel nut bar
Currently - cup of coffee, milk x
We were in Las Vegas so, as the saying goes "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".... Unfortunately my bowels didn't get the memo.....

B - Value Skillet (2 eggs fried over-easy, 2 rashers of bacon & hash browns)
L - All you can eat Indian Buffet (no rice though)

FBG this morning 5.2 so I'm OK with having indulged a little
Congratulations on your House Special Martin and hope the lower region is behaving now🙄:confused: Hope u r ok over there, take care x
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